[K]uala [L]umpur trip
A lil week end getaway to the neighbourin country, indulgin myself in lotsa feastin left me feelin bloated & fat now. but heck it was a rejuvenatin trip...left all my worries behind and i'm back ready to face school and whatever shit comin my way.
tis topic seems to be hauntin me more n more often. i guess i really gotta deal with it. i've been reflectin on my colleagues' words and also bf's curiosity...why are my parents not concerned abt my relationship? why do they not ask abt me gettin married? don't they wanna getta noe the guy whom i have been datin for almost a decade now? how can they juz remain passive? all these Questions...i'd only know if I ASK them Myself! all that i could hypothesise now is THEY THEMSELVES are NOT READY. lookin at me, i think they feel i am too juvenile, despite the fact that i am attached for Years. i'm NOT matured despite of my age...that is why probably they never did ask abt me gettin hitched! Either that OR they want me to take the damn Initiative to introduce my bf to them. My mum told me once, "Bring home a guy only when u wanna get married." and "If u r lookin for a husband, find one with strong iman(faith)" I remember those words and even tho bf is quite the contrary to my mum's words, i believe what she asks for can be achieved, with him. Juz that My Groom, needs to be GROOMED! so there. shall i introduce bf to my parents tis comin Syawal? and i really dun mind at all, if i have to do what Sue does to Alex aka Hassan. i believe God will guide us to eventually step out of our fears. i'm almost ready.
[N]isfu Sya'ban
Nisfu Sya'ban means mid-Sya'ban. I almost forgot its significance. As told by our beloved Rasulullah, "This is the night of mid-Syaban! Verily Allah the Glorious and Majestic look at His servants on the night of mid-Sya`ban, and He forgives those who ask forgiveness, and He bestows mercy on those who ask mercy, and He gives a delay to the people of envy and spite in their state."
That also means...Ramadhan is comin. It is encouraged to fast in Sya'ban as what the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did to train ourself up before the actual fastin month. So happy trial runs everyone and also don't forget to make extra doas tomorrow nite!
For the past month, i had 3 family members who underwent surgeries one after another. Alhamdulillah all went well, and the last of em got discharged from the hospital today. although I am not always there to visit u guys, i hope u realise u r always in my heart & prayers. Speedy recovery to u my dearest aunts & uncle.
maybe they are concern,just that perhaps they have faith in you in dealing with it... :)
ReplyDeleteit's always like that...they give me freedom, they give me faith as long as i deal with the responsibilities/consequences that come along with it....but for marriage...should it be treated the same? it's not only me here involved...there's another person involved. my parents are so anti-Malay norm sometimes!
ReplyDeleteisnt that good?
ReplyDeletethen u drop it on them subtly that hantaran is ONLY but a malay norm.
ah see, with 10k out of the way,
maybe end of next year? walimah?
Initially I didnt find the marriage part funny but after firus explaining the meaning of the quote above, I fully understand now. Yes I giggled.. But insya allah it'll work..
ReplyDeleteHey dear, I think this Syawal is a good time. I agree with Volig, hantaran out of the way. Hey, InsyaAllah, kalau niat baik all will go smoothly. Be like me, go through it first, worry later..Hehehe
ReplyDeleteHey, Alex is a.k.a Hassan cool..cool... :)
Poor chap that gotta go thru that...
ReplyDeletethey just want you to deal with ALL the responsibilities and decisions yourself..hahah...but its good anyway to go against the norm sometimes
ReplyDeletei think they dont want to rush/pressure u and bf.... they also think tt u and bf shld enjoy single life longer... no need to rush... like some ppl, rush then fail cos they're not so ready and later found out tt there's so much they miss... u shldn't worry abt it, just do it when u're really ready... tt's when u really feel so :))
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, they are in denial but not sure what. But I guess, to some parents (maybe mine even) not knowing is much better than knowing. Kalau tak tau, tak dosa, pe. If they do, then start all the craps. Yeap. You'd better bring him home and bring them to reality.
ReplyDeleteahh... questions that bug me too... and once even hafiz questioned their indifference. i also dunno how to answer him. i'm not the kind that initiate those heart to heart talks with my parents. ahhh.....
ReplyDeletemaybe in ur parents eyes, you are still young.More so, being an only child yea?
ReplyDeleteI wonder wat he told u...
ReplyDeleteYeah its cool rite though some ppl say its old school... lol... on top of tat eh Ah San means skinny in Hokkien... fits him well.. both ways also win... hahaha
ReplyDeletePoor u... *pats*
ReplyDeleteHey, lets have a Hari Raya outing together lah... hahaha... anyway i feel tat ur parents juz wants u to enjoy ur youth n freedom... tats y they did not pressure u... dun worry bout wat other's say lah... juz enjoy life while u can cos once u settle down... no more freedom liao... nak kena jaga hubby, children, house, finance, etc... aiyo... *stressed*
ReplyDeleteHey dont worry about out parents indifference. Lemme share something I went through. I dont always open up to my parents abt my relationship and they dont often question me about it. It doesnt mean that they dont know. When I broke up, I didnt tell my mum, I wasnt ready but thanks to the other party...he told my mum inorder to get my mum to psycho me. But my mum refused. She eventually approached me and told me what happened. She told me to open up to her more. The reason why she didnt bother me abt bf and relationship and marriage is that she doesnt want to pressure me or in other words be kepo lah. She feels that she trust me enough to make my own decision, cos thats the 1st step in marriage. She say that eventually, when you are marriage, its only between your husband and you, and if parents get involved it'll not be pretty. So I guess its not that they dont care or dont want to know, they choose not to say anything but rest assured, they'll be there for you when things go wrong or when you decide to get married. I wish all couples happiness and joy and may i hear wedding bells soon. Bring on the surat sama people =)
ReplyDeleteWhat a crappy idiotic guy you have there, D. Anyway, my parents had never question me about my bf before also. But I chose to tell them so they know who I went out with and if anything happens, they can go after the guy. Hehe..
ReplyDeleteYeap, that's right what u said about marriage. My friend had a divorce because father-in-law masuk campur. Instead of becoming the mediator, dia jadi batu api lak.
Anyway, P, just do what you think is right. 10 years is no easy feat and its fair if you just let your parents know what's going on with your life. Jangan sampai one day they come home with a guy and expect you to marry the guy of their choice sudah. About the grooming part, seriously, don't worry. Of course we would like someone who is already groomed and ready but some people will only change after responsibility is placed on their shoulder. Why not think of it this way, that both of you can groom each other after the marriage. Isn't that better?
ahhh great! thank u for sharin ur insights. i noe of parents who keep hintin and buggin their children abt it esp. at tis age. and it doesn't help too my aunts, uncles and colleagues keep teasin me yet my parents buat bodoh only. i'm also like rafeeqah, not the kind to engage in any for of heart-2-heart talk to my parents...so maybe...right now, juz enjoy my bachelorettehood first while slowly plannin & workin towards IT huh?
ReplyDeletethanx everyone! insya Allah...when the time comes, surat saman musti jalan!
so elnie...i must say my parent are dang kewl eh for bein anti-norm? *LoL*
tis i must include in my weddin speech(if it happens)...mak n abah u are so kewl, never pressure me to get married!! u rock! hehehehe
seram eh!!! uishh..
ReplyDeleteanyways cuzzin, dont think too much k..pak uda and mak uda have their own reasons for acting like that and not caring is mos def not one of them. they care about you cuzzin. maybe they are just waiting for you to break the happy news to them. i suggest, once u are really ready, then u break it to them gently. dont worry too much..
n just to update you, my mummy's ok..hehe..she just need to cont with chemos and therapies..
And to liza.. Alhamdulilah your mum is getting better. Take care of her, alrite.
ReplyDeleteahh yes yes...syukur alhamdulilah...n i'll take care of her.. =P
ReplyDeleteKak Upi, of course you know Pak Ude and Mak Ude best. I would think they're trusting you to make the right desicion. When the 2 of you are ready, go for it man!
ReplyDeleteAnd Alhamdullilah Kak Liza, Bibik is doing better. I'm sure u'll walk by her thru recovery.
*HuGz 2 Cuzzies*
Hey! That sounds great! Been a looooong time since I went for a group raya outing! Come Sue! Lets plan it together!
ReplyDeletehaha i have to else she'll kill me..*chuckles*
And we can see the girls are the ones really getting into the topic...hahah
ReplyDeleteboneeta & sitz: okie okie...key words: when WE are BOTH ready.
ReplyDeleteanyways yeah great to hear ur mummy's doin good, liz.is she already chit chatty & kecoh as always again?? hehehee!
iyuan: what is so funny abt girls gettin into the topic?!
Yeah...me also no group Hari Raya outings for veryyyyy looong!
ReplyDeleteIshhh jangan lahhh....i so sayang my mesye...i'll run away if my parents try to get me into an arranged marriage! ustaz ke, doctor ke...tidakkkkk!!!
ReplyDeleteabt the groomin bit, it takes two hands to clap...and realistically, when someone is already in a marriage, it's usually even harder to make them budge! but tis...hmm can be discussed n worked out. can't analyse too much as of now, one step at a time...
Tidaaaakkk! kekeke...
ReplyDeleteAnyways, arranged marriages nowadays isn't like how it was during our grandparents time tau~! The career is just what they do, doesn't normally reflect their true personality. Depan mak bapak baik... Isi perut hanya Tuhan yang tau!
And I doubt my uncle and aunt is those conservative type to that extend kan? But in any case, Iyuan, would you rathertake the risk... *Hint*
Oh.. Yah... almost forgot the keywords: Both and ready
haha typical malay kepo aunties, uncles, u forgot the grannies too supi! hehe... interestingly hafiz has his fan club among some of my aunties! heh. enjoy yourself wif iyuan first la babe and take it one day at a time. in the end its the 2 of u thats getting married, not the kepo aunties/uncles/colleagues/etc..... haha :)
ReplyDeleteIyuan.. ko nak cigar? Dari Afrika, belum potong punya..
ReplyDeleteeh mr fyz...tak lapar?
ReplyDeleteerr so far, the grannies on my side not too kepo. and my granny wants me to finish my studies proper...jgn nak dating-dating kluar balik lambat malam-malam. haha my cute lil granny. yeahhh one day at a time...we'll get by n get there ventually ay? Insya Allah...u doin that too?
ReplyDeleteInsyaAllah.... one step at a time..... heee :)
ReplyDeleteso far they r not
ReplyDeletehahah shes startin to nag at me already...but its all goodlah..
ReplyDeletecant imagine u running away from home..
ReplyDeleteErrr Nope.. Not really.
ReplyDeleteHad my chili crab, duck meat, chicken rice a few days ago.. Steak later the weekend, and BBQ next weekend.. so its pretty much spread out.. LoL
hahaha! oh no....! heheh
ReplyDeleteif i run away from home, will u take me in as a refugee? hurhurhur
ahh of coz..u are family..dun want u to be stranded elsewhere..sheeshh..