Saturday, 18 August 2007


That is what Muslims have, yet there are a whole bunch of us who are not using them. We are so used to the idea of branding and labelling and putting values and degrees to relationship with others, be it with fellow Muslims or non-Muslims, that it weakens our very essence of being a Muslim.

Being a Muslim is not only being devoted in worship to the One God but it is also about making good relations with All mankind, be they Chinese, ang mohs, blacks, Arabs, rich, poor, Christians, Jews or the Unbelievers. Now u realise that all these italised words are labels, and should we keep discriminating and judging people in such manner, it is difficult for us to practise true Islam, for in Islam, we recognise differences yet we are asked to honour, build relationships and mediate with others for the benefits of mankind.

I went to a public talk last night, by a guest speaker Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, an Imam from America. He talked about globalisation, and how it is not a new phenomenon and how we can be better Singapore Muslims and Globalised Muslims. whatever titles/labels we are given, Singapore, Globalised or what, a Muslim, who wants to move forward, see progress and success, cannot be confined to narrow mentality (which are so widespread and easily haunting us now) and we outta recreate the livelyhood models established by our Khulafas. By this it doesn't mean that we have to have a "State of Islam" but we have to look at the examples how they interact and showed compassion to others. If we want and so demand our rights on tis earth for a piece of land that we could call a State of Islam so that we could do everythin by abiding Syariah Laws...we are no different from practisin Islamic Zionism! Tis idealogy of "State of Islam" is probably what i feel have motivated or inspired those radical islamic terrorists to go all out & "Jihad". And of course, the feeling of being oppressed and repressed is also a driving force for such rebellion...but did we remember how our own prophets were also given such treatments by those with authorities/who feel they are a threat? But I do not remember them rising in arms with vengeance and violence in their acts but only in supplications for the Mercy & Blessings of Allah swt.

And here we are in this era, in the heart of modernisation and globalisation, we should embrace them as those have in the times of Muhammad s.a.w and the Khalifas, and share Islam by practisin what the early Muslims have done. How did they thrive and Islam become so easily widespread? And why is it that more people are becoming Muslims even after the 9-11 event?

Remember, our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was put here as a mercy to all as stated in the following ayat: "We sent you not, but as a mercy for all creatures." (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:107) 

and Allah has put us here not to look at each other with hate, jealousy or envy but

"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Al-Hujurat 49:13)

"Hold fast to the rope of God all together, and do not separate. Remember God's blessing to you when you were enemies and He joined your hearts together so that you became brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of the pit of Fire and He rescued you from it. In this way God makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will be guided. "(Ali 'Imran: 103)

My Fellow brothers & sisters, each of us here have a role as an ambassador of Islam and as u pray today and raise your hands to Glorify Him, remember too, to doa for the well-being of all ur loved ones, be they Muslims or not and open ur hearts, ENGAGE with others & mediate to spread the goodness & beauty of Islam, which is Virtue & Truth.

For that let me just add one more Ayat to this entry:

"Invite them to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for your Lord knows best, who have strayed from his path, and who receive guidance." (Al-Nahl: 125)

Let us open up & attack the world with our "weapons" as followers of the mercy to all: Compassionate, Loving, Virtuous, in the name of Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful

I hope by sharing a lil of what I have gained from the talk as well as a lil of my perspective from my knowledge, u can learn somethin abt Islam and be motivated/inspired too but in my eagerness of expressin/sharin of this religion & belief I hold dear, i seek ur forgiveness if i offend anyone in any aspect.

God Bless & Peace be with you~



  1. I totally agree with this. Moslems need to keep an open mind when it comes to maintaining relationships with other people.

  2. Amin! Islam is beautiful and let us all be compassionate, loving and virtuous!

  3. It a worldwide political conspiracy..nuff said

  4. Oh no.. Conspiracy theorists.. Nah, just a bunch of idiots with power roaming around in the name of a crusade that will be won by us one way or another

  5. No i mean the world listening and bowing down to wateva that has been said by a particular country. and i seriously don't know what U.N is for.

  6. i have got to be a public speaker. those guys make so much money just by talking their thoughts...

  7. although the dude said he did not receive funding from the government etc. but i guess he gets lotsa sponsors(for activities/accomodation/flight) to support his cause for bridging communities.
    and u noe what, the best thing is he didn't even give a proper syarahan...he talked abit and then it turned out to be a dialogue session. it's kewl esp. when 2 of the floor members who posed questions were non-muslims

    go on, rise and be one :)

  8. Is there a public cock-speaker?
