Friday, 14 August 2009

It was worth it while it lasted

I couldn't agree more with Dee.

It pains to see people fall out especially knowing that things actually could have been mended by a simple thing called COMMUNICATION. I think this is by far, the most important thing in any relationship. The loss of such leads to no trust, no love & what was once somethin beautifully lively & inspiring end up becomin somethin so painful to swallow & to bear.

I may sound a tad harsh but i guess what is there left to hold on to when there is no room for an honest conversation between 2 persons, who despite caring for each other they just cannot communicate further? and what friendship can grow from toxic assumptions & hearin from naysayers without a need of understanding each other & tryin to see beyond each others' faults & weaknesses?

If only initiatives were put to good use. if only fear & self-interest were less of a hindrance. if only...nevertheless, que sera sera....


  1. well-said babe.communication is the essential in bonding with each other

  2. if only...que sera sera
    It was worth as long as it lasted....((hugs))
    Lets promise that this wont happen to us. (hugs)
    Anything i dont like i will say, anything that bothers u, u will say ok?

  3. insya Allah my lesbo...i definitely don't want anythin painful to happen between us.
    u noe me babe, i'd rather trash things out, get in perspective than keep things swept under rug & be misunderstood.

  4. a word to the wise is sufficient.

    sometimes silence in itself speaks volume

    but then again I am a loner virgo ;p

  5. sometimes silence cause more misintepretion than give a clear sign
    indeed only the wise mindreader would understand
    others would be left paralysed with a hangin feelin with such a stance.

    i miss u, my babe!

  6. and this loner aries will hook up pretty soon wif this loner virgo to Batam n Jogya..woot!

  7. wahhhh! banyak korang punye loner lah!
    hehehe nice! when when?

  8. wooohoo!!
    lucky not in nov!
    hope the plan takes off! gee i really didn't noe u ladies are in contact..nice :)
