Friday, 15 February 2008

Love's in the air but tis love, many tend to overlook

Self Love

somethin that i feel is what low esteem individuals LACK.

few weeks ago, i talked to a classmate who is one of the most low esteemed individual i ever met. although a nice, helpful lad, he asked me "am i so bad?" his question took me back to one of my lab sessions in Aussieland, some of his antics there and some of the things he do. i took that opportunity to "save" him from goin deeper down that dark hole of depressin inferior feelings. his problems mainly were: he is always apologisin and try so hard to be in people's good books hopin to be accepted as their friend. one of the things i told him is he has to practise SELF LOVE. i told him, every mornin u see the person in the mirror, u say somethin good abt that person. somethin self-lovin. he asked me "sophie, is tis mental psychology thingy?" i firmly replied "YES". he had difficulty tryin to find words to describe good things abt himself when i asked to rehearse with me what he would say the next time he look in the mirror. then we discussed on how positive minds can affect our personality and bring out our confidence, even boost our health. everythin starts with YOU, YOUR OWN SELF.if u don''t feel good abt urself, not confident of urself, u keep lookin at urself in negative manners sayin "i am fat/ i am stupid/i am ugly etc." and loathe everythin abt urself, eventually everythin abt u will turn negative! and it's NOT GOOD!

Yesterday while browsin thru Mind Your Body section of The Straits Times, i stumbled upon an article abt SELF LOVE. WOW! what i spouted to that dude was spot on! even Aristotle believed in SELF LOVE and that a good person should be a self-lover [1]...but i believe EVERY PERSON SHOULD BE A SELF LOVER! there were some philosophical quotes he wrote but i can't quite remember said somethin like friends are other selves that are an extension to ur own self! How true how true! I love his point of view on tis and that every self lovin person is not what people now perceive them to be. it is not to be mistaken with bein self conceited or narcissism. a self-lover seeks true personal goodness and aim at a virtuous life that consists not only of health and prosperity, but also of magnanimity and amiability[2]. So on tis V-Day(ok by the time tis gets published and read it'll be post V-day) i would like to reach out to all my loved ones with tis message:


and to my Valentines, thank u for dating me over Ramly burger & Strawberry White Chocolate Latte!




  1. Only part i read in Mind Your Body was that tantra yoga instructor bout sex...haha she destress by sleeping and having sex! Wo0o0ot even tho single...hmmm where can i get her number

  2. Oh so what do you say to the mirror?

  3. i hardly say anythin to my reflection...but previously when i took up BD, i'd say I'M A GODDESS, seize the day & SMILE, whenever i get the jitters learnin or teachin..thankfully it helped..heh

  4. i guess it must be spiritually-ulfillin for her like u dun gatal eh, i kick ur balls then u noe!

  5. ooouhh..Ramlee Burger...!! my fav!!
    wat r those pink heartshape thingy?? cookies?

  6. WAH! spinelli's v-day cookie..sweetness

  7. Ahahah... Iyuan u nottie-nottie, The Goddess will kick you! You, go Cuz! hahah...

    I totally agree... I used to have super-duper low self esteem too and yeah... Things sux. Thank goodness I had a good support system around me to bring me up my feet (read: family; yup tt includes u cuzzins and friends; my gurls). Things got better when I feel better abt myself and when things got better, I feel better abt myself! It's a lovely cycle...

    So yeah! Self-love is a must faor all individual! =D

    P/S: But not too much though... Being conceited isn't an attractive trait. hehe

  8. emaza: we love those cookies! lovely..

  9. I love looking and smiling at myself in the mirror. Hee! I think sometimes I tend to over love and over pamper myself. Hahaha.

    But I believe ppl will experience low self esteem at one point of their life. Its how they face and get over it. I used to feel ugly at one point of my life that I dun dare to smile at ppl. Hahaha.

  10. HUG MYSELF now.....!!!! eeuuurrgghh!!! i love me :)

  11. glitterluxe: hee miss rosz(gwap) dah jawab kan :)
    deesdaily: dun play play hor...hahah!
    iyuan: *bluek*
    sitz: yeah i agree the right mix of friends/people ard u also do a good part in thinkin positive and i'm happy to be amg those who makes u feel better & lovelier :) hahah yeah lah too much of somethin is always too much to "angkat" lah...
    emadvbaza: hey dearies! u had them too? they were so lovely that the guy who was with us can't bear to break it for sharin.
    iqlima: hehehe very good...i still dun like to see myself too much in the mirror, takut the reflection acts on its own not accordin to my action *eee seram*
    azeanz: hehehe that's the way! ((hug))

  12. i like this post every much Sop, way to go... hope ur guy frd is gettin better man...

  13. he told me he remembers what i told him, he said he is workin on it but sometimes it fails. i told him don't give up, must think positive!

  14. i remembered my last entry,i mentioned i still feel love eventhough i am not in love...i guess maybe because I do love myself...hehe...good on you for helping your friend.AND....that cookie looks yummy eventhough it's PINK

  15. ahh perhaps yeah, u do and there's always God's ever glorious love :)
    hehehe yeaps yummy lil cookie...

  16. I just love the group photo we took... Everyone so happie.. hee...

  17. I read the same article and I was thrilled to Chris as I actually took lessons with Christina Low, Tantric Yoga and Tantric Sex Instructor. I really love her lessons, she's very open and a wonderful free-spirit. Er... btw, I took Tantric YOGA not the sex lessons.

  18. I read the same article and I was thrilled to see Christina Low as I actually took lessons with her, Tantric Yoga and Tantric Sex Instructor. I love her lessons, she's very open and a wonderful free-spirit. Er... btw, I took Tantric YOGA not the sex lessons. Though, in Tantric Yoga she does teach a few techniques that help..... lol


    Sophie, you are a very special girl and friend. That's the best Valentine's Day message I've had the pleasure to see.

  20. ohhh so u tantric yoga sex instructor in training?? hee...once u qualify, tell me! i got a few newlywed friends, i can recommend u to them! i can be ur guinea pig student too! hehehe

  21. thank u babe! it was my pleasure :)

  22. Only disciple baby. Not instructor in training love. =) She teaches techniques to increase JOY and intensity of the big Os. Christina Low is the woman to turn to for tips. She teaches couple LiVe ya know. lol. Tell u more in person.

  23. ooo la la la...ok, i noe who to seek then in future for JOY n BIG Os if i have trouble in that dept! hehe

  24. Sex is addictive. I think most of u guys know abt this fact. *grinning*

  25. hahahaha the newly de"flowered" dude has spoken!

  26. i so love ur post... thanks for the inspirations!! *muacks*

  27. ouh! thank u for appreciatin it too :)
    have a wonderfully inspired weekend!

  28. eh sophie aku nak tau amacam kan aku punya yahoo tak bilang apa2 incase ada updates or blog yg terbaru dari sesiapa hah ...any idea

  29. entry jadi info centre pulak. haha...ok babe, u log in to multiply, then u go to tis link:
    u can play ard with whatever alerts u wanna receive in ur email. hope that helps ;)
