Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Take Time

Something that makes more sense at tis juncture of life than ever before. What the hell was all those rushing for?

Take time to Think – It is the source of all power

Take time to Read – It is the foundation of all wisdom
Take time to Play-It is the source of perpetual youth
Take time to be Quiet-It is the opportunity to seek God
Take time to be Aware-It is the opportunity to help others

Take time to Love and be loved-It is God’s greatest gift

Take time to Laugh-It is the music of the soul

Take time to be Friendly-It is the road to happiness

Take time to Dream-It is what the future is made of

Take time to Pray-It is the greatest power on earth

Take time to Give-It is too short a day to be selfish

Take time to Work-It is the price of success

Take time to show Appreciation – It is the frosting on the cake of life.

By Anonymous



  1. Yes, yes, yes! How very true... Take time to say, thanks for this serve-as-a-gd-reminder poem!

  2. hehehe nice! my pleasure to share :)

  3. Hahaha u forgot one line tho;

    Time to Hyperventilate - It is to lose self control and steadyness among whimsical stuffs!

  4. Nice..;) take time to shit. I always have no time to do that at work. Lol. Unhealthy.

  5. Hah! Nice Mr Fyz!

    oh i should include:
    take time to Twiiiirl - it is the epitome to the splendour of Joy!

  6. Oh Gosh...Yes unhealthy!! Pls MAKE TIME! hahaha!

  7. time, i was told, passes much quicker here than in the flipside (can never spell filipins correctly...)!

    show me then, how 3T *To Take Time* in xinjiapor?

  8. How ah?
    have the Just Do It attitude & dun worry so much, that's how :)

  9. i want to go... but the urge always fizzles out... mcm takde ilham ah shitting at work. always prefer comfort of home toilet! hahahaha...

  10. HAHAHAHAH!! berak is berak lah! OMG!!

  11. tak best! haha unless of cos got seat warmer, got bidet and got ass dryer ala jepongggg!

  12. lol! ok next time u noe Orchard Central is the best place to do it if u r in town!
