Saturday, 4 February 2006

Jolly January Swingin Saturdays!

7th Jan: Class BBQ@Aloha Loyang (photos in Bachelorette of Science album))

14th Jan: Mel's Hen Party@CONRAD

21st Jan: Alhambra Hafla@Raffles Town Club

28th Jan: Date with Bf@.......

Tis album highlights the Hen Party & Alhambra Hafla. i had such Crazy gurlie time!! Wheeeee~


  1. Hmmm... sweet... attractive... mysterious... teasing... tricky looking! And maybe... promising? :-)

  2. oooooooooooooh hoooooooooo!!! lovely....soak me in pls pls pls

  3. puertorafti: Perhaps perhaps perhaps ;)

    shasya & cherryblack: ohoho u gurls! go on book a hotel suite, i'll get ur flower bath ready!!

  4. Yay! :D I got a buddy to spa wif now, weeee :D

  5. Its a fun drink.. how was it?

  6. read the photo description mr fyz, and u noe me ;)

  7. Ouh hahahaha...
    Anyways that flower bath thingy... well reminds me of my flower bath in Bali... I felt so.. PURE!! Hahahaha

  8. yah the gay guys all into one tub! i'd so wanna see that! haha...

    i want flower bath toooooo!

  9. i also want flower bath....ekekeke

  10. wahhh flower baths in demand eh?? maybe i should open flower bath business on top of bellydance class eh?? ahahaha

  11. if u were to do that, spa comes in before flower bath per! Hahaha..

  12. actually i have always been toyin with the idea of havin a spa of my own or maybe with a family member, my older cuzzin attended a spa course and he does freelance massages, i even went to check out the SPAcademy a couple of years back for prospects...but my mum insisted that i should focus and get my degree in Biotechnology. plus as always, finance is always a major factor. i am still stuck in my lab coat, makin diagnostic kits and strugglin wif stupid Chemistry!

  13. tks for da piccies again sista..;) look forward to our lancing sessions soonn .;)

  14. hey follow ur dream... i used to own a mobile spa... in fact company still exists only thing aint too active.. its called... JAVA MOVEMENT... im movin on to my next project now... sumthin online...sssshhhhh

  15. hey hey supi... why not make use of your chemy knowledge and go mix up your own dose of oils and stuff in your spa! heh...

    and i dun mind flower bathing after belly dancing... i'm sure we'll all be hyped up during the class so after class muz relax and stop to smell the flowers. heheh

  16. actually i worked in an aromatherapy n candle shop before and uh no need to learn chemistry also can blend oils!!

    oh u gurls, make me all excited again but sorry lah, now's not the right time. maybe it'll manifests in the future, insya Allah.

    hey hot mama, apa je project are u up to ah??

  17. Mobile Spa is a gd idea just that I think in order to be successful, u need lots and lots of advertisement. Not to forget the inadequate equipments to facilitate the actual thing, eg no massage table or no bath tub.

    Yeah beb, u can always try on Raf as a guinea pig. Hahaha

  18. me??? haha.... free spa eh? why not... grinz...

  19. Doa banyak2 for me to get kaya ke, sponsor ke...Insya Allah u will be rewarded with free spa sessions (as guinea pig) in future. Amiin :)

  20. yupz... logistics u need... and u have to be very creative and versatile in business.. next project is an online business thingy la... still exploring.. and another project akan datang.. in KL hopefully.. insyaallah...

  21. ooo...okie, all the best for ur ventures!! thanx for e tip :)

  22. hehe nice pictures....wats with the btl of bailey...???

  23. emmm for drinking?
    but i had a good dose of sparkling grape juice instead. haha!
