Before u start accusin me of wrongin Jesus of bein an egoistic person, Please read: E.G.O here = Exalting God Only!
Ramadhan has been really tricky for a couple of people whom i care for alot, and sometimes i feel pretty inapt to help or comfort them. Kinda sad that things are not goin smoothly in life but then again, Ramadhan is a month of trials, and these are times when we have to be extra patient and strengthen our faiths in Him, no matter what the outcome. He noes what is best for us all, and only to Him we could supplicate in facin the adversities. Stay positive, my dears!
Anyways, so what is tis fascination of mine, talkin abt Jesus?? Am i promotin Christianity or somethin?? hmm maybe..maybe not. i am promotin the Concept that i discovered by a book called Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of all Time by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges. These Christians are really good at marketin strategies and promotin Jesus. Hmmm, well of course as a muslim, i believe that Jesus a.s. is a great leader but Muhammad s.a.w. is still the best in my opinion, for the more roles he play within the society, not juz a spiritual leader, he is a father, a husband and a politician all rolled into one, and like Jesus a.s. he too is a Servant Leader, the Last Messenger of God.
Well, a couple of days ago, i went into a bookshop and tis book caught my eye. As usual, Curious Miss Sophie, juz have to take a look, esp. when it is strategically placed at eye level shelf. Flipped a few pages and i came to a page with a "flow diagram". i think it is the summary of what is in the book. i kinda agree with the concept, cos it seems objectively rational plus i'm pretty sure, it is helpful for all of us, everyone of us has a leadership role to play. maybe as an elder, manager/supervisor, coach and parent perhaps? there is nothin mind-bendin at all abt the concept and it has points that are similar to what i have learnt over the years while attendin my religious class a couple of years back. If only, Muslims can come up with such innovative way of introducin our very own Prophet, it'll be Perfect! We got a lot to learn from Christians, man. To reach out n put a positive light abt our religion and Da Man! anyways, here's what i picked up & copied down from the book. take a look:
Ramadhan has been really tricky for a couple of people whom i care for alot, and sometimes i feel pretty inapt to help or comfort them. Kinda sad that things are not goin smoothly in life but then again, Ramadhan is a month of trials, and these are times when we have to be extra patient and strengthen our faiths in Him, no matter what the outcome. He noes what is best for us all, and only to Him we could supplicate in facin the adversities. Stay positive, my dears!
Anyways, so what is tis fascination of mine, talkin abt Jesus?? Am i promotin Christianity or somethin?? hmm maybe..maybe not. i am promotin the Concept that i discovered by a book called Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of all Time by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges. These Christians are really good at marketin strategies and promotin Jesus. Hmmm, well of course as a muslim, i believe that Jesus a.s. is a great leader but Muhammad s.a.w. is still the best in my opinion, for the more roles he play within the society, not juz a spiritual leader, he is a father, a husband and a politician all rolled into one, and like Jesus a.s. he too is a Servant Leader, the Last Messenger of God.
Well, a couple of days ago, i went into a bookshop and tis book caught my eye. As usual, Curious Miss Sophie, juz have to take a look, esp. when it is strategically placed at eye level shelf. Flipped a few pages and i came to a page with a "flow diagram". i think it is the summary of what is in the book. i kinda agree with the concept, cos it seems objectively rational plus i'm pretty sure, it is helpful for all of us, everyone of us has a leadership role to play. maybe as an elder, manager/supervisor, coach and parent perhaps? there is nothin mind-bendin at all abt the concept and it has points that are similar to what i have learnt over the years while attendin my religious class a couple of years back. If only, Muslims can come up with such innovative way of introducin our very own Prophet, it'll be Perfect! We got a lot to learn from Christians, man. To reach out n put a positive light abt our religion and Da Man! anyways, here's what i picked up & copied down from the book. take a look:
E.G.O (Exalting God Only)
1. Humility
heh...i didn't have much time to copy! but i remember ONE point:
(which i cherish very much and the very basis of my faith)
and there is one section of tis book i like very much, it asks a question, how do u start off to be a Leader? and it says...U have to noe UR PURPOSE in life.
A purpose is NOT a goal, it is not a destination but the journey.
It is not somethin u attain but an ongoing process(somethin like that)
Leaves a tingle in my mind.

- as an object of Worship
- source of security & self-worth
- as the Omniscient audience & judge of life decisions
1. Humility
- something lived but Never claimed
- looking through a window rather than the mirror to Praise
- a Kingdom perspective of cause & effect (ok i dunno what is meant by tis point, any of my Christian contacts willin to explain? is it lookin upon God like servin our King and we are His loyal servants??)
- resting assured in God's nature
- transparency & effectiveness(i believe tis means NO corruption/biasness)
- proceeding in faith one step at a time
heh...i didn't have much time to copy! but i remember ONE point:
(which i cherish very much and the very basis of my faith)
and there is one section of tis book i like very much, it asks a question, how do u start off to be a Leader? and it says...U have to noe UR PURPOSE in life.
A purpose is NOT a goal, it is not a destination but the journey.
It is not somethin u attain but an ongoing process(somethin like that)
Leaves a tingle in my mind.
I dunno if it'll inspire u or not, juz somethin i'd like to share...God bless anyways, mate!
Someone qouted me that phrase "It's not the destination, It's the journey". And oh how I resent that very phrase. Cause I couldn't see the point in not attaining the perfect end result that I've wanted.
ReplyDeleteBut now, I come to realise the enriching experiences of the journey helps us grow as a person. So yeah... trying to appreciate each and every journey that I might embark on. =)
bon voyage then? hehe ;)
ReplyDeleteI attended a workshop by my Vice-Principal called "The Art of Following". Towards the last part of the workshop, he told us a story abt Jesus and his 12 disciples(correct spelling?). During the last supper, Jesus told them that one of them is going to betray him to the enemies and immediately all of them asked Jesus, "Is it me, my Lord?" My VP said that this is a bunch of devoted men, so dedicated that they went through a lot of hardship for Jesus. And by asking that question, they've shown so much humility. They did not question Jesus's statement and got defensive. They believed Him.
ReplyDeleteI think that speaks for both, all the men and Jesus himself. For if he wasn't such a good leader, he wouldn't have had great followers.
yeah! if he wasn't a great leader, the romans wouldn't bother head-hunt him cos he seems to be sheddin too much good light against their corrupt ways.