Photos "stolen" from my fellow Multiply gal pal, Shirin's album...she snaps the most beautiful photos ever!
Interestin...two nites i was away from Multiply, two bellydancers visited my site..totally from far off places like Brasil & Norway. what's that abt? i dun think i've broadcasted to the world that i'm one, more like a closet one. hmm how did they stumbled upon my site, i wonder...ahh...maybe its me n my usual profile/album hoppin comments that brought them here.
oh well, that pretty much reminded me of how so out of touch i am with the dance. kinda missed attendin workshops n gettin all those positive vibes from the dancin n watchin others immersed in it. what's worse is i've still got incomplete classes with 2 sets of students which has been postponed since pre-Raya! My God..and how the year juz shimmied its way blindingly and we are almost at the end of 2006! i have to end that one hangin lesson i owe! and i'm bitin my nails thinkin of 3 more lessons with the MDIS babes. how do i squeeze all in after the exams and before i depart for Down Under??
tis rainy season sure gives me a certain longin missin feelin...
BUT i cannot get affected right?? My first paper is like 3 days away, and right now, gettin myself prepped up for it is already an ordeal! And the struggle will continue for a fortnite...Hah! i'd better do my last round of readin up tonite before curlin up in bed...gotta soak up some materials on energy for protein foldin...disulphide bonds...entropy...enthalpy...??
i hope come that day...everythin will flow...
smoothly like rhythms that flow through a dancer..
as she twirl and smile at her show...
hang in there...i have one more to go..the finishing line looks so near yet so far...17 more days babe..
ReplyDeletei see there's a different countdown here... not to the new year eh? hee... chill babez!
ReplyDeletelike a mad cheerleader in our head,we will cheer and support you... ;)
ReplyDeletedeesdaily: yeah clingin on, still gonna dig into Tooze & Sheehan n prob listen again Haynes!! urghh and gotta start on Environmental Micro sprouts are gonna pop double fast on my head!
ReplyDeleteraf13: heheh yeah but dee n hafi is liberated on tis Sat! but i guess dee's countin down to the trip Down Under instead...
nebride: LoL thank u babe ;)
hey dee mentioned, just hang in there'll be over before u know it..*hugs tight*
ReplyDeletehaha, when i have the time, i wanna take up dancing lessons! maybe belly dancing.. not sure.. well.. wait till i have the time.. busy busy busy..
ReplyDeletewell the say christmas runs for 12 days... so yeah, Merry Christmas!!! hahahahahahah
and Happy 2007!!! festive season brings lots of luck. dun worry about exam. (=
boneeta: *hugs back* yes i'm hangin on, readin on...*yawn*
ReplyDeleteleocs: hey sam, thanx! Merry X'Mas & Blessed 2007 to u! thanx for the well-wishes gurl :)
If I were her, I'd do the same too.. And learn surfing instead of studying.. LoL
ReplyDeletelol that's already in the plan ;)