Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Touched by Sweet Love & Affection

Tis entry ain't abt romantic dinners, or flowers & choclits of Valentines Day nor is it abt the coolest hot couple themselves (ehem Bf & i lah, duh!) , too bad  


Well, yesterday while i was having my tea break in the pantry, my colleague said to me "Saofiah, I need ur help. I received something in my mailbox but I don't know how to view it." Anyway, tis colleague of mine, she is not familiar with internet & computer stuff so she had to refer to moi, her PITA (personal IT assistant). Apparently, she had an e-card in her inbox, so I just had to retrieve it for her. As the e-card began to show up, i exclaimed aloud "AWWWWW sooo Sweeeet!!"

There on the screen, was an animated "Heart-Man" blowin lotsa lil bubbles of love. But I was not too concerned by that, what was written in it was the thing that moved me..it said:

"My Sweetheart, You are always my Lover. From:Hubby"

Awwww my colleague is a mummy of 4 already, not someone who just got married last month! It is really touching to witness such sweet romance between a married couple of say, 13 years?!!  I thought her husband is real romantic & encouragin esp. when my colleague is just learning how to use her email and get connected to the Internet!! Can u imagine ur not-so-IT-savvy Mummy receivin a Love Letter from ur Daddy, and how she would grin like a love-struck girl??Anyways, today i was her Dr Love. I helped her to reply her hubby's card. She was reserved, only wanted to say "I Love You" in the card but my supervisor was teasin her and urged me to add some spice. So i added "I will give u somethin special when u get home ok?" since her hubby is outstationed. Hahaha i dunno what somethin special is she gonna prepare him, man but hee sounds like kinky fun! Awww lurve tis kinda moments!

While I was lookin through the Message Board last nite, i saw an entry titled My Soul by Fariz(drake4life). It was poem! A real fine poem that is so so beautiful, dedicated to his fiancee, Dee. He said listenin to Sigur Rose moved him to write such. Ahhhhhhh BLISS of BEiNG IN LOVE!!! 

Pssst Fariz, hope u do not mind my contacts peerin thru ur poem! Juz have to share the good stuff


  1. Sitz... do u really know wats "such sweetness" means?? LoL

  2. I dunno wat YOU mean, Mr Fyz... Pls Elaborate....
