Wednesday, 26 January 2005

Action Hero, Yoganista or Slacker?

Dum di dum di dum....

Well well, some of u noe that i'll be quittin my job nxt month rite and last week my HR assistant was enquirin whether I'd like to terminate my membership at the fitness centre. Hmm reluctantly, i had to say Yes cos i really dun wanna be tied down workin at the company any more! Plus I haven't been workin out regularly since last August cos mainly I have issues wif the instructor, cos she's such a Fake person in my point of view and also because I have lost my motivation, due to some incident prior August.

THE ISSUE (skip if u dun wanna read my ramblings)
{{U see, abt tis instructor, before she had any favour to ask from me, she treated me as if I was invisible, not a smile, dun even look at my direction even when I'm right in front of her. It's sickenin when suddenly she became friendly to me when she learnt that I belly dance, she told me she too took up belly dance(BD) some time back (a couple of lessons) when i asked abt her BD background and asked me sweetly to lend her my CDs... what for? So that she can rip my CDs and teach BD at the studio! Pfft! I got so mad abt it...So was my partner...she was obviously usin me isn't it?! Basket!! I dun mean to criticise, but her postures and accents were weird when i saw her's more geared towards Latin dancin, not BD...yet she got the cheek to wanna teach BD?! I believe she's takin BD as her cash cow since yeah, BD sounds like sexy and there's a potential market for it, definitely there will be ladies ready to jump into it. Man...BD is my passion and i think if i gave my CDs to her, i'll be sellin my soul to one who is opportunistic, who doesn't seem to treasure the art, the passion, the beauty of BD. No way i'm supportin her lead a buncha newbies, that's total Injustice! So because of tis matter, I ended up boycottin her classes for a looong time!}}

Back to main topic: Today i received a letter from the fitness centre statin that I could continue my membership and pay the usual fees (~$40/month!) despite the fact that I'm leavin. I think it's a Wonderful offer cos it came in time when i actually found out that I am 2.5kg heavier than what i was 2 months back! And i noe where those extra kilos came essential 5Cs- choclit, cheesecakes, cookies, (ice)-cream and candy! Yes yes all due my over-indulgence and my lack of workin out! I have to do somethin abt it, yes? Was reflectin my life exactly one year back, I was quite a fitness freak, abt to upgrade herself from bein confined to doin cardio workouts in the studio durin lunch time, to hittin the gym for some weight trainings in the evenings. But now, look at me, a Slob...a freakin lazy, unmotivated Slob, i doubt i could even do five push ups even if i tried! Bummer!!!

Before I got the offer letter, I was also lookin at alternative clubs that I could join. Am pretty attracted to join True Yoga, for their Power Yoga and Yoga Combat classes, can't find the fees online but judgin from the poshness of the club from pics on its website ( and magazine, I'm pretty sure it'll be way way more Expensive than the fitness centre that I'm in at the moment.

So friends, tell me, should i go ahead and grab the offer, and start exercisin again since i'll have time in my hand when i'm finally off the company's payroll? Should i juz ignore the fact that the instructor is a manipulator and focus on the fact that she is One Bloody Fit Woman who is capable of helpin me to keep myself in shape (that makes me the manipulator ain't it?)? What if she comes up to me again to ask for those cds? Should I juz try out True Yoga for a more holistic and therapeutic work out sessions altho i'm pretty sure the fees is OTT? But for sure, I dun wanna be slackin ard for long, i dun wanna add on more to my paunch, my arms and my ass, i wanna be Fit, fit enuff for tis year's Women's Day Out at least! Hmmmm....I have till 31st Jan to think it over.
What say u?

Photos taken off


  1. Haha.. u can teach me BD and have ur work out as well.. well, if i were u, if i quit, i don't even want to bother going back to my workplace. for what? U should try yoga, beb. its not actually my type of exercise or i would have go with you. u can check out Amore fitness. they have gym too and spa and such. As for me, i'm doing my own jogging, skipping, gym at wdlands stadium about once a week and occasional swimming.

  2. Well..well..tough choice huh? If you do not like the instructor, do not go for the classes. Your motivation wil bel all wrong and the reasons for going would be because you've paid. So....the mere mention or thoughts of other plans would deter you from going to class and use that plan as an excuse. first you might go but u will then lose interest. But then...its pretty cheap. I will forgo it if I were you. There are better alternatives to fit your budget. I am a strong believeer in indulging into sports/fitness regime that is fun so I would be motivated. So..hope this helps ;)

  3. Haiyah Nak ikut!!!! But no money!!!! Hm well since my knee failure, I cant even shop for 2 hours straight! But well Junyuan sec sch staircase is like going for exercise already! Wahaahah.

    Amore also have ahhh like wat Hafi said. Im also finding kaki to join me for gym lahh every sat morn or sun morn! Or if u want an all gals gym which I went to PPIS Muslimah gym @ geylang serai (becoz of that I got my knee injury!). But its per entry $10 and unlimited wif spa...It has membership but well me no kaki lah! Dia pun ade aerobics class. All makcik2 will be there and i felt so comfortable as there were no guys to look at u like those gym at Bedok ones and i stayed there for so long until i got knee injury! I m confuse already of wat i typed soo if u dun understand so sorry lahh.. Nak gi toilet ni!

  4. Syed: Hohoho i told u the most gross thing ever abt y i dun wanna get fat, so sorry gotta reject the idea at the moment.

    Hafi/Liza: I checked out Amore. Jez, my fellow contact also suggested that. I found out that registration fee(one-time payment) is $35 and 12 lessons for 3 mths is $180. all excl. GST. Got shower facilities and gym to use. So it's like a once a week exercise. But i'm still not sure yet, to join or not. I found another good deal: pilates@singapore sport centres, $103 for 12 lessons and kickboxing $46.35 for 12 lessons also. no shower facilities and gym tho...but $2.50 only for gym entry n complimentary shower facilities...not bad deal also rite?

    Hafi: u really wanna learn BD? i can teach basic stuff yeah...but need to charge cheap. Btw, wah envy u for bein able to go do ur joggin and all urself. i juz can't exercise by myself...i love group company

    Liza: Places u mention a bit tooo eastern for me

    Lydia: Yeah i tot so too...that's y i wrote tis in...juz need a second opinion. think u put it down real well for me, hafi too. thanx gals n Guy!

  5. Kalau kickboxing, I want, I want. Hehe.. Wanted to join for sometimes, but school is taking up most of the times and no kaki. Where the heck is Singapore Sports Centre?

  6. I've been there, tapi to go there weekly is like, jauhnye...

  7. If u want to join kickboxing, i don't mind joining with you. west area is quite ok with me. I've check it out. According to my brother, Bukit Gombak gym is gerek. JE and clementi pun ok with me, but Delta? Where the heck is it?

  8. babe i told u the venue rite. now i fd out delta's earliest class will be on the 13th of april. let's keep it in view. hope it doesn't clash wif any of our classes in the nxt sem.
