Wednesday, 8 November 2006

The Bellydance Superstars: 1001 Shimmies!
For my dearest BD babes as well as fellow belly dance enthusiasts...after all that stuffin for Hari Raya, let's put our knowledge to good use ey?
And in case u've forgotten or do not know how exhiliratin the feelin can get, check out the vid!!

Happy Shimmies Ladies~~~
A lil thanx to Najii (anajim) for a revival of inspiration, sista!


  1. Ahh, I have been a part of Miles' network from Day 1..Thanks for helping to promote the sistahs...BDSS,comes here regularly, and my friend Za-Beth is their regional rep...I also have many videos of them and Rachel at my site under "reviews"...go take a look..Thanks Sophie...Blessings, Anajim

  2. It's my pleasure :)
    I'm a fan! So far I've only seen Rania & Kaeshi dance in'll be real cool if we get Jilina/Rachel/Ansuya to come over here and part their beautiful dancin skills and talents in workshops!

  3. + i tink bellydancing is a sensual art indeed!
    u go gerl! *winks* +

  4. hee sure tones down the tomboy that i've always been ;)

  5. she's got such amazin isolations & coordination rite?? envy!!!!
    i can't even play those damn zills right, not to mention dance with em!
