Friday, 28 September 2007

The Close comes to a close

Both our addresses have Close in them, surely we are meant to be close...the mentality of a naive 15-year old girl.

And slightly more than a decade later, one of the Close will be turned to Valley. Memories memories...though i'm not part of the household, that place played a part in makin our history. When we first started dating and the phoneline in his house went dead, he never fail to call me via the public phone at the void deck every nite. That was also where I was first introduced to his mum, felt the warmth of a big family, seen his siblings grew, mend our lil quarrels, held his birthday celebration and surprises...

Tomorrow...he's gonna shift...oh well, maybe the Pandans are greener at the Valley...and i've gotta roll along with the's not like the end of the world....heh




  1. Pandan? Iyuan shifting to Pandan Gardens, cuzzin?

  2. It's Pandan Valley lah Sitz..

    Its ok Sophie, insya allah one fine day till a lifetime, u and Iyuan will start a new chapter of your lives in a same house.. with a teakwood kitchen table! hahahaha

  3. ehh?? for display ah??
    hmm i think with an osim chair n a huge LCD screen tv more practical ah, Mr Fyz...LoL...insya Allah :)

  4. Yeah I know abt tat OSIM chair and LCD tv.. I oso remember wat he said abt the kitchen table.. So I assume he getting teakwood ah.. tak senang pecah! Hehe

  5. Hahahah, ssssh...jgn bilang orang.

  6. Aaaw mesye i'm the one shifting out eh...u making me sad tau..heheh

  7. aww.... sweet tribute. hmm.... changes aint always easy but who knows its for the better. Insyallah.

    oh btw, teakwood aint cheap. lol. saw a teakwood bed FRAME going for over 3k. maybe u'll fare better looking for a teakwood table. heheh...

  8. ok when's iyuan shifting to tampines?
    then can lepak2 at TM..

  9. I think u still need to come to the west to lepak with him babe! Hehe

  10. Yes i a temp place. Sucks tho...

  11. alah... singapore everywhere also reachable..
