Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Super Ninja Monkees Pizza Party!!

The title of the album is a tribute to Liz's & Kak Ekin's token (Super Ninja Monkey) & one of the forfeits (Pizza Party) in the Quels game we played@Pit Stop Cafe.

I think tis must be one of the craziest cuzzins outin ever, and the largest too cos some of us tagged our partners/friends along. It's really kewl cos everyone was pretty much "Siao On" at Pit Stop Cafe durin the Quels game...maybe we should blame it on the Naan, Briyani, Palak Paneer, Chicken Marsala, Keema & Butter Chicken for such a Fun time!


  1. Heheh... I like this pic cuzz! So cute!

  2. Oooooh.... So he was our "drawer"... heh. =)

  3. huh? What happened?
    This was taken when me, kak liz, kak ekin and wan were washing up upstairs after kena sabo with cake kan?

  4. yes, he proceeded to creaming his own sister after creamin u peoples! hahaha!

  5. u cut ur hair!!! :)wheres pitt stop?

  6. tee hee
    pit stop cafe is at circular rd, near boat quay :)

  7. oo..i love the outing!!
    had lotsa fun..!!

  8. yeah nice after blow dry...if not, like lion! hahah
