Friday, 20 January 2006

Slam Dunk the Funk, Wat Tough Love

"kalau gitu ngan babi, tak was-was babi boleh makan.
serupa tak bererti sama, no lard dosen't mean HALAL.
kalau semudah kita boleh buat kesimpulan seperti ini,
jabatan MUIS boleh scrap.
so next time jika kita ada persoalan mengenai was2 atau HALAL, HARAM,
tak payah look jauh2, "firestarlet" boleh menjawapnya.
apa2 beliau boleh tanggung dosa.

sori for not using any senses. it just come from the bottom of my heart."

"so if u don't like tis kind of sarcasm better to watch out the language.
persoalan halal haram dan lain2 mengenai agama jgn dipermudahkan atau ambil sambil lewa.
kalau anda tidak menghormati agama seseorang, ada patut orang lain menghormati anda.
ini hanya satu teguran di dunia semasa kita masih disayangi. kalau mati esok kena tegur ngan Munkar dan Nangkir dah tak beguna"

"well bang alot can talk abt hadith sunnah dan lain2.
cakap tak mempraktikan, sama seperti irama dan lagu dipisahkan.
lahir sebagai Islam tak semestinya seseorang itu Muslim.
sebab itu saya rasa lebih prihatin jika agama saya tidak di pekecil2kan atau diperolok2kan.
perkataan saya memang pedas tapi sekurangnya saya berani menyuarakannya.
cuba tolong jgn permudahkan atau memperkata soal2an agama jika kita tidak pasti."


initially i wanted to blog in abt my trip to Mustafa Centre wif my mum today, but upon discoverin the above in one of my contact's journal, to which I WAS THE CAUSE of such harsh words & sarcasm, my heart wilted. seems like i potrayed myself as a smart-alec and take-religion-lightly kinda time, i must really watch wat i say before suggestin anythin dubious or outrageous. 

sepandai-pandai tupai meloncat, jatuh juga ia ke tanah...



  1. Hi babe...only true friends know you are not that sort of person. Thats why one shouldnt judge if one do not know.
    I really respect you as an individual who is knowledgable about Islam.
    We love u sophie.

  2. As knowleadgeable as i am, ppl like him always remind me that my knowledge is not enuff. As much as it hurts, it inspires. Hope we all learn a lil bit of somethin from that episode esp. me!!

    Hee...i love u peoples too for standin up for Morals, EQ and in a way, for me too! I'm pretty glad that no others decided to diss me or else i'd probably...won't be smilin rite now, and still cursin myself for bein such a dumb ass. God bless all of u, be it u r a Muslim or not :)

  3. *pats miss sophie*

    I duno the person, but i dun think berbual pasal Islam kena dengan cara pedas. Buat apa berani aje tapi adab ber-ikhtilaf tak pakai? Tak guna.

    So anyway, relek k sophie, dun be so down. U are photogenic arent u? *winks*

  4. i felt the same too, in a way...we rely too much on a certificate. my friends are in foreign land, not in singapore and they do not have HALAL MUIS certs there. so i was applyin a fatwa made by a muslim council for ppl in the west to the situation.

    i was also taught, the haram and halal are clear. but those (syubhah) doubts, u deal with them in 2 ways...if u think logically & consider the religious consequences that it will not lead u astray, then go ahead but if there is the slightest doubt in ur heart abt it, leave it. for it's best to prevent us from taking the wrong path.

    i can take his sarcasm, but it's a pity he draws negativity to himself by being so harsh & rude.

    anyways, what has my messenger nick gotta do wif tis?? hahahhaa!! thanx dude for cheerin me up too :)

  5. oh and mr fyz too...u did well too in the conversations, i must say! *thumbs up*

  6. ehh? wat is it that u concur? that its good to hurt my butt when i jump ard too much? heh

  7. Cool eh sophie..i feel for you..i feel hurt too reading the above..well, kita manusia tidak sempurna..take it in good spirit k..probably there's something we can learn from..ambil teguran itu sebagai pengajaran..everyone of us wants to become good Muslims..insyaAllah one day we would become better Muslim, kita semua..insyaAllah..

  8. I concur with the tupai lar... kesian tu tupai.. members ler.. suka sngat jump jump.. lost his footing dah *gedebab!* jatuh mcam nangka busyuk... hehahehaha

  9. dont take it too hard lah, its good if a person tegur you, else no one knows their mistake. maybe you rub him wrongly or tersalah potray what you wish to say and thus communication breakdown. happens all the times.
    as for mr fyz, i agree...the tupai kalau patah kaki, tak ada medical insurance to cover..aiii...kesian kesian....

  10. yeps it's all good. i kinda clarified my stand.
    tupai tak patah kaki lah, terseliuh je...dia dah ready for next jump....toink! hehe ;)

  11. Sebab tupai tak pakai parachute macam chip&dale! all the nonsense..i say HUMBUG!
