Sunday, 9 August 2009

Tick tock tick tock!

Less than 3 months to the W-day! So far our preparations have been pretty good. The groom & bride-to-be have not had any major tiff in all decision-makings & that is perhaps one of the things to keep constant as the day draws ever nearer. Alhamdulillah!

It helps that in the past few weeks, friends got married & it somehow put me in the "bridezilla" mode, tagging the groom-to-be along in the "kawin kawin" mood as well!

First was Hafi & Ros surprise July wedding. She mentioned nothin abt it but asked for addresses & the next thing i know...kena saman! I remember Hafi questioned about what people think abt starting a relationship with a man like Ros in their early days of getting together but in the end i guess, all those doesn't matter & that love conquers all. I hope they'll have an everlasting & blissful marriage together.

Then my mentel gym kaki, Yanni, got married to her Mr Smiley, Azmi. Am honoured to be part of the solemnisation ceremony, as I have not known her for long but it's beautiful how a friendship could sprout over the past 6 months! Well it's not exactly a BFF kinda thing but it is a special somethin between 2 mentel & splurge/spree-prone girls :)

Hope u are havin fun there in Greece awak, come back soon & stay motivated to keep fit with me(despite the many not free days we have for workout)!*LoL*

As for us, we are happily putting together clothes for our photoshoot...trashing out concepts & venues (tho it won't take place till after the wedding & honeymoon), finally decided on our rings & Oh we simply cannot wait for the epitome of all these wedding shenanigans as we've put in 110% attention to it....our honeymoon escapade! Painstaking nites & days of research & i truuuuuulllly truuuuully hope ALL our plans go well!! But first, we gotta select our wedding clothes on Monday & get our wedding witnesses ready before booking our Kadi! yeah our preps are not done in perfect A-Z order, nevertheless, i am optimistic as ever & that the order doesn't matter. But Pray i shall always, that everything to fall in place as we go with the flow..

Ok weddings aside, i'd like to extend my warmest wishes to dearest Sue & Adam...congrats on the arrival of baby Idris Tay Zhong Xian!! May he grow up handsomely & be a filial & wonderful son to u!

And to my lovely homeland...Happy 44th National Day...i look forward to 2022h! I hope many will reflect & act on what is said in our pledge from here on as we Come Together as One People, One Nation, One Singapore!!


  1. Happy happy along the way yeah~! Oh practise more on ur chin muscles to smile more and BIGGER too!!

  2. counting down days together with little time,so much to do.
    happy selecting the bajus on monday :D

  3. Congratz to Hafi n Ros...
    Guess ur bz as a bee nw,getting ready for yr BIG day..hw exciting....

  4. hehe...super exciting right?

    best of luck with the preparations and try to keep sane...haha.

  5. Thanks... :) And good luck to you...

  6. go pamper yourself and let the man do everything..;p

  7. me requested off day oredi...heheheh!!

  8. Good luck with all the preps. But remember not to tire yourself out ok...nanti naik pelamin takder "seri pengantin"! Heheheh!!!

  9. prodigic: insya Allah :)
    gwap: hee my fellow same week end bride-to-be...yes much to do with not much time in hand. i hope there's a good selection of clothes!
    fizlynd: hee guess u noe that by experience eh? yeaps been runin ard a bit to confirm wedding stuff & preps.
    shuhadar: yes yes...MUST keep sane! hehehe thanx babe!
    winnstar: thank u..hope u won't be workin on my wedding day cos u r on my saman list!
    norhafi: thanx!
    rauhdah: hee it's a team effort for us babe!
    pinkpesona: wheeehoo! thank u!
    princessdyane: will try! ehhh i haven't seen ur baby no.2...i got a lil somethin for her but i dunno when i will getta visit u! eeps!

  10. Wow.. The whole thing seems very overwhelming. Drink lotsa water and rest well so decision making will be less of a pain yeahh? :) and yes, have fun being single-licious (while it lasts) hehheh.

  11. i concur this...although i know in reality, this will not happen...
    Pre-congratulatory wishes from me babe...
    Have lots of fun preparing for the wedding :)

  12. tunjok muka bingit aje..confirm he will be scared shit and do your bidding..muahahahah

  13. Aiyoh....I know you on busy-mode now...nvm cannot come and see baby, we will bring baby to you (on your wedding day)!

  14. awww.... supi is growing up and gonna be a wifey sooooon! hehe.... remember to chill in the midst of all the preps ok. we'll hang out after the wedding till 3am yah. haha... miss u babe...

  15. pieceofcloth: yeaps it IS overwhelming but one step at a time does it. yeah i must enjoy must last months of singlelicious stage! thank u babe!
    smilingenchanter:hey babe, thanks thanks! yeah i shall always find my way to somethin fun along the keep me sane!
    rauhdah: babe tis is not sadiq i'm dealing with, iyuan is not scared shit of me! hurhur...doesn't work...
    princessdyanne: yes yes i wanna see u n ur lil ones then! insya Allah!
    raf13: i want! after u called askin me to go KTM, my mum asked who called. i told her it's u...and also i told her dun be surprised if i go out after 11pm for makan session after marriage!! and she shakes her head! hahaha

  16. awak!! Im at the athens airport now. On my way back, we'll start gyming soon and yeah ive got oleh2 for u from greece!!! Token of appreciation frm me to u you for the wonderful times we had and to more in the future. Thank u for being ther when i least expect it, given the new found friendship. Hug hug.

  17. ehh... why say my name?? i supposed to be good girl in all the auntie auntie eyes! hahaha... aiya...but pray hard come november i wun be too lazy to go out at nites! hehe...

  18. princessdyane: baby no. 2? aper citer nie? tak bilang pong? hehehe

  19. time sure flies fast kan! e last 3 mths nie mmg stress giler but enjoy it eh! hehe.. may ur preps and e big day go smoothly insyaAllah..

  20. yannisnow: yeay!! ((hug))
    raf13: ehhh good la at least she noes who i go out with in future in case of late supper nites ;)
    badawiyah: thank u...hopin n prayin the same for u too :)

  21. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK...counting down to your mrs-iyuan-hood!

  22. hehe... ok la... so she knows ure safe and sound with me. haha...

  23. deesdaily: tick tockin so fast!
    raf13: blame it on the baby!
