Dearest Sheida's birthday celebration@Seoul Garden & cake cutting next to the Singapore Fashion Festival tent!
Theme for the Nite: PINK!
A wonderful birthday celebration...thank u for invitin me, Sheida and introducin me to ur lovely contacts...i had a great time mingling!
hehe i lap u cayang!!!
ReplyDeletethank u ladies for coming and making my bday a joyful one!!
ReplyDeletegoodness sophie tis is so pic of mine..
i lourveee tis pink asset!!!
ReplyDeleteit is a joyful one..heheh
ReplyDeletemy extra cute pic
sheida's face maintain to the max heheeh
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness haahaha...cutenye
ReplyDeletesame same but different..hihihihi!!!
ReplyDeletehehehe mmg patut tu! kesian dia bawak ni boobies cake ke hulu hilir..hehe
ReplyDeletehey it was my pleasure...nice gettin to noe all of u ladies!
ReplyDeletetis is the ultimate JOYful expression lah babe...PRICELESS ;)
ReplyDeleteyeah! alamak peace sign nye tak tercapture..hehe ;)
ReplyDeleteit was YUM YUM babe! caught alot of attn babe, even an old couple passin by stopped, stared, laughed and wished Sheida Happy Birthday...*giggles*
ReplyDeletedua dua adorable! hish~
ReplyDeletegorgeous cake, where from?
ReplyDelete(i need ideas for my.... :))
psst shasya, look here:
ReplyDeleteit sure was a FUN nite!!! Love you all ladies!!!
ReplyDeletenice to finally meet you Sophie..=)
ReplyDeleteIt sure was a FUN nite!!! love you all ladies.. and SHEIDA cayang. tks again for the invite!!
ReplyDeletehee yes, nice to finally meet u too, fluttermummy....but i still haven't get my hands on ur Tiramisu! hehe...will order soon ;)
ReplyDeletenice meeting u sophie.... sweetness U !
ReplyDeletealmost alike!
ReplyDeletehaha....boobies cake! NICE!
ReplyDeletewah..mata macam sama..super cute =)
ReplyDeleteluv tis pics. heheheheehe
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday to you sheida
Gennosuke Iyuan (Plekuichi)
takpe...i still like this heheh
ReplyDeletei want that doll!!!! and the girl holding it is equally adorable...(i want that doll!!!!)
ReplyDeleteaslongasyouloveme: nice meetin u too dearest kak ratu :)
ReplyDeleteejadam: yeahh!
deesdaily: yeahh boobies cake! we can have one at the next hen party aye? with CLEAVAGE theme! eheheh *wink wink*
ctangel16: hey ct, do feel free to grab the pics :)
iyuan: plekuichi eh?? hishhh!
siti1280: hehe take the pic, hot mama!
ezsraism: hehe buy buy! then we can go for dollies picnic! eh we still haven't get that worked out u...hee
yeah boy!!! we must plan that one ok?? anyhoos..yes i want that doll so much,i sampai draw2 berpage2..where did u buy her? tell me tell me!!
ReplyDeletefooooh! inspirations aflowing?? i bought at excelsior hotel...basement level. lupa pulak nama kedai dia babe, there's one shop that's dedicated to all tis Blythe dollies. i can take u there! there's so many different ones with different eye colours and hairstyle! it took me almost an hour to finally take her for adoption
ReplyDeleteeee malu nye..haha i have this thing for dolls la.especially when its as vintage as the blythe nye!!! but erm..i'm not street savvy la sayang,mana tu excelsior hotel? hahahaha *blur*
ReplyDeletebetween peninsula plaza & funan IT mall. i can take u there if u want :)
ReplyDeletei absolutely want!
ReplyDeletecool cake! must be finger licking good too... :)
ReplyDeletearigato kozaimas...iyuan san..
sheida hasegawa doeramon
hayabusababe: OH! tidak syak lagi!!
ReplyDeleteglitterluxe: LoL doraemon pink version! cake!
ReplyDeletewhoa!!!! kek nyer sexy n kinky banget!! hee hee