Sunday, 31 December 2006
Origin And Significance Of Hajj
Salam Eidul Adha!
Eid ul Adha, 31st Dec 06 remembrance of Prophet's Abraham a.s. sacrificial act remembrance of Hagar's struggle remembrance of Saddam Hussein's hanging
...a goodbye to 2006
there's nothin to feel festive abt it.
Here am I before Thee, O God, doubly at Thy service. Before Thee I am, there is no partner unto
Thee, doubly at Thy service here am I.
All praise and blessings are Thine, and power. There is no partner unto Thee.
On Top for the New Year!
Ole to Ole Gunnar Solksjaer, he hasn't lost his touch at all! i hope he'll be ard throughout the rest of the season, FREE from injuries pls!!! And Cristiano Ronaldo..oh, tat boy's lookin better than ever, seems like he's shinin a lil bit more than Rooney lately, some people are already predictin that he will be the Player of the Season!!
Tis season has been really excitin so far, aside from a few borin n frustratin matches. Who'd ever thought that the departure of Ruud van Nistelrooy could have brought such greatness in the team? It so reminded me of the winnin team of abt a decade ago! Blendin of the old timers and young blood...Alex Ferguson's brilliant! Oh yes, HAPPY 65th BIRTHDAY OLD MAN!
I'm puttin my hopes in Rooney, Ronaldo, Saha and Van Der Sar...Come on United, let's win the title tis season!! CHEERS~~~
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow...
Photos "stolen" from my fellow Multiply gal pal, Shirin's album...she snaps the most beautiful photos ever!
Interestin...two nites i was away from Multiply, two bellydancers visited my site..totally from far off places like Brasil & Norway. what's that abt? i dun think i've broadcasted to the world that i'm one, more like a closet one. hmm how did they stumbled upon my site, i wonder...ahh...maybe its me n my usual profile/album hoppin comments that brought them here.
oh well, that pretty much reminded me of how so out of touch i am with the dance. kinda missed attendin workshops n gettin all those positive vibes from the dancin n watchin others immersed in it. what's worse is i've still got incomplete classes with 2 sets of students which has been postponed since pre-Raya! My God..and how the year juz shimmied its way blindingly and we are almost at the end of 2006! i have to end that one hangin lesson i owe! and i'm bitin my nails thinkin of 3 more lessons with the MDIS babes. how do i squeeze all in after the exams and before i depart for Down Under??
tis rainy season sure gives me a certain longin missin feelin...
BUT i cannot get affected right?? My first paper is like 3 days away, and right now, gettin myself prepped up for it is already an ordeal! And the struggle will continue for a fortnite...Hah! i'd better do my last round of readin up tonite before curlin up in bed...gotta soak up some materials on energy for protein foldin...disulphide bonds...entropy...enthalpy...??
i hope come that day...everythin will flow...
smoothly like rhythms that flow through a dancer..
as she twirl and smile at her show...
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Saturday, 23 December 2006
There's no other way abt it!
the battle Intensifies...
my dearest classmates
Monday, 18 December 2006
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Keane's "Everybody's Changing" Lilyfied!
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Music |
Genre: | Pop |
Artist: | My Dollie! |
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Lab Coat Session: Comin Up
an experimental life, Down Under.
featuring "Lab Geek" Sophie and sidekick, Dee (not in pic).
brought to you by
Stay tuned!
(event is ONE MONTH away from today)
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
So tis is Indie Pop?!
Not that i noe the different music genres, but i'm pretty sure i noe Good music!
And tis band made my bf dance the Ago-go and my lil heart twirl at Lime Sonic Bang gig! Wheeeee~~
Oh and i'm not kiddin when i say they're made in Singapura la beb!
Hahh reminds me of The Cure, Pulp & Suede days? Gorgeous, Gorgeous!
Check em out!
Sunday, 10 December 2006
Will You Hate Me?
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Music |
Genre: | Other |
Artist: | Dawud Wharnsby |
Thanx to Miss iqlima for leadin me to this beauiful song...
Saturday, 9 December 2006
So now the light in my room is blinksome, ouch irritatin...soon, it'll die off too, joinin my PC.
But i'm in a too much happy mood to even care.
My dad refused to get me a new
PC after he saw the amount of $ involved for the installation of
components that Iyuan had laid out for him to fix up a new system.
But i'm too delighted to even care.
I'm on Windows Live Messenger, I'm listenin to The Shins and I'm happily "nomading" around the house. What irony!
Joy! Joy! Bloody Joy!
ex-classmate has set up a blog site as a platform for interaction
between us. Right at the top of the site was our class photo...Classic man!!
Made me reminisce for awhile, then i realise...Ahhh ok, so i was chubby
and dark cos i sat too much on the substitute bench for the school
softball team! Bummer! Hehe!
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Wiggles of Glee
Cuzzin Sitz!! Look what i found today!!!'s goin for $37!!
Mesye!! tis is ur idea when i said i can't leave home juz wearin the dress only, right?? Remember our conversation at the food court yesterday?? LoL! u got Trendy Mama eyes indeed!
Pic taken from
Heheheh....and mine's $30! and prettier!!! LoL!! Tis photo ain't doin no justice to my retrolicious new dress!
Pardon the photo quality (F lah, now i miss Photoshop!), so excited with my new dress that i bought a couple of days ago, modellin on the nite itself to MMS Iyuan! Damn happy with my buy...everywhere around Far East Plaza similar patterned fabrics with different cuts/colours were sellin for about $49 n i've not seen the rest in SUNNY Yellow (I hope I dun see any, anywhere else!!)! Whoopeyyy do do!!
i'm like so totally gonna ignore the payment for the eBay dress i won recently, that cheated me of its looks! The seller's got pretty lousy communication Bad!
Sun's in the Sky
oh Why oh Why
Would I Wanna Be Anywhere Else?
It's oh so Quiet....
no chats, no media, no sounds. dad's computer.
i still can't see my motif background on my Home site but Iyuan said it's there and my emo-filled journal entry that i wrote a couple of days back totally went *POOF* the moment i clicked Save & Publish due to auto log-off by Multiply.
i miss my daily dose of Allo! n banters n sharin of daily affairs/problems/ideas/thots n plans n music n vids.
should the comatosed be revived?
or should i juz jump onto somethin new?
i'm toyin with ideas but it's dad's pocket that's gonna get burnt.
i want both! can? haiyoh!
for now...a quick Allo! & How r U, my fellow companions?
till my next log in...have a nice day!
SMILE & suck it all in!
Friday, 1 December 2006
Ahah! Nope that's not Mr Fyz behind the wheel!! It's Iyuan!! teeheeheee our first ride out since he got his licence last week! All the way from Great World City to Singapore Expo and right back to the West side!! He's one confident newbie takin on the expressway :) Very goood!! Missed out a couple of exits, Vehicle Commander cock up (not me)! I'm the extra Blind Spot eyes and aka the Tai Tai sittin at the back readin magazine! heheheh!! Well done, Mesye & thanx Mr Fyz for lendin us ur ride!
Anyways, since u guys are mad abt the Sports Car quiz, I decided to join in the fun too! Say Hello to Miss Chevrolet Corvette...Fuyooo....Fierce ah (emm the colour i mean, i have no idea abt it btw..LoL)!!
You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Vrooom Vrooom~~~
Thursday, 30 November 2006
My computer's has gone cuckoo again! It cannot even load up Windows. bleurghhh...
And my dad took the initiatives to arrow me the task of sendin it to repair..double bleurghh
Haha...but i guess i shall juz leach his comp instead durin the day! and spend silent nites on my revisions or sleepin early! Is tis a blessin in disguise or what? Thank God i'm done with all my assignments! Pheww~~
Oh seems like Singtel's network has also gone cuckoo. I can't make any phonecalls or send SMS, the reception bar on my phone is empty. Called the Mobile Customer Service line and it's said that the 3G network is experiencin some technical problem, so switched back to GSM.
And what the heck happened to my background in my HOME page?? *PooF*
Hmmm what's with all the malfuctions man???
Fear: Instinct for Survival...or plain ol Ignorance?
Below are 3 versions of news abt 6 imams removed from the US Airways plane in Minneapolis, USA recently.
I wonder what happens if these passengers were to see a whole bunch of Hijab-clad women & Muslim men all dressed in white gatherin at a quite corner of their airport, raisin their hands in prayers? How scary is that?? When their aim is to transit to another state to get a connectin flight and head to Mecca to perform Hajj/Umrah....Surely a reason for raisin a Paranoia!
Have a read and think abt how fearful people are of Muslims and Arabs, and how lucky we are (in Singapore or anywhere) when we can practice our religion openly and safely without being scrutinised and misunderstood in such a manner.
Source No. 1: Yahoo News
By MARTIGA LOHN, Associated Press Writer Tue Nov 21, 6:32 PM ET
MINNEAPOLIS - Six Muslim clerics removed from a US Airways flight said Tuesday they were victims of discrimination and called for a boycott of the airline
The imams were removed from the flight to Phoenix on Monday night after three of them said their normal evening prayers in the terminal in Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport before boarding, said Omar Shahin, president of the North American Imams Federation. They were among the 150 imams who attended a federation meeting in Minneapolis.
"The police came and take us off the plane in front of all the passengers in a very humiliated way," said Shahin. "I never felt bad in my life like yesterday. It was the worst moment in my life when I see six imams, six leaders in this community, humiliated."
The Department of Homeland Security's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties said in a letter Tuesday it had opened an investigation.
US Airways Group Inc. issued a statement saying it was interviewing crew members and ground workers to find out more about what happened.
"We are always concerned when passengers are inconvenienced and especially concerned when a situation occurs that causes customers to feel their dignity was compromised. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind," the airline said.
An airport police report said the flight's captain had already decided he wanted the men off the plane after the passenger passed a flight attendant a note pointing out "Arabic men."
Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage.
An airport police officer and a federal air marshal agreed that the combination of circumstances was suspicious, and eventually asked the men to leave the airplane, the police report said.
"There were a number of things that gave the flight crew pause," Airport spokesman Patrick Hogan said. It wasn't immediately possible to verify whether the passengers who reported suspicious activity witnessed it themselves.
But Shahin and Marwan Sadeddin, another of the imams, strongly denied doing anything out of the ordinary. They entered the aircraft individually, except for Sadeddin, who is blind and needed a guide, Shahin said. Once on the plane, the six did not sit together, he said.
Shahin said no one asked the six to leave until police arrived, when the group complied.
The other passengers on the flight, which was carrying 141 passengers and five crew members, were re-screened for boarding. The plane took off about three hours after the men were removed.
On Tuesday, US Airways refused to honor the group's tickets or allow them to buy new ones, saying their payment for Monday's flight had been refunded.
Shahin eventually booked flights on Northwest Airlines — to Phoenix for five of the imams from the Phoenix-Tempe area and to Los Angeles for the sixth, who is from Bakersfield, Calif.
Shahin said his days of praying in airports may be over. "It's terrible, unfortunately," he said. "In America we have no freedom to practice our faith, to do our faith."
Shahin expressed frustration that — despite extensive efforts by him and other Muslim leaders since even before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — so many Americans know so little about Islam, which requires prayer five times a day.
Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he hoped the incident would "raise awareness among the general public and the airline industry that praying as a Muslim and flying as a Muslim should not trigger any fear and any prejudice."
Associated Press writer Natasha T. Metzler in Washington contributed to this report.
Source No.2: BBC News
A key Islamic rights group is demanding an immediate inquiry after six Muslim imams were removed from a US flight.
The six men were taken off the US Airways flight, bound to Phoenix from Minneapolis, after a passenger reported "suspicious activity" to cabin crew.
The men were told to disembark shortly after saying evening prayers. Three of the six had stood as they prayed.
The scholars, who were returning from a conference, allege they were handcuffed and "humiliated" during the ordeal.
They were questioned by police, they said, for several hours.
A spokeswoman for US Airways said concerns about the group had been raised by a passenger, who had passed a note to a flight attendant.
She added that police were called after the men refused to get off the flight when asked to do so by the captain and airport security workers.
The men deny that they refused to leave the plane and other reports that they chanted "Allah" while being escorted off, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
'Growing problem'
The advocacy group said it was determined to establish whether the incident was the result of "anti-Muslim hysteria by the passengers and/or the airline crew".
"Unfortunately, this is a growing problem of singling out Muslims or people perceived to be Muslim at airports," said CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper.
He also alleged that US Airways had refused to put the men on another flight after they were questioned.
According to CAIR, the men had been at a conference of the North American Imams' Federation, which had also been attended by Keith Ellison, a Minneapolis Democrat who has just become the first Muslim elected to Congress.
Source No. 3: An interview with the Imams involved at Democracy Now!
Written by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | |
Thursday, 30 November 2006 | |
Six Muslim leaders were removed from a US Airways flight in handcuffs last week and questioned for several hours after being seen praying together before boarding the plane. After their release, US Airways denied them passage on any of its other flights and refused to help them obtain tickets through another airline. Two of the imams joins us in our firehouse studio. The Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling for congressional hearings about ethnic and religious profiling at airports. The call comes in response to an incident last week in Minneapolis when six Muslim imams were removed from a US Airways flight in handcuffs. They were detained after being seen praying together before boarding the flight. The imams were in Minneapolis attending a conference sponsored by the North American Imams Federation. The president of the organization, Omar Shahin, was one of the six imams removed from the plane. He joins me here in New York along with Ahmad Shqeirat, an imam at the Islamic Center of Tempe, AZ, who was also removed from the plane. We invited a spokesperson from US Airways to joins us today but they declined. Andrea Rader, a spokesperson for the airline told the Associated Press that prayer was never the issue. She said the passenger overheard anti-U.S. statements and the men got up and moved around the airplane. She said "We're sorry the imams had a difficult time, but we do think the crews have to make these calls and we think they made the right one." AMY GOODMAN: The president of the organization, Omar Shahin, was one of the six imams removed from the plane. He joins me here in the studio in New York, along with Ahmad Shqeirat, an imam at the Islamic Center of Tempe, Arizona, who was also removed from the plane. We welcome you both to Democracy Now!. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Thank you. IMAM AHMAD SHQEIRAT: Thank you very much. AMY GOODMAN: Why don’t you start off by telling us what happened that day? You were just coming from this conference in Minneapolis and went to the airport? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Actually, after we finished our conference on Monday, November 20th, and that’s conference for North American Imams Federation, where over 150 imams were there to discuss how to build more bridges with non-Muslims, how to be open-minded imams. And Congressman Keith Ellison was one of the attendees of this conference. We left the conference hotel to the airport, six of us, because we -- you know, we invited all imams from all over. So, we went and got our boarding pass, as usual. And they promoted me to first class, because I’m an elite member. AMY GOODMAN: You’re an elite member at US Airways. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: With US Airways. Then we went through the security, as normal. Then we went to the waiting area, waiting for our flight. And by then, the sunset time, as Muslims, we pray five times a day, so we decided -- three of us decided to pray that time. Why not six of us? In order to avoid any more attention from people. We picked a very quiet area. We did not bother anybody. We did our prayer in a very quiet lower voice. Then, after that, we waited ’til they called us according to our zones. I went first. We went to the airplane individually, not together. I sat in my place, first row, first class, which is suspicious also. After that, I found out that they are suspicious of this, too. We noticed that there was a delay in the flight. The airplane is not taking off for almost 45 to one hour. During that time, I moved from my seat, and I went to Imam Marwan Sadeddin -- he’s a blind guy -- offering him my seat, because he’s a blind old guy. He was very tired. So, he said, “Thank you, Imam Shahin. I don't want -- you, being tired for the last three days, go back to your seat, relax and enjoy it.” I went back to my seat, and I wait. Even the passengers were asking, “What's going on? Why?” I said, “I have no clue.” I did not know that time that we were the problem. Then, after that, we noticed that the policemen showed up, two of them, to the plane. And they left the plane. Then increasing numbers of policemen showed up and went to the end of the plane, and they start removing the imams one by one from their seats. We did not argue with the policemen. We just complied totally and fully. AMY GOODMAN: What did the policemen say to you? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: He did not say anything. The minute -- me, personally, the minute I saw the policemen guiding all these imams, taking off all these imams, I know that I am included. So even they did not say anything, I said I’m sure that I am included, and I moved from my seat. We complied totally with the police, cooperated, fully cooperated, because we don't want to do anything wrong. So they took us to the jet way of the plane, and they asked us to stand there for 45 minutes, don't talk, don’t do this, don't answer phone, don’t do any phone calls. And I asked them, “Please, just give me one minute to say one statement,” because I want to tell them that we notified the FBI in charge and police department of Minneapolis that we have this conference, so traveling together is not a strange thing. But they did not allow me to say this statement. Even one of the policemen, he said, “If you keep asking us this, I am going to arrest you.” Then, I have no other option but to keep silent. Then, after that, they handcuffed us one by one, and they took us to the police department in the airport. And this is -- up to now, I cannot forget the passengers’ eyes were looking at us when they handcuffed us and took us to the police department. AMY GOODMAN: Now, Imam Shqeirat, you were at back of the plane? IMAM AHMAD SHQEIRAT: Yes. AMY GOODMAN: So you were sitting, Imam Shahin, in the first class. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: First class. AMY GOODMAN: Then there were two imams in the middle of the plane. And then, two of you were at the back. At the back, who was it that complained? IMAM AHMAD SHQEIRAT: We really did not know that there was a complaint. We just noticed the delay in the flight. It seems I was tired, and I got a nap. I woke up maybe after half an hour. I thought I saw the plane still on the ground. I thought we already arrived to Phoenix, so I thought it must be it was a very comfortable flight. So I asked my neighbor. He said, “No, we did not depart yet.” And I said, “Why?” He said, “I don't know,” because there is -- then the pilot talked to us. And he said, “Excuse us, but we are doing some paperwork, and the computer turned off or down. So, we’re going to be on our way soon.” After finishing that, I started noticing the police cars arrived, and yeah, two police officers came into the plane, walked from the front to the end without talking to anybody, even without looking at us. Then they stayed a few minutes in the back. Then they went. They left. After they left, Imam Omar moved from the seat from the front and came to me, said, “Did they talk to you?” I said, “No, nobody talked to me.” So, after a few minutes, they came back again with more officers. A few of them stood in the front. The rest of them came back and just told us, “You two gentlemen, please step out and walk to the front.” So we did what they told us. And they did this with all imams ’til they took all of us off the plane in front of all the passengers. AMY GOODMAN: I want to ask you about an article that appeared in the Washington Times yesterday. The article was headlined, “How the Imams Terrorized an Airliner.” It begins like this, quote, "Muslim religious leaders removed from a Minnesota flight last week exhibited behavior associated with a security probe by terrorists and were not merely engaged in prayers, according to witnesses, police reports and aviation security officials." The article goes on to quote a series of unnamed sources, and then it states, quote, "Passengers and flight attendants told law enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11th terrorist attacks and also found in probes of US security since the attacks: two in the front row first class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle, and two in the rear of the cabin." IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: That’s completely wrong. I am the only person in first class, and we took -- or we sat in the seats they assigned to us, except one of the imams, he is blind. He asked nicely the gentleman next to Imam Mahmoud Sulaiman to switch his place, because this imam, Marwan Sadeddin, he’s blind, and he needs help. This is the only things happened. AMY GOODMAN: And you had gone back to ask if he wanted to switch with you? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Wanted to switch with my seat. AMY GOODMAN: For him. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes, for him. AMY GOODMAN: Because he was blind. But he said no. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Exactly. AMY GOODMAN: And they also raised the issue of you asking for seatbelt extensions. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: This is -- to be honest, this hurt me the most. It’s [inaudible] the federal law is a crime nowadays. I asked for an extension. But as you see, I don't need to explain myself more. So I need an extension belt. And supposedly I asked for a not necessary extension, but what’s wrong with that if I can get to the plane twenty of these seatbelts and nobody can ask me why you carry all of these things? But we ask extension belt, because we need it. Me, as well as Imam Marwan Sadeddin. He is a big guy like me. So we need the extension belt. And even the flight attendant, she was helping him in buckling up his extension seatbelt. AMY GOODMAN: We’re going to break, and we're going to come back to this discussion. We’re talking with Imam Omar Shahin, President of the North American Imams Federation. We’re also speaking with Imam Ahmad Shqeirat, an imam at the Islamic Center at Tempe, Arizona. We'll be back with them in a minute. [break] AMY GOODMAN: I want to say that we did invite a spokesperson from US Airways to join us today, but they declined. Andrea Rader, a spokesperson for the airline, told the Associated Press that prayer was never the issue. She said the passenger overheard anti-US statements and that the men got up and moved around the airplane. She said, quote, "We’re sorry the imams had a difficult time” -- this is a spokesperson for US Airways -- “We’re sorry the men had a difficult time, but we do think the crews have to make these calls, and we think they made the right one." Again, we are joined by Imam Omar Shahin, President of the North American Imams Federation, and Imam Ahmad Shqeirat, an imam at the Islamic Center of Tempe, Arizona. Your response, Imam Shahin? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: I have no problem. Security is our concern in this country, too, because we are American, and we’re concerned about the security of this country. And me, personally, I urge myself and others, my community, to report any suspicious activity. But what I mean by “suspicious”: legitimate, logic, a suspicious activity, not imagination, not exaggerating, not false statement. All of this report, most of it, imagination, and none of these suspicious things we really did. AMY GOODMAN: You were questioned for how many hours after? So you’re taken in handcuffs out of the jet way through the airport? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes, ma’am, to the police department in the airport, and they detained us for almost five to six hours. AMY GOODMAN: And who questioned you? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: I think two security agents, FBI and another agent. AMY GOODMAN: And what did they ask you about? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: They asked us -- they asked me personally about my life, since I was born up to that time. And I told them, no need for these questions, because we are not criminals. We are not suspicious people. We are very open-minded imams, and you can call the governor. You can call everywhere in Phoenix, anybody in Phoenix, and they know about us. Me, personally, I am the chairperson for the Police Advisory Board in Phoenix. AMY GOODMAN: For the Police Advisory Board? So, you work with the police in Phoenix? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes, ma’am. Exactly, yeah. That’s what I am doing. IMAM AHMAD SHQEIRAT: It’s a volunteer position. AMY GOODMAN: What did you say? A volunteer position? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yeah, it’s a volunteer position. And I did my best to reach out to communities. I did presentations in many areas, in federal prisons, in state prisons. I used to visit all federal and state prisons in Arizona to educate people more and more about Islam, because our policy is seek first to understand, then to be understood. That’s our policy. And we try our best to educate people more and more about Islam. Me, personally, I went with CAIR Arizona twice -- AMY GOODMAN: CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes. Yes, ma’am. Twice to Yuma Air Force Base in order to educate Marines about Islam. AMY GOODMAN: What did you do on the base? Who did you talk to? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: I just gave a presentation to the Marines. AMY GOODMAN: How many? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Each time, more than 300 Marines were there. AMY GOODMAN: And what did you talk to them about? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: A presentation about Islam, because more we know about each other, more we get close to each other. We need to build bridges, educate each other about ourselves, about each other. That's our policy. That's what I’m doing. I’m trying hard before and after September 11. AMY GOODMAN: Have you spoken with the FBI? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: You mean, while they detained us? AMY GOODMAN: In this kind of reaching out. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Actually, they asked me, while I was the imam and the President of the Islamic Center of Tucson, I received an official letter from the FBI asking me to give a presentation. I went with two brothers, and we gave the FBI agent in Arizona a beautiful presentation about Islam, yes. AMY GOODMAN: When you were finished being questioned, did US Airways let you fly, let you fly on their plane? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: What happened after they released us, right away I called US Airways trying to book ourselves to the next flight. Unfortunately, she said, you are not allowed to fly with us. I said even -- AMY GOODMAN: After all of this? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: After all of this. AMY GOODMAN: After they released you? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: After they released me. She said, “Yes.” I said, “Even me?” She said, “Even you.” Then the FBI agent, I noticed that he’s still there. I asked him, “Please, can you call and contact US Airways?” And he did. More than 20 minutes he was trying to convince them that we have no problem with the government. And it’s -- unfortunately, they’re still refusing. He told me, “I’m sorry, Imam Shahin, you have to try again next morning. If not, you just go to any airlines and they will book you.” And that's what happened. In the morning, I called US Airways. “Please rebook us with a new flight or a next flight to Phoenix.” She said, “Give us a few minutes. I’ll call you back.” Then, after that, they called us back, and she said, “Unfortunately, we cannot honor your request.” Then Imam Ahmad asked her to please help us or book us with another airline through you. She said, “Even that, we cannot honor this request.” AMY GOODMAN: Imam Shqeirat, you were the person who talked to the US Airways person then on the phone? IMAM AHMAD SHQEIRAT: Yes, when Imam Omar Shahin contacted them in the morning, they said, “We are going to talk to the manager and get back to you.” He gave them two phone numbers. One of these phone numbers was my cell phone number. So a lady called me, and she said, “I’m sorry, we cannot honor this request to fly you back to Phoenix.” I told her, “If you are not comfortable to carry us, would you please then book us with another airline?” She said, “No, we cannot do that. You go try to do that by your own.” Then she asked me a question, “Do you want me to start the process of refunding your money?” I told her, “Anyway, we are on our way to the airport, and we’re supposed to meet the press in front of your ticketing counter. So we’re going to talk then.” She said, “Okay.” So we hang up. AMY GOODMAN: Now, when you came back across the country on Monday into Reagan Airport, National Airport, in Washington, D.C., you held a pray-in? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes. We did an interfaith press conference and asked rabbi and rev to join us. And we really appreciate what they did. And we hold our display, a prayer, so everybody can see what we are doing. We just pray and ask the God His guidance. We are not doing anything suspicious. AMY GOODMAN: You were with Jewish and Christian clergy? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes. It’s interfaith press conference. AMY GOODMAN: What are you calling for now? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Up to now, I am just calling for US Airways to stop smearing our image, because they keep -- day after day, they keep saying many false statements about us. They did a big mistake in the beginning, when they discriminate us. And they have to stop right there, because up to now, every day I hear another thing. They smear our image in front of the public. And that's what hurts me also the most. So what I’m asking them now is to stop smearing our image. Stop doing this. Stop accusing us. AMY GOODMAN: I was at the CAIR conference, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in Washington, D.C., when your conference was taking place in Minneapolis. Keith Ellison was supposed to come to the Washington conference, but he was double booked. He was at your conference. He's the first congressman to be elected in this country who is Muslim. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Yes, ma’am. Yes, we invited him, actually, three weeks before our conference. And he honored this invitation and he came. He joined our conference. He spoke to the imams for more than two hours. And we really appreciate what he did. AMY GOODMAN: One of the things they raised at the conference was how Keith Ellison, the first Muslim congressmember elected to Congress, was treated on the Glenn Beck show on CNN. And I wanted to play an excerpt of that and get your response to it. We played it a few days ago, when we had Glenn Beck asking him if he could prove that he was not working with the enemy, Keith Ellison. Your response to that? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: To be honest with you, it's a strange thing to accuse this gentleman with these things, working with the enemy. If they consider us as an enemy, this is another story. But we are Americans. We live in this country, and we love this country. And our loyalty, to this country. We work very hard to educate people about our faith. And he is -- he was very nice with the imams. These are the leaders. If they consider us as an enemy, this is a real problem. We are not the enemy of anybody. AMY GOODMAN: Well, I want to thank you both very much for being with us. We've been speaking with two of the six imams who were taken off the US Airways flight in Minneapolis, after having prayed in the airport before they got on the flight. Imam Omar Shahin, President of the North American Imams Federation, and Imam Ahmad Shqeirat who is the imam at Islamic Center of Tempe, Arizona. And a final question to you is, any advice you have to people who are flying, to Muslims who are flying right now? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: My advice to the American, in general, seek first to understand, then to be understood. For the Muslim community, what I can say, that just we need to work hard and hard, more and more and more, to educate people. AMY GOODMAN: The Homeland Security Department's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties says it’s investigating what happened at US Airways. Have they contacted either of you? IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Actually, CAIR is taking care of our case legal-wise. So if they contact us through CAIR, I’m not aware of that. But CAIR, Mr. Nihad Awad, is taking care of this case. AMY GOODMAN: Thank you both for being with us. IMAM OMAR SHAHIN: Thank you. Imam Omar Shahin, president of the North American Imams Federation, and Imam Ahmad Shqeirat, an imam at the Islamic Center of Tempe, AZ, are two of six imams removed from a US Airways flight at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. |
Honestly after readin tis articles, i wanna take this chance to thank my Non-Muslim friends and people who are willing to build bonds, trust, have faith and be tolerant of us despite the forever bad news u see on TV about how Muslims do this and that, that is so terifying n ugly! Thank u everyone for the racial & religious Harmony!
I cannot blame them Americans for their fear, because of what some black sheeps in the Muslim community did to them. It's like once bitten, twice shy but at least, have an open mind cos not every one of us muslims are like them. There are a whole lot more CIVILISED muslims out do we prove ourselves if no one dares to take the chance?
Salam (Peace) to All!
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
10 things Losers do in Friendster or Networkin Sites (whichever is applicable)
I got tis in my Bulletin board in Friendster....I've not really come across most of the scenarios, but had a good laugh readin it. So bitchy!
there is NO SUCH THING as
it does NOT exist. so quit posting
bulletins like
no, it doesnt.
guess it doesn't apply to Multiply, cos we noe who's been sneakin around our sites!!
To the people who have like 25,000
are you serious?
You're stupid.
Go play in traffic.
Don't ever post pictures and say
"OMG, I'm so ugly"
"OMG, I'm so fat"
because if you were,
you wouldn't post them.
And if u do ur a freaking mongoloid.
Nobody cares about threats over the
Don't try to act hardcore with the
Fighting online is like racing in the
even if you win, you're still retarded.
Quit crying
b/c you're not on someones top 8.
who cares?
Stop bitching!!!
Who really cares if
I don't accept you as a friend?
Don't send me another request or
message asking
"what's up with you not adding me?"
I don't want you as a friend,
that's what's up bitch!!!
Little 12 year olds who have Friendster
and look like sluts, and act like
go somewhere else
because nobody wants you here.
If you have decided to read this,
you are a true Friendster Friend.
Real friends read their bulletins.
I say you go and pass this on
and maybe it will finally get through
people's brains
And if you open a bulletin and it says
"repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost
tonight,or some dead skinless girl is
gonna rape
and again, i Thank God for MULTIPLY, where the crowd is always KEWL!!!
Sunday, 26 November 2006
A Dark Inspiration...
Sometimes, reflectin on the situations i'm in, i do not know whether to thank God if tis path was beautifully made or should i be worryin that i might juz end up in disappointment & regret. Quarter century yet here i am, jobless, tryin to get motivated to soldier on to prepare for my test and upcomin exams, while others are buildin up their careers, savin up money for the future.
I suddenly miss the little luxuries that i used to be able to afford n pay for myself. Even buyin myself a dress seems like a guilty indulgence with what lil money i make from some dance classes before the school holidays kicked in. Did i make a wrong move by quittin my full-time job and layin low as a part-time/freelance employee at such age? Would people employ me, an older graduate compared to the young ones, who are wide-eyed, brilliant & motivated?? Been browsin n tryin for new job opportunities in my specialised field, usin my Diploma qualifications, so far no response. It's worryin, probably bad timin too.
I've always been optimistic abt things, confident of my decisions. But when the thoughts of livin on a budget n lookin at others travellin the world, workin with the Big Wigs, man i feel so minute, so inapt n doubts start to creep in my head.
This is, if God wills, my last semester attendin lectures in school. I HAVE TO put an end to this slack mannerism & PUT IN THE DAMN EFFORTS to EARN grades, it's about time i get SERIOUS instead of remainin frivolous, goin with the flow. I want a good future career & MONEY big time. I cannot afford anymore time loss n seriously i need a Drive.
Wise up & Get Organised, It's not too late!
God, hold my spirit high...I need ur tis path less travelled that i have chosen.
Oh Btw, CONGRATS MESYE for the Good News. I'm Proud of U~
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Hijacked Quiz from Hafi
Part 1: The Birth of You
Were you a planned baby?:
emmm tis i dunno
Were you the first?
yeah first n last
Who was present at your birth?:
definitely my mum but not my dad
Were your parents married when you were born?:
for the Love of God, Yes
What is your birthdate?
Last date of June
Part 2: The Family
Are your parents married or divorced?
Still in a nice marriage
An only child?:
If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest?:
What are your sibling's names?:
Which parent do you get along with best?:
hmmm neutral relationships with both
What do you fight about?:
hmmm housework on hari raya eve, but that's so far has been avoided for the past couple of mum's mellowin...phew~
Do you have step parents?:
Part 3: The Friends
Do you have more than one best friend?
i have none
What do you like to do when you are
with good frens and buddies, definitely EATING LOTS of yummy food & juz chillin
Do you share the same interests?:
hmmm like Multiply-ing? hehe
Which friend can you tell anything to?:
hmmm i'd say everyone gets a fragment of anythin
Part 4: Your Personality
How high/low is your self esteem?:
emmm it works like the tides, if u noe wat i mean
Do you get depressed about things
not really, but when i do... i'll start to talk different
Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an
Shasya said that i'm prolly an extrovert introvert!
Are you happy?:
Do you live life to the fullest?:
Part 5: Appearance
Are you comfortable with the way you
pretty much but i gotta do somethin abt my hair n my buncit tummy
Describe your hair?
it's an unruly bush with straight ends!
How do you dress?:
am a t-shirt & jeans person by default
Part 6: The Past
Were you a strange child?:
emm does talkin to my care bear n dollies makes me strange?
sophie the strange?
What did you used to love that you no
longer do?
hmmm...beckham's marvellous free kicks n his boyish charms?
Do you have the same friends?:
yes have em, but not as close
Was there anything in your past that
was traumatizing?
How can i forget, watchin my cuzzin bein beaten up by his daddy usin the belt, eee the sound of the belt...scare the hell out of me!! eeee pls pls people dun beat ur children with belt!!
Part 7: The Future
What is your ambition?:
To serve in the Biotechnological field and be a good wifey n mummy someday...i used to wanna be a detective, but i guess the forensic side of me didn't kick in!
Are you scared of growing old?:
i'm more scared of losin my sight n loved ones.
Do you want to get married?
yes definitely, juz dun ask me When!
Part 8: The Outdoors
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?
Bring on the Outdoors!
Favorite Season:
Do you like walking in the rain?
nope, but i luv to play in the rain and slide around basketball courts...wheeeee fun!!!
Part 9: Food
Are you a vegetarian?
i need meat to function!!
What is your favorite food?
gee i eat so much, i dun have a favourite either, but a good chicken rice always delights my tummy!
What food makes you want to gag?
OYSTER!!! thanx to Mr Fyz!
What is your favorite dessert?
hmmm Chocolate everythin?
What is your favorite restaurant?
Are you a fussy eater?
a lil
Part 10: Relationships and Love
Are you single or taken?
taken but single, single but not available...what the hell
If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?
that One Guy whose got Yum Yum Butts that drive me Nuts for the last 10 years or more!! LoL
Do you think love is the best feeling
in the world?:
U betcha! With love comes warmth & joy & care & tolerance...
Do you believe in love at first sight?
never did
Part 11: Experiences
What was one of your greatest
Makin Love everyday & havin him grow with me day by day...It's beautiful!
What was one of the worst?
Hurtin loved ones by not considerin their feelings
Have you ever done drugs?
Does Euphoria Blossom count as drugs? Whheeee~~ Wheeee~~
Have you ever thought you were going
to die?
Oh yes acouple of instances...and i thank God i'm still breathin at tis moment
Monday, 20 November 2006
Words are the Shadow of Reality
Excerpts from the Discourses of Rumi....
Discrimination is a quality
that is always hidden in a person. Don’t you see that an insane person possesses
hands and feet but lacks discrimination? Discrimination is a subtle essence within you.
Yet, day and night you have been occupied with nurturing the physical form that does not
know right from wrong. Why have you devoted all your energies to looking after the
physical, entirely neglecting that subtle essence? The physical exists through that
essence, but that essence in no way depends on the physical.
Those who have been moved by
God to see the one reality and learn Its ways through the astrolabe of their own being,
behold moment by moment, flash by flash, the testament of God. Indeed, it is an infinite
beauty that never leaves their mirror.
God has servants who cloak
themselves in a wisdom, knowingness and grace invisible to others. Out of their excessive
jealousy and love for God these servants cloak themselves, just like Mutanabbi says of
beautiful women:
silks they wore, not to beautify
But to guard their beauty from lustful eyes.
Saturday, 18 November 2006
Sophie, la fille incorrigible!
Finally done with my second Erythropoietin assignment!
Drawin up the flow chart and describin the Initial Purification of EPO can drive me up the wall!! Urghhh!!
Deadline was yesterday but I was still typin away tis mornin!
It's gettin from bad to worse! Everyday I have a mental battle to start on the damn assignment early but juz have to take the back seat cos i'm always not in the mood, not inspired, tired, distracted...and what do u noe...3 days left to deadline, i was still out soakin up the sun in Punggol/Seletar!!!
CRAZY! CRAZY! CRAZY!! I dunno what the hell is wrong with
me...i juz lost the drive, the enthusiasm. But thank God, i managed to
squeeze a month's work in 2 and 1/3 days!! Bullshit my way through the
25-page essay and Rush like mad!! err Terrible Terrible but i juz can't
help it!!!! Why do i put myself to such trouble ah?? i'm really hopin
that my work is not compromised and the lecturer who'll mark the
assignment will not sniff that it's a rushed job...can i still hope for
a pass at least? Next will be Presentation time for tis same 4 days in hand now to get prepared...tick tock tick tock....
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Err...Perfect Boyfriend is not equal to Perfect Husband?
Then the question of "When do u think u wanna get married?" was posed to the previous colleague. She replied maybe a year after a proper career takes off, but first gotta find a potential husband. Emmm but she's got a bf...she said, yeah but err...he's not really a husband material! Accordin to her, a perfect bf may not make a perfect husband. He can be a perfect confidant, the closest of friends but not necessary he is the one u want to marry.
Hmmm I am pretty perplexed by tis two ladies, emm actually not really, it's pretty common. Maybe it's juz me n my mentality. The overall feelin i got from tis conversations was SAD. If u noe that ur partner is NOT the right one for u, why do u hold on to the relationship? juz to make use of his/her time for companionship, some fun till someone better comes along? i'd be sad if i were their boyfriends, man, i'll feel so "wasted"! It's parasitic, man!
And what is a Perfect Husband/Wife material? Someone who is matured enuff to handle/pacify u? financially stable? romantic? family-oriented?
What happened to MAKING LOVE? Don't people nowadays start on a relationship based on the thoughts and feeling of wanting to love and support each other anymore and sustain it by understandin, workin around each others' strength & weakness with a hell lot of care & tolerance, in general?
Well i dunno...i guess different people have different expectations. i dunno if i'll ever make it in the Perfect Wife category or am i juz another girlfriend material, i guess time will tell. i juz hope God doesn't play a prank on me, and prove it all wrong, that i am juz a love fool. I hope we are not juz steppin stones for each other, but bricks for a foundation of Love & if God wills, Family, one day.
Monday, 13 November 2006
12.11.06: Jules & Aim's Wedding!
The much anticipated Miss Icebitch's weddin!
The affair was simply Elegant!! The bride & groom were lookin Gorgeous together, my Heartiest CONGRATULATIONS to Aim, Jules & Lil Nit!
Check Out a "movie" clip by the 3 of em, it's hilarious...spoof of P.Ramlee movies & Ali Setan!
Jules ni...ada-ada aje tau!
Almost Ridiculously Great!
Welcome Version 3.0!
The first thing that came to my mind was....OMG, please please leave my customised stuff alone!! And Pheeewww, all is safe! YEAY! i guess the main page & contents are pretty much in the same set-up except that the log in page & Message Board are lookin more slick. Nice, i'd say...tho yeah some of us will have a lil adjustin to do with the new layout. Seems like the Profile page will be removed too, but oh well...i guess rite now, there's still a lil bit of tweakin that the team is workin on esp. the Video section, so i hope Version 3.0 will turn out even better than before!
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
The Bellydance Superstars: 1001 Shimmies!
For my dearest BD babes as well as fellow belly dance enthusiasts...after all that stuffin for Hari Raya, let's put our knowledge to good use ey?
And in case u've forgotten or do not know how exhiliratin the feelin can get, check out the vid!!
Happy Shimmies Ladies~~~
A lil thanx to Najii (anajim) for a revival of inspiration, sista!
Monday, 30 October 2006
firestarlet's 1000th Visitor
Thank u to ALL who have made tis possible & for droppin by to juz take a peek or hookin up with me!!

Friday, 27 October 2006
Seri Songket & Syawal
Sunday, 22 October 2006
Excellent Recitation of Surah Yasin by a 4-year old
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Thursday, 19 October 2006
Geylang Quickie
Lead Like Jesus- E.G.O.
Ramadhan has been really tricky for a couple of people whom i care for alot, and sometimes i feel pretty inapt to help or comfort them. Kinda sad that things are not goin smoothly in life but then again, Ramadhan is a month of trials, and these are times when we have to be extra patient and strengthen our faiths in Him, no matter what the outcome. He noes what is best for us all, and only to Him we could supplicate in facin the adversities. Stay positive, my dears!
Anyways, so what is tis fascination of mine, talkin abt Jesus?? Am i promotin Christianity or somethin?? hmm maybe..maybe not. i am promotin the Concept that i discovered by a book called Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of all Time by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges. These Christians are really good at marketin strategies and promotin Jesus. Hmmm, well of course as a muslim, i believe that Jesus a.s. is a great leader but Muhammad s.a.w. is still the best in my opinion, for the more roles he play within the society, not juz a spiritual leader, he is a father, a husband and a politician all rolled into one, and like Jesus a.s. he too is a Servant Leader, the Last Messenger of God.
Well, a couple of days ago, i went into a bookshop and tis book caught my eye. As usual, Curious Miss Sophie, juz have to take a look, esp. when it is strategically placed at eye level shelf. Flipped a few pages and i came to a page with a "flow diagram". i think it is the summary of what is in the book. i kinda agree with the concept, cos it seems objectively rational plus i'm pretty sure, it is helpful for all of us, everyone of us has a leadership role to play. maybe as an elder, manager/supervisor, coach and parent perhaps? there is nothin mind-bendin at all abt the concept and it has points that are similar to what i have learnt over the years while attendin my religious class a couple of years back. If only, Muslims can come up with such innovative way of introducin our very own Prophet, it'll be Perfect! We got a lot to learn from Christians, man. To reach out n put a positive light abt our religion and Da Man! anyways, here's what i picked up & copied down from the book. take a look:
- as an object of Worship
- source of security & self-worth
- as the Omniscient audience & judge of life decisions
1. Humility
- something lived but Never claimed
- looking through a window rather than the mirror to Praise
- a Kingdom perspective of cause & effect (ok i dunno what is meant by tis point, any of my Christian contacts willin to explain? is it lookin upon God like servin our King and we are His loyal servants??)
- resting assured in God's nature
- transparency & effectiveness(i believe tis means NO corruption/biasness)
- proceeding in faith one step at a time
heh...i didn't have much time to copy! but i remember ONE point:
(which i cherish very much and the very basis of my faith)
and there is one section of tis book i like very much, it asks a question, how do u start off to be a Leader? and it says...U have to noe UR PURPOSE in life.
A purpose is NOT a goal, it is not a destination but the journey.
It is not somethin u attain but an ongoing process(somethin like that)
Leaves a tingle in my mind.