Thursday, 23 August 2007

Hot in Email Circulation: Muslimah Vet-in-training Posing & Touching Pigs & Doggie

I have received an email regarding this Malaysian babe who is supposedly a vet-in-training. I would not have bothered to even write abt tis if I stumbled upon these pics on the girl's blog BUT because there are muslims out there who have been putting in ugly words for this girl, just because SHE IS A MUSLIM and SHE POSE & TOUCH pigs & dogs in the pictures, I would like to highlight some things before more people start to bad-mouth her further.

PLEASE HOLD UR JUDGEMENT & STOP MAKING DEROGATORY REMARKS like tis (found in the email i received):

"sayangnyer...muka cun melecun...
kot yer pun 'bakal' jadi Dr Vet, toksah ler act macam bangga jer gitu suar...eemmm......dengan babi pun boleh main2 yer......kan binatang tuh haram!Nauuzubillah..."

Instead of viewin these ladies as Muslimahs who have a certain sense of compassion and respect for these animals, that they enjoy workin with animals and that these are most likely their "patients", they are being criticised for doing something so utterly disgusting and some people think it's shameful/wrong in an Islamic sense.

And most of us know, that if we come in contact with these animals, we are asked to clean which ever parts that touch them 7 times, the first time being with mud/soil. There is NOTHING wrong with showing ur care and concern for the pigs and dogs for they are also creations of God.

So please, just because you feel it's disgusting, do not make her or her friend look like they have committed some kind of a HUGE SIN or done SOMETHIN SHAMEFUL TO ISLAM.

PLEASE have a more open mind.

And a couple of things I would like to share with you about dealing with PIGS & DOGS.

On PIGS (excerpt taken from

"There is an Islamic view, which states that all living animals are clean, which means we are allowed to approach them and touch them. The children are being introduced to one of the creatures of Allah and so there is no harms in that so long as the pigs are dry.

There is only one exception. Dead dogs and pigs are considered to be dirty, and we are not allowed to have anything to do with them even though on this particular point.

On DOGS (excerpts taken from

Since in Islam dogs in general are not considered very clean animals as they can be carriers of numerous parasites, some of which may be highly harmful to humans, Islam is against adopting dogs as pets. And as most of these parasites are passed on to others through their saliva, we are told to wash the spot it has come in contact with seven times, one of which should be preferably with mud or dirt. Having said this, however, I must point out that some scholars have ruled that washing the spot with a bacterial soap will be deemed sufficient instead of using dirt or mud. While some scholars consider the entire body of a dog impure, many however are of the view that it is only its saliva that is considered impure in an absolute sense; so that is what we should stay clear of at all times.

The above ruling about the impurity of the dog in general or of its saliva in particular notwithstanding, there are certain allowances for those who are unable to avoid contact with dogs because of the nature of their job involving dogs or specific circumstances that make it hard for them to avoid direct contact with dogs. In this category can we can include farmers who keep dogs for guarding and herding cattle, etc.; blind people who need to keep dogs as guides; hunters who use trained dogs; police who employ trained dogs for investigating crimes; those who need to keep guard dogs, etc. As Imam Ibn Taymiyah has pointed out, because of the particular circumstances such people find themselves in, which make it impossible for them to stay completely clear of dogs, they are allowed certain relaxations in regards to purity and impurity associated with dogs. This is because of the general principle of taysir (ease and removal of hardship) inherent in the Shari`ah, which teaches that “wherever there is hardship, the rigor of the law is relaxed.” In other words, they will be excused as long as they do their best as determined by their own circumstances, for “Allah (certainly) will not impose on a soul a burden it has no strength to bear.” 

This entry i wrote is definitely a subtle reminder for us (i was a lil too harsh in my respond in email sayin BUKALAH RUANG MINDA, wahai orang melayu cos obviously the ugly remark was instigated by a Malay person...errkss but i apologised for my own bad deed in that sense) to:

-Stop making this vet-in-training look like she is committing some kind of a big sin or doing some kind of shame to Islam

-Please have a more open-mind and do not judge her acts with derogatory remarks

-Please have a sense of compassion for all animals, pigs and dogs are afterall creations of Allah swt too

-And May Allah shed Light on everyone and guide u to the right path.

As I have also mention in my email, my sincere apologies if i have offended anyone with regards to this. There are some things i juz cannot stand from keeping mum, especially when it comes to others' reputations when they are actually doing something good.

And may the ladies keep strong in their studies and see success in their pursuits!



  1. problem of not knowing a something in depth. taking many teachings at a face value without thorough analysis.
    to learn is to understand. not to be pak torot.
    THAT is the beauty of knowledge.

  2. i do agree wif ur point of view.

    bt i wun deny the fact that i actually got shocked when i first saw it.
    i did ask too if she is a vet or sumthing..

  3. yeah these are things that are rather mind-bending especially when we dun really noe the subject at hand and before we comment anythin, it is best that we look up to sources abt it.

    i remembered watchin a Muslimah vet featured on malaysian TV before (dunno if it's tis girl or not), abt her work, how come she wanna work with these animals and what are the measures she took as a Muslimah. in that programme, it was also shown that vet touched and treated dogs with much love and respect.

  4. young generations are more open but its difficult to change the mindset of older generations.
    Even if we were to explain them,i bet its difficult to convince them

  5. much as we dislike or have to avoid dogs & pigs,
    they still deserve love & respect in their lives
    as much as other animals n us humans too.
    not forgetting TLC too. :)

  6. Know wat i think? I think her job and what she is doing is correct and shud be commended BUT i DO NOT think she shud be posing with them like she is. Like they are her pets. And me i am not exactly llike wat u call conservative Muslim. So yes maybe its the way she is posing with them that makes those buggers erk.

  7. Been a free thinker after goin to a church for 6 yrs n been brought up in a Taotist cum Buddha family background... I think that it's perfectly alrite to believe in ur religion.. But in any case, I think it can definately become bad if u go into the extremes... blinding the real meanings of the teaching... I agree with Sop n frds to be more open n to really know ur stuffs b4 even commenting on others on such serious issues..

  8. fizlynd: true, people in the older generation may have a lil bit more narrow/critical mindset than us but it is us young people who have to do our parts, seek knowledge and slowly change mindsets. with knowledge, we can rationalise and whether they accept or not, it is up to them eventually.

    icebitch & chitchot: yeah we can learn to love & respect these creatures too but of course, take proper measures if u do decide to touch them

    iyuan: maybe u r right, our society r so used to be taught that dogs & pigs are "dirty", that these kinda pics are bound to make us fidget and squirm in discomfort but that doesn't give us any right to make negative remarks like mentioned in the email and make the party involved look like what she do is something totally shameful.

    ruwaka: hey thank u Yingz for voicing out ur opinion, appreciate it and yeah, hopefully in time to come more people will be more open to changes/contradicting situations, seek proper knowledge and be more objective and positive in their mindset and speech.

  9. people should read the "jangan nak membabikan babi" article by someone from Mediacorp Suria.. it's a good article nevertheless.. insya allah if i manage to find it, i'll post it online.

    anyway i recv this email at work and my kelik was ranting abt it non-stop. but i told her to shut her trap if she doesnt know the real story behind it. tak baik.. boleh mendatangkan fitnah. and i told her also tat its not wrong to hold the animals like this and maybe also they sertu themselves aftter their daily studies also. who knows rite? we should remind ourselves that we encourage to gif favourable comments or think of wats best for them. not bad mouth.. if dunno anything just shut it. if they know wat they doing then alls good alhamdulillah.. if otherwise, its between them and Allah.

  10. i might be shallow but i cant help but find the last photo very well captured. the light shining on her best angle, it really accentuates her beauty. kudos on a well taken photo...

    as for the animals. not shocked and not affected and pardon me for the stereotype, but most malaysian malays are really "backward" and narrow. they snide at you for speaking in english and gives you dirty looks for sharing a table and having dinner with your chinese friend at a hawker centre. oh well.....not surprising about the degratory remarks.

    by the way..being pedantic here, does having a mudbath then water spa treatment, with circulating jetspray count as sertu?

  11. There arealways damn ass buggers who like to "shame" others we shud be weary not to allow them to. Unless you are prepared for the backlash.

  12. as i was exposed to loads of "politics", i meet a fair bit of people who listen to no reason, argumentative and just a pain in the arse. most times i am tolerant and patient to such BS but if they insist on winning and before i get pissed off, i will always ask them " if a dog is barking at you. will you bark back?" most people will say no and i would reply " Neither would I" and walk away from the situation to cool down elsewhere. That question is rhetoric, whatever answer the person gives, will be to your advantage. Try it.....

  13. draamaaaa....thanks for the article.I think it is an eye opener for conservative people

  14. Nuff said. Thing is not a lot of people can totally block off other pple's comments entirely. I am thankfull i am gifted in doing so till now..LoL

  15. interesting, if it is, it'll be one expensive sertu process.. haha

  16. My exact thoughts. These pictures can do nothing more for people to critise and backlash her. Showed it to my colleagues and they agreed. And they're basically the conservative older generation Muslims. Perhaps in the first place these pictures are suppose to be private and somehow it leaked out.

    But then again, thought about pictures of our muslim youths posing with glasses of wines and beer bottles in their hands. Just coz those pics can are rather common and this is a "first" it should get more criticism? hmm...

  17. actually i'm with iyuan. i love animals myself and envy the girl's job (i once wanted to be a vet when i was young) and i am against the derogatory remarks but i strongly feel that it depends on her intention. if she took photos like these with all other animals, like to show how she sees dogs and pigs the same way as the rest, i think it's fine. but knowing how sensitive this issue can turn out, if the photos were on an intentional basis to raise controversy, or subconsciously 'riak' or minorly showy, then it's a different matter. However, whatever her intention was, God knows and it's between herself and God and I just think people are wasting time losing their 'amal' by condemning her.

  18. LOL i really like that last photo too. quite stylish in overalls and boots.

    AND i'd like to know if mudbath can count as sertu also! let me know when you find out!

  19. Kalau kite semua betul2 renungkan hal ini, memang pada dasar nye tak manis di pandang, tapi kan dah memang tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka utk menjaga dan memelihara haiwan....kalau niat mereka ikhlas dan bukan saja2 nak pegang haiwan "berkenaan", itu adalah urusan mereka dgn tuhan laa..yg penting mereka lakukan yg sepatutnye (ie:sertu dg cara betol)..
    Sungguh sedih melihat sesetengah pihak yg "stereotype" perbuatan mereka ini..tak payah lah nak susah payah jadi kan hal ini sbg satu bahan kutukan..

  20. you babe, im proud that u took the time to share this issue with us.

    Knowledge is key. People give shallow remarks because they are brought up believing that these creatures are dirty and are to be avoided at all cost.

    Just like during my many visits to the vet. There are a couple of times when i see a small dog nearing a muslim, and this ignorant muslim would stand up from their seat, distances away from the dog, and give an angry stare at the pet and its owner - telling them a silent msg, "Im a muslim, im clean, and ur stupid dirty dog must not go near me." How RUDE. they make their actions so obvious loathing that innocent dog.
    Why i say innocent? because these misunderstood animals did not ask God to make them 'dirty'.

    Maybe my opinion may seemed prejudice because im a strong animal lover. seriously? i dont see any reason to avoid dogs and pigs (just so long ur actions respect the religious rules). talking abt an open mind, i dont even understand why some people deem the sight of holding dogs/pigs as despicable.
    She's being a true human for chrissakes...she have a big heart to care for all animals.

  21. Ah yes, that's what my ustaz at Darul Arqam mentioned to. Haha. He can some more said that being ustaz also need to become "tukang cuci mangkuk" 'cos our ppl kinda insist of having the utensils "sertu-ed" (for shops who applied halal cert). Actually, its sufficient with washing them with bacterial soap.
    If I'm free I shall touch on this in my own entry tonight. Got to go. Brain dead now.
    One word of advice though, jadi manusia jgn cepat melatah. No good. Chillz.

  22. But hey i love SpiderPig and Snoopy!

  23. Ahahaha... Funny lah you Iyuan! =D

  24. i really don't understand the malay, not only the older generation even some of of the new generation does that too.. That day I kena kutuk for posting article about graduation. Hish.. So sad..

    Anyway, I understand ur sentiment. That thing is also Allah's creation and Allah didn't say we cannot touch it, we just have to sertu after that. Nowadays it easy with the new sertu soap in the market.

  25. Sitz: Eh now then u know?
    Hafi: Hai, graduation pun kena kutuk?

  26. Ahah seh.. ada ker dia kata i graduate from ........course (u fill in the blank)

  27. hehehhe tis entry is gettin a real interestin twist! and i thank each and everyone for ur opinions and such positive response regarding this issue.

    emmm as for the query abt the mudbath (is it the same as mudwrap?) then do water spa treatment, with circulating jetspray, is it considered as sertu?
    unless u rolled ard together with lil miss piggy or get licked all over by mr snoopy, the mudbath is not considered a sertu ritual. the concept of sertu in the first place is to rid "najis", so if u go to spa for de-stressin/indulgence purposes, then it's not considered as a form of sertu. otherwise, as mr fyz and an ustazah i consulted'll be one expensive process and it can lead to a waste of ur resources (money, water?), which is also discouraged by Islam. i hope somehow my answer fulfill ur query.

    iqlima: yes babe, i remembered u tell me abt it, pls share more of ur knowledge..esp. from ur Darul Arqam lessons :)

    norhafi: yeah yeah i was so excited when i heard abt the release of the sertu need to go find soil to keep at home, in case i get licked by some dog. heh. anyways babe, dun u get affected by what others' say...i am sure u put up stuff on ur graduation because u wanna share abt ur joy and find it somekind of relief that u made it. and those pics that we took and pose for, remember the purpose was somethin for us to remember the tough shit we went thru, to express our joy for pullin ourselves and those pics will definitely put a sense of nostalgia in our hearts, somethin that help us remember our achievement. pity, some people dunno how to share ur joy, and can only think bad of others''s a reflection of themselves, rather than u. dun worry k :)

  28. hehe.. at first macam sedih.. tapi baca balik i can't help but to laugh.. Hehe...

  29. hee yah laugh it off is better than get affected. iyuan lagi best he said we study bio partly can relate it to ... told u he can think of tis kinda things *LoL*

  30. where 2 get? i din noe abt it.. *dsh myself*

  31. i read one by daud yusof in manja. dunno whether it's the same article but i love the ruangan done up by this sharp-tongued n sharp-minded writer come newscaster.

    its about malays using euphemisms to replace 'babi' eg. khinzir or cik bibah. walhal... maknenye sama. "kesian cik bibah" kata dia.

    Abt the sertu part... yes, the vet-in-training featured in the malaysian channel showed the process of her holding the anjing,(even checking the teeth), and the process of her sertu-ing after that. So, I am convinced after watching it. Altho it was new information for me to digest at that point of time.

    And yes, i second prodigic by saying; otherwise, it's between them and Allah.

  32. A good rhetorical question but woh, it does need courage to say that, man.

    Talking to people without solid foundation but insist on being right, is like getting the wind to change direction.

    I wud normally 'agree to disagree', (sometimes nod) and keep silent until a point where i can't take it n find an opportunity to bang them with a fact tat they (at their level) can accept.

    But that'll put me in a spot lah. People mite terpinga2, "eh, knape deni emosi eh?" but they gotta noe they r not right aLL the times(!)

    N it's ok to be wrong some (or most of the) times.

    "Tujuh lautan Allah s.w.t. tidak akan mencukupi untuk menjadi dakwat bagi menulis ilmuNya" so, y be afraid to not noe something?

  33. tis is a very subtle but a very true and important issue... tis is really where it's between her and God. where all others like us with our judgements do nOt matter at aLL.

  34. i saw one at geylang. Joo Chiat complex. turn left into the lorong before the main entrance. about 3-4 shops after the one selling carpet at the entrance.

    the pakcik jual buku2 agama and jamu. the shop after it is the karaoke shop.

    i think also came out in berita harian but i didn get down the shop's details.

  35. YESS!! Thats the one which I was mentioning!! By chance do you have the magazine? And do your remember which month is it?

  36. oh no... i've gotta dig. it was quite some time back rite? abt 4-6 mths like tat i think. i'll get back to u if i find it yah.

  37. Wahduh Ji, skali reply terus punya panjang....hahah.
    But ya it is between her and God. some pple just take opportunity to slander others only ah.

  38. as mentioned in one of my replies,

    "emmm as for the query abt the mudbath (is it the same as mudwrap?) then do water spa treatment, with circulating jetspray, is it considered as sertu?
    unless u rolled ard together with lil miss piggy or get licked all over by mr snoopy, the mudbath is not considered a sertu ritual. the concept of sertu in the first place is to rid "najis", so if u go to spa for de-stressin/indulgence purposes, then it's not considered as a form of sertu. otherwise, as mr fyz and an ustazah i consulted'll be one expensive process and it can lead to a waste of ur resources (money, water?), which is also discouraged by Islam. i hope somehow my answer fulfill ur query."

  39. indeed tis lies deep down in ur very own me, tis is one of the most scary "sifat" in a person...and it is so easy to fall into such.

  40. wokies.. thanks a lot. i'll try my luck there soon.

  41. yah sophie, i read tat reply after i typed in my reply. now that u mentioned it, nawaitu is not there. and membazir is discouraged in Islam. hmmm... *takmoh pi spa lagi ah*

  42. heee, yah wan. now that i read back i realise they aRe panjang. sorry sophie for flooding ur comments page. *guilty*

  43. indeed... it falls under riak kecil n not easy for us to kick out this habit cause many of us (me included) likes to be praised *agar terkembang la siket* n sumtimes it's just as neutral as wanting people to know we're "just doing our job".

  44. nawaitu is's nawaitu go spa for destress purpose ;)
    once awhile indulge why not, it's pretty beneficial for the body n mind but for sertu purpose, it will be wasteful.

  45. I forgot to share something. During bio practical, one of the enzymes the students had to use was lipase and the supplier can only provide lipase of porcine (pig) origin. I had no qualms about it but my main concern were the Muslims students. So, I made their teacher vow to secrecy, telling her to get all students including non-Muslims to wear gloves and treated it as if it were a hazardous chemical where if it a drop were to land on their skin they'll suffer burns or allergy reaction. Hehe.. What I was afraid of was that the students will tell their parents and parents will complain to school, to newspaper, etc...

  46. good good, anyways wearin glove is the no.1 thing i always grab before doin any experiment...whether biologically or chemically hazardous. nothin is clean on a benchwork! haha

  47. btw everyone, i stumbled upon tis blog site, whereby the blogger had copied an email spread out by a Malaysian Vet, Dr. Mohd Dzulhamka Kamaluddin.
    coincidentally, the subjects addressed on it is similar as the one i put up, stemming from the same pictures.

    here it is explained in greater detail that PIG's flesh & by-products are deemed Haram (forbidden) for muslims to Eat, and that it is deemed Najis (Impure) for touching. Note the difference, cos tis is where most people have the misconceptions regarding this animal.

    ok, u r in for a looong read, if u decide to check it out, but it's all worth it. as mentioned by lela, knowledge is key. here's the link:

  48. hee no need for apologies lah babe!

  49. waduh, udah malam deh, otak tak berfungsi lagik. maybe i'll give it a shot tomoro. gd ntie babe n really interesting discussion for ur blog yah.

  50. You've taken a very sensitive subject (esp in Malaysia) and treated it very maturedly. I respect your broadmindedness and courage to voice this openly. Thanks for sharing this.

  51. Thank u lianchye, for reading this entry and ur sincere comments.

  52. true dat iyuan,... we shud always prepare ourselves for the repercussions of wat we say. if we are not prepared, say it only when we r ready. my take la.

  53. oh hey elfaeza, thank u for readin n sharin such sentiment :)

  54. I love dis blog of yours...I totally agree with your point...did watched such programme & I tink it's d gal (I tink so jer la eh...hehehe!)
    Was suprised of d remarks made wen d email was circulated...since I can't b bothered to do any reply to such email...I decided to discard it.

    Well done, dear! @ least u help people to open our their mind & do more research abt such matters.

  55. hopefully it does help!
    thanx to u too for enquirin to MUIS regardin the pig skin lining issues!
    i linked ur article to my entry here:

    hope our efforts benefit all the curious & confused minds :)

  56. hopefully...Insya-Allah.... ;p
