Friday, 13 June 2008


My life's ABUZZ!

perhaps that's pretty much why i haven't been postin a written entry of late. Lil lil happenings around me have such profound effects that perhaps only I realise, and only to Him i could bow & give my praise & many thanks.

lil lil things are conjurin and these make me reflect on life a year ago. 2 days ago last year, i submitted my resignation letter to ORI, with the heaviest feeling in my heart. A year ago, life was so trying that all that i could do was to hide in my own shell, away from the buzz of the world...but here i am today, feelin the warmth of His light shinin gloriously upon me...and i know my prayers were not left unheard. I missed reachin out to my loved ones, i gave up things i loved and i was lost, truly lost & dazed that my only salvation to make it through each passing day was my Lord, in prayers & tears. till that Garden Party on my 26th birthday, i could not find a reason to smile AND shine.

but here i am now, relishin & makin every moment's beautiful how the All Loving arrange our lives to be. i believe it's never a "divine conspiracy", as how Sitz puts it (i like that term,cuzzin) but they are His lil tests to make me grow...they got me all confused & helpless yet at the same time, they take me to somewhere new to explore...excitin! Masya Allah Masya Allah!

While i shine on now, i shall always remember the gloomy's not that God has turned His back on me then, He was guidin me to a better time ahead! And here i am...SHININ ON!

Thank u Lord for Your Grace & Thank u my Loved Ones, for helpin me to keep my chin up in the dark times & bringin back the sun! i am truly truly humbled...





  1. happy friday! =) got ur lovely sandals yesterday darl?

  2. Everything happens for a reason huh, cuz? =)
    Lets continue shining and growing towards His light. I love you!

  3. missh u.....
    life indeed is unpredictable....
    smile n shine on sistah!

  4. Yup your frilly hair is back! Sophie's back for good!

  5. i was told: "people with friends live longer."

  6. deesdaily: yes got my size right...yeay!
    sitz: yes, many valid reasons perhaps, God noes best...and amin amin to ur lil prayer! luv ya too dear cuzzin :)
    glitterluxe: CHAK! hehehe thank u, same to u too sheida!! glow glow glow!
    prodigic: kawaii-desuka? hehe
    fridgebuzzz: insya Allah...but i'd say people with friends live Happier! hee n thank u for bein mine dear ned...see u tomorrow ;)

  7. It's always about the next step into the unknown and into the future. We have to let go of the past to take the step forward.
    It's really about allowing good things to happen. May the doors always open into sunshine!!

  8. Yes, sememang-nya Allah menyayangi umatnya....
    Bask in His sunshine!
    Very hepi for u babe....

  9. Only He knows what best! =) Enjoy ur life babe to the fullest.

  10. ahh..remember cuzzin, me n the rest will always have ur back..insyallah..
    i love u..

  11. onepilgrim: yeah..sometimes we have to go through a lil down time before good things come along. may the door always open into the sunshine to fill ur heart with warmth & tenderness too, lee!

    princessdyanne: indeed..He is All Compassionate. thank u babe! see u around soon!!

    iqlima: i can finally say Yes to that!

    nebride: hang on to that, babe :)

    boneeta: i do..and my thanx shouts out to u too! i luv u cuzzin ((hug))

  12. there will always be sunshine after the rain insyaAllah... semoga kita semua dibawah lindunganNya selalu...
    eh..apa pulak kaki..kita mau tengok muka yang ada senyuuuuum jugak! =)

  13. Don expect another Garden Party this year eh! Haha

  14. badawiyah: insya Allah dilindungi selalu...hehe tu gambar symbolises me steppin forward facin the twists & turns in life..heh!

    iyuan: hee no lah, i'll have a heart attack if u ppl pull me another surprise like that! but it was really really really sweeeeeet!!
