Friday, 21 January 2005

Rememberin Her on Eid ul Adha...U go Gurl!

She was the second wife to a man who was 86yrs old. After the birth of her son, her husband decided to bring her to a place far away from home. They walked for miles, on bare terrains under the desert sun and cold nights. Many a times she asked her beloved husband, where is he bringin her to, but he didn't utter a word. He did not even glance at her. They kept on walkin till they reach a no man's land, in the middle of nowhere where water is scarce and the land is infertile. Her husband decided to leave her and her baby there before headin back to his homeland again. But tis lady, with the company of just her baby, is content with her husband's doing. She didn't cling on to her husband and begged him to bring her elsewhere. She didn't mind her husband leavin her in a land that's bare. She took it all in her stride.

Is she a mad woman or what, u may ask? And what sort of man is husband? Irresponsible?

The answer is no, she's not mad or is her husband irresponsible. In fact he was a Messenger of God, Prophet Abraham (as). Leavin his wife in the desert of Mecca is a great test from God to both him and his wife, Siti Hajar (Hagar). Before he left her there, he actually did answer one of her question..."was tis an order from God?" and he replied "Yes". And to that, Hagar felt content and grateful, cos she knew that even if Abraham (as) left, God will be there to guide her and protect her. She bore no grudge against her husband, who soon after left for Palestine. Her life on the desert did not come easy in any way. SHe's got a baby to feed and had to look here and there for water. She kept faith and ran from one hill (Safa) to another (Marwah), not once but seven times, to look for water for her cryin baby. She can't find water, but the Merciful Lord, was indeed watchin over Hagar and her son, Ismail (Ishmael). He sent the angel Jibril (Gabriel) to provide them water, in a form of a spring (it's called the Zamzam). Her life evolved around the spring and some time later, a nomadic tribe found her and her baby and decided to reside with her. Years later, Abraham(as) came back to find her and built the Ka'bah, which is now visited yearly by millions of Muslims to perform their Hajj.

Can u juz imagine, a woman, all by herself in a desert with a baby fighting the extreme desert weather? Can u imagine how her heart breaks every time her child cries when he was hungry or thirsty and she cannot provide for him? Can u feel the desperation of a mother? Can u feel how much energy she spent and wasted? Can u feel her sore legs?? Pure respect and admiration is what i have for her!

Hagar's faith, patience and sacrifice is indeed exemplary for us. Though compared to her husband and her son, she hardly get much mention in the Quran but God honoured what she went through, to the extend that He made her runnings from one hill to another one of the crucial ritual in performing the Hajj.

How could u still whine and complain with all the luxury that u have right now ppl? Wake up, Praise God for all these blessings we indulge in, life's not that bad! Trust in God no matter what circumstances and situations we are in, remember tis story of Hagar. Let go the woes and bitterness of whatever tough shit that u r in, for u'll noe, if u keep ur pace and put total faith in God, things will eventually get better. Seek His help when u r troubled, and thank Him all the time for He is always watchin over us, offerin His merciful "hand" for those who reach out to Him. And remember,

"If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (alone) let believers put their trust" (Al-Baqarah:160)

*Blessed Eid ul Adha to all my fellow Muslims, and may u have a Haji Mabrur to those who performed the Hajj tis year*


  1. this is beautiful.. i know i kinda sound shallow ,but i kinda alwasy feel more tuned when its in english... macam feeling gitu,...:P thanks sophie for sharing the story.

  2. hehhe me too!

    it's been my pleasure to share n thank You for appreciatin it, Emi :)

  3. oops..what a mistake! thanx for pointin out!!
    Prophet Isha' was Sarah's son, and Ismail is Hagar's eh...apologies to all for mixin up the sons of Abraham...
