Friday, 21 March 2008

Muhammad the Last Prophet of God

Genre: Animation
Salam Maulidur Rasul! A link to these animations have been my MSN subnick for the longest time since Iyuan showed me to them, but i guess it is real approriate to share the vids with all of u here on Multiply, in conjunction of the Prophet's birth month, Rabiul Awwal in the Muslim calendar (his birthday was yesterday, 12th Rabiul Awwal).

May these videos take u closer to get to noe who is and how Muhammad saw is like, he who raised from an illiterate shepherd to someone so worthy to emulate & the shining beacon of Islam! It took me years to learn his History but these brilliantly done videos summed it up real well, and u can learn abt him and what he & his followers went thru in less than a day! Masya Allah! Make some time to watch them ok :)

Enjoy the videos my friends, Muslims & non-Muslims alike. There's many many lessons in life u can find in them

And yes, Mr Ross has put up these vids in Malay version on his video site as well, do check those out for those who prefers their animation in that language, startin from tis page:
Also, Hafi recommends for more info in commeratin the Prophet saw and Ameera, touched the depth of my heart with her entry on the tribute to the Prophet. pls check out her article at:

Jazakallahu Khair to those who contributed and everybody!


  1. cry, cry. very heartfelt. but read more on Nabi Muhammad saw to fill up the gaps..

  2. jazakillah khairan kathiran for sharing :) lets not stop with our selawat and tahmid yah...its not only to be done on rasulullah's bday but a continuous one
