Friday, 19 October 2007

Clustered Calcifications

The Mammogram & Ultrasound results came in early and since i was hit by diarrhoea since late last nite, I made a trip to the Polyclinic to get the review as well.

The doctor said there's probably cyst or nodules in my breasts. Tsk vague description, not helpful at all but as she was busily writin down my prescription for another examination at a specialised breast clinic, I read the diagnosis written for the mammogram/ultrasound result. Clustered calcifications found on blah blah blah...BI-RAD 3 and BI-RAD 4. Those words were imprinted in my head till i get home and the doctor said that i might have to go through biopsy. See all these new terms i gotta memorise? GOOGLED!

Calcifications or microcalcifications seen on a mammogram are small mineral deposits that show up as white spots on the mammogram film. Calcifications can be benign, but may be a sign of breast cancer.

Distribution of breast calcifications

Breast calcifications are described in terms of type and distribution and categorized according to the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) of the American College of Radiology (ACR).

Distribution modifiers (grouped or clustered, linear, segmental, regional, diffuse) are used to describe the arrangement of the calcifications. Historically, the terms grouped or clustered were used to describe suspicious calcification. Now, these terms are neutral and may be used to describe benign or malignant processes. Grouped or clustered should be used to describe calcifications that occupy a small volume (<2 mL) of tissue.

BI-RADS to describe breast calcifications

Category 3, or "probably benign finding–short-term interval follow-up suggested," is used when a noted finding has a very high probability of being benign. The finding is not expected to change over the follow-up interval, but the radiologist prefers to establish its stability over time.

Category 4, or "suspicious abnormality–biopsy should be considered," is used when a finding has a definite probability of being malignant.

info extracted from:



BI-RADS cat 4 don't sound too good to me and I heard that biopsy is a real painful experience. 

O Allah, give me strength to overcome this, and i really really hope that with a more thorough check, the calcifications in my breast are benign, benign, benign...and they'll poof or juz stay that way...




  1. (big-big-hugz) InsyaAllah... i'll pray that they all all benign.... haf faith dear...

  2. Oh Gosh..Sorry to hear that. I'll pray that its all benign, InsyaAllah. (hugzz hugzzz)
    Love u babe. Take care =)

  3. Babe, u ok? Dun tink too much ok, banyak berdoa. We here will say sum prayers 4 ya aite..;) hopefully its all benign

  4. These tests are simply put to prepare u for the worst. I remembered when my mum got her results in 26th Sept 2005, she was so demoralized as hell, even when i tried to cheer her up by following me to collect the new peevee, she did light up a bit but back to her sombre mood soon after. Alhamdulillah all were just cautionary results when she received her final checkup 2 weeks later which she was cleared of any boobie cancer. So Sophie, chest up (FIGURATIVEly speaking of course!) and continue life as normal and do things u love to do.. Insya allah all will be fine..

  5. u'll be ok, insyallah. benign cases are usually the case for most people. I had my cyst taken out from my right breast at 16! :P heheheh long time ago. I was scared and excited. Dont ask me why! :) Just doa and not to worry if your family has no history of breast cancer, ok?

  6. Insyallah Cuzzin, all will be well. Like what the rest said, have faith and be strong! You'll get through this.
    We're always here for you!

  7. Have faith.Be strong. InsyaAllah, all will be well.
    I will pray for your well-being.

  8. insya'allah everthing will be fine...

  9. Biologically speaking you shouldnt worry too much about the cyst sophie. Let me put this into perspective; it is just benign and haven't metastsis yet. Your cyst havent had the chance to undergo angiogenesis, and thus it is easily removable and NON-CANCEROUS. I will guaranttee you that it is NO BIG DEAL.

    Just follow the advice of everyone, berdoa selalu, and insyallah all will be fine.

  10. hey babe... hope u r ok..
    question.. may i ask wat made u go for the mammogram?
    guess we r not too young for anthing huh... sms me ya..
    cheer up and take care..

  11. takpelah, biar sakit sekarang.. kalau dah sakit belakang hari lagi parah namaya.. we'll all pray for ur good health.. insyaallah...

  12. taken from my last entry:
    "I had mine done yesterday due to some pains that I experienced at certain spots of my breasts last week (still experiencin the pains till today too). My paternal aunt had breast cancer, my colleague too, so in the state of paranoia, I decided to go for a check up at the polyclinic when my mum had her check-up review on her liver. The doctor recommended me to go for the 2 examinations when she found that my breasts felt lumpy and tender."

  13. eeeks at such tender age? did it also start with calcification? now do u have a scar there?
    my paternal aunt has breast cancer, but i have to remain positive & doa many many indeed!

  14. Hey everyone, i'm doin ok.
    still in the mood for raya and pretty much lookin forward to my getaway trip next month.
    i'm not worryin much yet cos nothin is confirmed, takin things one thing at a time but of course, i'm continually prayin hard tt everythin is well, no malign stuff in me.
    do remember me in ur prayers too :)
    thank u for all ur prayin n ur well wishes for me. and to those of u who had shared ur experiences, thank u too, for tryin to comfort me :)

  15. (hugs) think happy thoughts... :)

  16. dun worry ok..insya allah all goes well
    ur in ur productive years, cyst or nodules are very common....

  17. gerl.....biopsy is the gold std for a diagnosis if of cos lumps or of that sort found in anywhere in our body...
    sometime they ask for fna(where aku keje) before a bopsy is done or they will hav to do both..most of the time this SCANS AND IMAGES can giv a diagnosis of 'suspicious for malignancy of benign' pasal truthfully di sg tak kebnaykan dorang ahli dlm melihat a black and white print.
    so histology biopsy comes long as the histology or cytology(dis for ur fna) results are neg u dun care wat the scans shows....
    aku suggest kau pi NUH atau SGH.the 2 hospitals that i know of that can giv u good quality biopsy and fna....
    u dun wanna do all these and get a 'insufficient material for diagnosis' printed on the results.
    insyaAllah lah

  18. shasya: yeah happy happy...sunny bali....wooot wooot~~~

    glitterluxe:oh those stuff are commonly found in women my age? okie...i'm not aware, thanx sheida :)

    nekkayu: ok ayu, thanx for a great insight. yes, i have chosen to be NUH's guinea pig actually.
    sound so complicated nye...kalau boleh, biopsy pun i dun wanna go through...tak mau lah ku dicocok-cocok!
    tapi...hmm tgk lah apa doctor cakap/nak buat..i'd do anything to eliminate any doubts or suspicions lah...juz need to be brave *gulp*
