These are the liars (me innocent victim):

Liars! Liars! You tricked me through it all today...DAMMIT! It's been quite awhile since we met and catch up so Weiwei suggested we outta meet today & check out Wild Wild Wet since it'll be quite difficult to arrange at another time as she will be really busy all the way till August. Little was discussed abt the timing & venue to meet so i sms each of them to ask if they could meet me somewhere along the way & head down to Wild Wild Wet together. First it was Linda who replied that she would be meeting a friend & that she would meet us straight at the water theme park. Then, Dee said she was meeting her friend Nadya for brekkie & that she will be early...she also said that Weiwei will be slightly late as she would be sending her doggie for grooming and then sometime later June's sms read that she had a meeting in the morning & will meet us straight at Wild Wild Wet. Hmmm ok...And hours later after few rounds of Fun Rides (oh and
free entry thanx to Weiwei's
connections), Dee disappeared & Weiwei told me she has gone to the loo...hmmm...while I was baskin in the pool with Weiwei, June & Linda i saw Dee from the corners of my eyes...she was carrying somethin!!! I knew it! Weiwei's shifty eyes were anticipating Dee while we were baskin about...hah! What a surprise!! I sabo-ed Dee's plan of surprisin me by runnin to her while she was strugglin to light the candle on mini birthday cakes (choclit mousse! ooh!) & singin myself a birthday song! Nyahahhahaha!
And the truth finally came to light....they set everythin up from the start! They were with each other when I texted them & the free entry was not due to Weiwei's contacts! Chet! They were there 1st & they pre-paid my entry fee!!! AIYOOOOHHHHHH!!!! I had SO MUCH FUN today & what a SWEEEEEET surprise! Thanx eh for the Partial truths...hahahha! And THANK U too for a YUMMY YUMMY Korean feast at Fresh Bulgogi...SHIOKNESS!! And yes....for the early birthday pressie too! Snippets of the day can be found
here(thanx to Dee).

Emmm where did it appear from btw?? Is it when Weiwei disappear to top up her Cashcard?? My GOSH, u ladies are SMOOTH & gettin BETTER & BETTER at these ah!! NAUGHTYYYYY.....But I LIKE!!! Hee & i've tried out my pressie....ME LOVE!!! Wooots!!
(((((GROUP HUG)))))
Oh btw attn Iyuan & Raf & Mr u guys also have somethin up ur sleeves tis Monday??! i'm suspicious of "erratic" activities now! hmmm
ReplyDelete*raise an eyebrow in suspicion*
happy advanced birthday dear cuzzin!
awww.. so sweet of them c",)
ReplyDeletehappy advanced bdae, dollz!!
Waaah~!!! Sizzling red HAWT! Niceee~!!!
ReplyDeleteboneeta: yeahh naughty & nice ah these girls! haha...thank u cuzzin! *muacks*
ReplyDeleteicebitch: yeahhh super sweet! thank u jules!
sitz: i like i like!!
Nope...i got nothing planned actually...for real.
ReplyDeletesweet of your friends...i'm sure you love them heaps..
ReplyDeletehhmmmm...........................tipah tertipu eh........
ReplyDeletehahahahhaha...*evil laff...u dunno wats next...*
ReplyDeletebut ur bday is not for awhile more kape
happy advanced birthday sweetie!!!
ReplyDeletehehe...happening kan? hehe..bohong sunat (white lie)....LOL...wear the gift soon ok? Love u (hugs)
ReplyDeleteiyuan: hehehe okie...juz be with me :)
ReplyDeletenebride: them heaps & leaps!
glitterluxe: yeah lah tertipu bulat-bulat! ehh sheida...u plannin a surprise for me too ke?? ishh jangan ah...blood pressure asyik naik kerana terkejut-terkejut gini tak bagus tau utk saya yg semakin tua...hahahha...maklum, i kan turning.....17! :b
volig: yeah lahh, that's why i didn't see it comin!
winnpat: thank u Winn!
deesdaily: Happening! pandai bohong eh! ishh ishhh...LoL..okie will wear it soon...but not b4 my birthday! hee thank u again & luv u too Dee ((hug))
hot red dress seh..feewitt!
ReplyDeletebeb,happy burp-day in advance! :)
yeah lah...feel like a blooming poppy innit! thank u rosz!
ReplyDeletewen's yr b/day? hepi b/day anyway... ;p
ReplyDeleteat the very end of tis month. thanx!