Tis past couple of weeks, i have been happily uploadin pics of things & food on my Instagram profile (yes i'm adaptin better than expected to my iPhone! lol any of my contacts here also on Instagram? add me! user:firestarlet). it's so delightful to be part of tis community as it is full of pictorial wonders! yes pics of people, food, flowers & everythin under the sun that make the heart warm with creative wonders & inspirations! It was not until the meat feast we had at Senor Santos that the guilt hit me.
Recently i have been goin thru the page #prayforjapan to see pictures put up by people in Japan as well as all ard the world to show solidarity with the nation as they face the aftermath of the recent 9.0 magnitude earthquake & tsunami, and what could be a nuclear meltdown after 3 nuclear reactor leaks in Fukushima. I shudder after lookin at pics of empty rows of supermarket shelves in Tokyo, i thought how insensitive could i be, i have a follower from Japan.
As much as I am hopin & prayin for the Libyans to be liberated from the clutches of Gaddafi's ruthless ruling, as well as the rest of the freedom fighters in the Arab nations and for their sufferings to be over....I felt a lil bit more for Japan cos Tokyo left quite an impression on me. The food especially, i juz fell in love with the melon ice-cream there! Sigh...and of course the beautiful peaceful lil town of Hakone. I really pray and hope that things will get better for them.
I dedicate my plate of chilli sauce to them! May ur spirits remain feisty as u face tis calamity!
i feel for them. i wanna go back there for relief aid. but my binik tak kasi. kesian aku dan org2 warga jepun.
ReplyDeleteis tis what caused ur wifey to say to the man bitch "if he dissapears on me... and do an iyuan... i will hold u responsible!" on 14th of March?? LoL
ReplyDeleteimagine i will do wonders for japan. heck maybe they'll award me with honorary japanese citizenship!
hahaha.... i'm quite famous eh... i'm impressed that i inspired the man bitch to quote me on FB! hahaha...
ReplyDelete*kentut* haa smell the reality.
ReplyDeletehahahahah bein honoured by the man bitch is really somethin babe!
ReplyDeleteGanbatte Japan!
ReplyDeleteIts horrifying to see all thats been happening. And to add to all that, how our neighbours are reacting to this tragedy. Then there are hearsays and rumours about the supposedly "real" reason why Japan kena Tsunami. There a rumor circulating around about how the Japanese Port, turned away a ship that was carrying purely Qurans as their cargo. When the vessel left, the earthquake and tsunami struck japan.
Why must us humans complicate things?
Why can't we just be empathic towards another human's suffering and do our best to pray or help instead of spreading stories on WHY they are being punished?
I nearly choked on my coffee when i heard the story.
ReplyDeleteOh on another note, that day i suddenly remembered the japanese actually use short emails in place or on top of our version of SMS.
ReplyDeleteso i emailed Nao, and she replied,
''Im ok. thank u! Its only 5 degrees and power failure this morning... cold. haha Dont worry we r strong!'' (19th march)
OMG!!!! since when u log in to Multiply again?!!
ReplyDeleteAdoiii...so drama! Yeah, we should indeed be prayin or helpin them instead of speculatin such things :(
ReplyDeletejust now.
ReplyDeletecos i am bored. haha
oh Alhamdulillah! send her my chilli sauce pic pls to cheer her on, i'm so glad she's alrite!
ReplyDeletegreat to know she's all ok. but power failure at 5 degrees not fun. and i remember her saying she dun like cold weather. hehe we were talking about cows and hokkaido at prive... and we were trying to say she's not a cow... ahh cute la Nao...
ReplyDeleteyeah i think Man Bitch should marry her & we shall all have Royce chocolate/Tokyo Banana as wedding favours!
ReplyDeleteAKU SOKONG!
ReplyDeleteYeah!! Shinto wedding then Aku tolong Bapak nao jual ikan and hafiz can come over!!
ReplyDeleteAmin tapi kena ada Jap kadi jugak. abih Hafiz je can go over?? kita??
ReplyDeletei hope japan will recover soon
ReplyDeleteand firus commented on multiply...WOW! lol
maisarah and adik nak jadi lil jappy princesses... so uncle firus kena belikan kimono ok?
ReplyDeleteShhh Firus, dun reveal our masterplans. Wifes are not included remember?