Saturday 1 March 2008

MARCHin on...

How quickly time passes...we are into the 1st quarter of 2008! Hoho! I haven't done much writings and am pretty much occupied with juggling work, weddings, class n perhaps catchin up with a certain few. heh.

So juz a quick update before I scoot to the Wise Up to Money seminar...February's been quite eventful... a certain news was blurted out to me, that made me wanna shake-up my priorities and get off tis slack track. After the missed opportunities of workin for both the Stem Cells lab & Creative Kids, i decided to reverse the buggings of workin full-time in my current company with my manager. so instead of my manager buggin me to convert, i decided to bug her to quickly employ me! hah yes, after a few negotiations...hurhur...yes lah, i'm back workin full-time at this very same company, contributin my verve to churnin out more HIV and other infectious disease diagnostic kits...with a way better pay tho i missed out last year's AWS and performance bonus! hehehe nvr mind...Alhamdulillah!! i noe, it's not somethin that i fancy, not even my dream job but hey, with a reasonable pay tis time to keep me motivated and after weighin out the pros n cons, i say...Just Do It man *thanx Ned, Dee & Mesye for ur lil advices*! things are lookin up anyway over here, production volume is multiplyin n week end's been fbusy with OT! OT! so yes i guess, things are settlin in...but no more 4 day work and lil week day rendezvous or photoshoots with mesye...oh well, for a greater good, we shall grit our teeth n bear with it!!

and good news too abt my mum...her biopsy results came out as negative for breast phewww another Alhamdulillah and great relief for me as well!

fitness wise...i have braved myself to sign up for weekly runs ard Science Park...3km for a 2 weeks, hee i've even gotten myself new shoes!! gotta work on my physiques again man, lil wonder why i've put on extra flabs ard my tummy n arm and sufferin from knee pains etc*blame it all on those yummy food!*. sheesh only 26, and becomin like an old hag already..pain here, pain there...ache here, ache there..tired ever so easily! gotta do somethin before my sedentary lifestyle consumes me...completely!

so hee..if u dun hear from me much in March, excuse me while i go thru a lil revampin in my Life department!

cheers my dears and have a great start to March too!



  1. Alhamdullilah...Go mesye go!
    But hope not too much revamping eh!

  2. Congrats on the new job
    Alhamdullilah for your mum
    Good luck on your runs and revampin'!!!

  3. alhamdulillah good news for ur mum...
    pssst...blom gi tgk emil tau...foster parent gi India...

  4. Glad that your mom's result is negative....
    May u hv a blissful month of March... :)

  5. Hope you will enjoy your job more than you think.Have a great March beautiful...x

  6. so the run is on fridays ah? which route ah? i shalll carry inspirational banner by the road side...keke
    so u joining 8th June run?

  7. iyuan: hehe i'll fit u in :b
    princessdyanne: thank u thank u thank u :)
    prodigic: hai'!
    glitterluxe: ohh patutlah senyap je..heee...abih bila? bila? end of march??
    hayabusababe: yeah thanx babe! hope it'd be a blissful month for u too and that u r recoverin well from ur injuries!
    nebride: i hope so too! psst...i manage to squeeze in some time to catch...Javier & the lady u dressed!! *wink wink* Viva La Revolution!
    deesdaily: u gila! no banners! as for the passion i mentioned y'day..gotta KIV, lemme see how i'll progress from tis 3km ones. hee

  8. hopefully end of march...then we can march on again..heheh

  9. ahh good news for mak uda..alhamdulilah..n cuzzin y dun u come over to east coast n we jog together?? heheheheheh!

  10. haha..liza will drive u home after tt -winkz-

  11. hehehe...he's so cute!2nd degree link to him still makes me happy :)

  12. glitterluxe: woots okie!!
    boneeta: eh boleh boleh...but u must do as what dee suggested..hehehhe
    nebride: teehee...good good..who noes u might juz dress him next ;) *pray hard*

  13. Alhamdulillah... I glad to hear all those good news, cuz! =D
    And yeah... May March be a good one for all of us!

  14. funny comment re ache here and ache there. i thot me the only one at our tender young age. lol. so gd to hear all that. the knees creaky thing definitely goes away dramatically upon weight reduction so that's one piece of gd news! and the truth is we are all not moving enuf at all and being computer bound is way no gd. try downloading this free program that reminds u to stretch every 30 or 60 mins ( u can set the time ) tis called Ergocise. on days, i manage to wake up at 6am and do my yoga, the whole day just feels and looks so much brighter for me. and u know the mind ur body which had the article on tantric sex, it also had a great article on meditation!! I was so glad for it for i discovered for the 1st time ACTIVE MEDITATION!! sounds very good cos they prepare the body first ( stretch and move till the cells tingle and feel alive aka no more ache nor pain, jst feel gd ) and then we can quieten the mind and truly meditate and think simply about nothing.

  15. Alhamdulillah... nothing like a little life tweak to start u off on a great month!

  16. bingo! i was an "energiser bunny" before, till things go downhill for me some time back...never got back into the swing of things till only recently. and true to what u have mention and what i have observed, the more sedentary i am, the more aches & lazy i have become. have difficulty tryin to get myself out of the rut or even find discipline but slowly i'm marchin on...hopefully, to better, funkier days ahead! thanx for the Ergocise recommendation, will check it out soon.

    anyways, good that u found somethin to calm urself and find inner peace...happy meditating!
