Monday, 1 October 2007

Multiply's Iftar Affair: A First

Sakura Intl Restaurant was the choice for breaking fast together. 9 of us turned up and it was fun catchin up & watchin each other's silly antics! We were joined by Fauziah, who met us for the first time and got the boys curious with her flavoured mineral water! hehe! Pretty fun time we had, and food..ohh i realise i can't really hold in so much anymore lah! Thanx Hafi for organisin tis gatherin and for Jalan Raya, ehem...Cik Siti aka sitz, has volunteered to head the organisin! Wheehoo~~~

Before the iftar meet-up, the boys had a sudden craving for Mango & Banana Crumble so after stuffin ourselves with the sumptuous buffet spread, the boys and I headed down to PS Cafe...ahhh tea & desserts...what a way to wind down the evenin...


  1. ahhh sorry i cldnt make it..
    i'll try my best for the raya walk even though i have an event on that day..

  2. bet u guys had a great tym ........
    sincerest apology for not being able to make it...

  3. *geleng kepala*
    Raf.... See lah... I dunno what to say!

  4. OoOoh~!!! Nice...
    Sorry we couldn't tag for this, guys.
    But I sure would like to check out this place some day soon. =)

  5. No need to say anything... Accept for wat he is.. HAHAHA

  6. ish ish ish.... sesungguhnya saya berposa hari nie... so i cant say wat i would like to say... lol....

  7. ahh sorry couldnt join u babes ya... was off in JB stuffing myself too.. haha... will try to make it for the raya walk-walk ok sitz!

  8. oh so u all went to sakura...readin the invitation entry i tot decide to go hjh maimnah haha...i was at geylang yesterday cari baju raya then went to kawasan hjh maimunah till abt 5:15 p.m.....i told my husband "nanti mlm my contacts buka kat sini tau"...adalah terjenguk jenguk korang dah sampai ke ape....hahahaa

  9. hey looks like ya'll have fun. sorry cant make it. i was eating at chai chee seafood restaurant wif all of my family members (grandfather to nephew).

  10. aiyah...i cant la...go again la..lets have tea and scones with fresh cream... *drools*

  11. ler.. actually, we open the invitation. tot u could come aswell.

  12. yup..picture of the year..haha;p

  13. yea lah awak...main jenguk-jenguk pulak!

  14. go together eh..No POTONG JALAN!!!

  15. Yeah, you guys should haha (I dont get any commission haha)

  16. Dun worry Soph, if they dare potong jalan, I will bring YOU somewhere ;)

  17. As your are madame kelakar seram.... ok

  18. Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    Lets go have tea with scones and fresh cream...
    ahahhahahahaha...this is called..cajoling via spam-reply method..haha

  19. Whats cajole? Izzit some sexy move?

  20. And so..the word of the day is Cajole...
    The meaning is..
    to persuade by flattery or promises; wheedle; coax...
    So how?
    Tea + Scones + fresh cream? Best kan?

  21. take me take me!
    but PS Cafe got scones eh? hee i am always distracted by the cakes on display, never really look through the menu for food.

  22. dont know..but there's a place in holland v which sells it complete with the tea set..hehe

  23. If u promise me to belly dance for me, i'll bring u there! Heh

  24. they used to have this delish lemon scones at spinelli.. I wonder if they still do now.. For the normal scones, I'd be picking at the raisins and ended up eating the crumbled scones like eating rice using my hands..

  25. Raf is a better dancer than me...u shud've seen raf shake a booty..woohoo..haha.. so ms raf, would u do it for mr fyz? if u do it, and he brings us there, i pay for ur share.. set?

  26. I want ketupat, lemang, kuih macaroons, kuih tart and fresh dates!

  27. emm liza, u abit out of topic..hehe!

  28. ooo really? cosy place?? like alice & gertrude? come lah let's go, after fasting period is over!

  29. I noe... Hehehe but I am feeling hungry (oppss) suddenly when ya'll toking about scones and raisins. Hehehehehe..

  30. hahhaha puasa tak? sabar sabar ye...less than 2 hours can start eatin, on the way back go TM lah buy those yum yums :)

  31. no la..alice & getrude is the BEST! hehe..but definitely should go...ok after fasting period, lepas balik kerja..woohoo

  32. Puasa kak! Tak ahh sempat gi TM... kita naik bus transport that sends my dad and I directly to our house area. Alahh time gini jer lapar (nafsu oii) tapi bila dah buka until sahur time takde mood nak makan. hehehe.

  33. okay la! we shall have it arranged then..
