Wednesday 28 June 2006

The Excitement Juz Keep on Comin!!

I'm seriously overwhelmed by Excitement!!! WOOhhOoooHHhoooo....i'm goin loco bananas people! Juz tis mornin i checked my email..and i went

Subject: Kaeshi heading to Singapore July 1st and July 2nd

Hello Wonderful Dancers,


I'm heading to Singapore in a few short hours to perform at an upcoming wedding this weekend.

I will also be teaching 2 workshops on July 1st and 2nd organized by Samra El Said.

Please check out her web site for more information.


Hope to see your smiling faces soon, looking forward to it,


Kaeshi :-)
Kaeshi Chai
Ph 917-679-8772
Fax 212-504-9551



Ok it's not like u guys noe Kaeshi, but if u had read my entry sometime last year...i totally enjoyed her dance workshops and now she's BACK on MY BIRTHDAY WEEK END!! OMG!!!!

drum solo & balancin workshops....sounds AWESOME!! so i'm goin BROKE tis July with all these bellydancin That does not sound too awesome....but hell, YALLA YALLA!!!!!


*ZAGHAREEEEEEET* lalalalallalalalalalalla~~~~



  1. You're one LUCKY ladey...Just your LUCK!

  2. "Just your LUCK" doesn't sound good..Everything's for the Birthday Gal!!!

  3. haiyoooooo.... i can just imagine madame jumping around deliriously, like hammy in OVER THE HEDGE after sugar surge~! LoL

  4. Hee Wiwi....juz my luck is not good enuff? U betcha..tis is juz tooo lucky!!
    HAMMY me?!!!
    Yes yes i haven't even been eatin much choclit lately uuuu!!

  5. Hehe..and u'll eat bananas for dinner tonight :)

  6. Happy "burstday" dearie sis....May Allah grant all your doas and may happiness always be with you.... :)
