Monday, 30 January 2006

Dawn of a New Year, 1427H

Today is the 2nd day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, year of the Dog. To all my Chinese friends,

Gong Xi Fa Cai,

Wan Shi Ru Yi,

Nian nian You Yu!


It is also the Eve of the Muslim New Year, we are ushering in 1427 Hijrah. It has been 1427 years since Prophet Muhammad saw escaped Mecca to build a new life in Medina. Such significant move is fit to be marked as a New Year, A New Beginning.

Hijrah means Migration, it could literally mean, moving from one place to another OR it could also mean movin from one state to another (eg. from ignorance to knowledgeable, from sinful to faithful). What is so special abt tis migration? Let me enlighten u with a lil history, in my own words (if there is discrepancy, pls point out. i'm diggin the story from my memory embedded years ago by my teachers. hope it is pretty accurate. insya Allah.)

1427 years ago, the people who embraced the teachings of Prophet Muhammad saw was at the mercy of Arab tribes (Quraisy) who were against the religion. They tried all means and ways to stop the truth that Muhammad brought by endlessly torturing the followers as well as assasination attempts of the Prophet himself. But the followers resisted and had so much faith in God that they were more than willing to be punished,humiliated and tortured all in the name of bein faithful to their Lord, God. Then came a revelation for the Muslims back then to move away from Mecca discreetly to escape further human violations against them. Some escaped to Africa, while some escaped to Medina.

On tis very fateful day, God instructed that the Prophet too to move out from Mecca. He was to go to Medina. And on tis very day too, his house was surronded by assassinators, all waitin to kill him the moment he step out of his house, but by God's will, the Prophet was able to sneak out of the house after he recited some Quranic verses and threw sand at the Quraisy assasinators, they all became unconscious for awhile. While he and his best bud, Saiyidina Abu Bakar ra escaped, Saiyidina Ali ra, his nephew, slept on his bed, covered under his blanket. When the assasinators grew impatient, they ambushed his house only to find the young Ali.

They were furious and soon were chasin them on their horsies. A second miraculous escape of the Prophet and his buddy was when they were hidin in a cave called Tsur. His enemies were not able to detect them hidin inside because a spider has sealed the entrance to the cave with its web. To them, it was impossible for Muhammad to enter the cave without causin damage to the web. Had they looked harder, they would have seen the two companions. Abu Bakar got really really nervous, but the Prophet had so much faith in God, he reminded Abu Bakar..."Be not afraid, God is with us"

Once the path was clear, the two companions made their way safely to their new homeland, Medina, and was welcomed with open arms and peace!

Tis is no legend or make-up feel good story, it happened in history and we, followers of his teachings or not, can learn a thing or two abt God, the Prophet and some morals that comes with the event.

Hijrah teaches us abt the will of God (He creates Miracles, and He determines everything), and that whoever is fighting or struggling to uphold his faith in God, will beget help and mercy from his Lord. If God did not create miracles for His beloved Prophet, Muhammad saw would have died wayyy sooner. Hijrah also teaches us not lose our heads or freak out in times of troubles, instead we have to remain strong and think positively and pray to God for His help. It also teaches us that somehow, movin away from a current state is good. Look at how Islam flourish in Medina after the Hijrah(emmms read up abt it sometime)...Subhanallah.

So here we are, enterin 1427...i hope we will have a lil hijrah ourselves in one way or another. May our iman(faiths) in God be strengthened, may the Nur(light) of Islam shines brightly to guide us all in the right path, may we all be a more responsible, peace-lovin, successful & excellent practisin Muslim, contributin to the society and the World! Insya Allah!! Blessed u be, brothers and sisters! Allahu Akbar!!

Happy Awal Muharram!



  1. I wish you and everybody a very happy New Year!
    May love always warm your heart and lead your actions, and may you enjoy the sweet fruits of such an attitude!

  2. Thank you Andreas!
    May u be blessed with the same too, my wonderful friend!

  3. Selamat menyambut awal Muharram 1427..: )

  4. Ya Supi.. Hope this yr is full of blessings for ya!

  5. May all acquaintances be forgot and never brought to ..... hehehe

  6. Asal iyuan tak nyanyi the full auld lang syne? Tsk. haha
    Happy Awal Muharram to u to Madame.

  7. hahah! and i wonder why there ain't party poppers to usher in the new year?! hmm

    macam-macam ah korang! Happy Awal Muharram to u too!

  8. hey soph... selamat tahun baru.... nice modern touch.. macam bleh buat film! :) gna link this link from my link..kay?

  9. Salam Awal Muharram buat semua :)

  10. emi: hey ya emi! happy new year! thanx for ur comments, i'm juz sharin the significance of Hijrah to those who doesn't noe or who have forgotten abt it. ni summary, buat short-film boleh ah. haha! sure u can link ur link to my link...goshhh linky linky nya!

    Salam Maal Hijrah & Awal Muharram to the rest of u gurls too!!
