It's humblin & I almost shed a tear...I dunno if it's out of Sympathy, or Admiration...of an old Lady.
It was at least 45-60min since the end of Tarawih (special prayin session for Ramadhan nights), there as i left the mosque thru the back door, an old lady stood. I was shocked! She was leanin forward & holdin on to her walkin aid (see pic, it's somethin like that...i dunno what it's called!). My heart felt heavy at her sight. What is she doin by the road side alone, so late? Waitin for her son to pick her up? Waiting for a cab that would never pass her way? My mum made small talks with her, she said she was waitin for her husband. My heart whispered, "Oh God, pls let her hubby fetch her fast." She's a lil big-size & old & lookin all tired & feeble, I dunno if it's from the prayin (i guess she prayed sittin down) or the waitin.
Mum n I walked on and somehow when we were in front of the entrance of the mosque, we stopped in our track. I looked at my mum, she looked at me. We both have tis reluctant feelin of leavin her standin there all alone by the roadside. My mum told me to grab a chair for her n wait with her. i did. The old lady was surprised by our gesture and told us that we should not have gone through such yada yada and soon enough, a London cab came, along with her husband. She thanked us and made her way slowly into the cab. Lookin at her move, again...i feel that heavy feelin in the heart....
I juz have her pictured in my head as we made our way back home....the thoughts of my granny came to mind. I remembered the last time i saw her(my granny) pray, her movements were really slow. From standin to ruku', to sujud n back up standin...slow, really slow. She's aged alot yet still strong enuff to be prayin juz like the rest of us. I'm thankful to God that my granny is still able to walk around unaided n despite her failin health, she's still very much alive (i hope!) n has not gone senile! Alhamdulillah!
Then i pictured myself in that old lady's condition. I wonder...what if i end up like her in the future? Would i have that determination n be as strong-willed as her to carry out my religious obligations n submit to God? When i'm all physically old n weak, will i still go to the house of worship to pray instead of juz lyin on my bed loathin my weakness or thinkin abt death? I feel kinda embarassed actually lookin at tis old lady cos even now, when i'm all young, healthy n vibrant, laziness gets the better of me.
Well...I dunno what the future holds, I juz hope that I'll grow old with the kind of spirit that old lady n my grandma have. As i move closer to my death, as life n physical strength (which i now seems to take for granted) are sucked away from me, I hope I will be strengthened spiritually day be day & die in the bliss of bein done my part as a servant of God & ambassador of my Deen in tis temporary world, thru His Guidance.
"Inna solati,
Wa nusuki, Wa mah yaya, Wa ma mati,
Lillahi Rabbil 'Alamin"
Dear God, hear me n let me not forget the declaration i recite to You, in every of my Solat...
Thank You for the lil bit of Inspiration on the blissful first nite of Ramadhan...
Masya Allah....
Picture taken from
Was the lady wearing Nikes too? Cool granny sia!!
ReplyDeleteIn other words stay strong, spiritually or physically..
Yeah..i guess...personally for me..the more you know you are nearing death...esp when you are old and sickly..the more the feeling to make yourself be near to ALLAH..submit all that you a are doing those last prep before you faced HIM...
ReplyDeleteTHough hard...with the health issues...the submitting yourself to will some how toughens you up and hence gives you all the strength and courage to go thru the remaining years of your dear life...
May ALLAH...grant us the courage, step up the iman, and at least you know that those remaining years of your actually did something beneficial and meaningful rather than just wait do nothing and hang on to dear life...
Yeah..i guess...personally for me..the more you know you are nearing death...esp when you are old and sickly..the more the feeling to make yourself be near to ALLAH..submit all that you a are doing those last prep before you faced HIM...
ReplyDeleteTHough hard...with the health issues...the submitting yourself to will some how toughens you up and hence gives you all the strength and courage to go thru the remaining years of your dear life...
May ALLAH...grant us the courage, step up the iman, and at least you know that those remaining years of your actually did something beneficial and meaningful rather than just wait do nothing and hang on to dear life...
of course future seems blurrish,but Allah will repay those kind soul with a better future...insyaallah...=)
ReplyDeleteprodigic: no lahh...normal flat shoes. if it's nike, i will noe where her motivation comes from, to Just Do It.
ReplyDeletehaslina1: hey hazzy babe, i feel the same like what u mentioned. amiin amiin ya Rabbal 'alamin...
nebride: insya Allah :)
thanks for sharing this... yeah i see a lot of old ladies in the mosque too and the row of old ladies sitting on chairs to pray has gotten longer. but they still persevere on and make the trip down to the mosque daily. i pray that i haf the same kind of determination and perserverence as them u... as for all of u guys too...
ReplyDelete+ silent tears +
ReplyDeleteraf13: insya Allah, my dear :)
ReplyDeletehollowragdoll: ((hug))
Yeap.. Insyallah.. My late grandma suffered from Alzheimer a few years before her death. I really affected me. But before she lapsed into that, she did all her obligations to Him.
ReplyDelete*weep weep* gotta have a nike when im old. JUST DO IT!
ReplyDeleteSo the question is, what shoes did her husband wear?
ReplyDeletenorhafi: semoga rohnya dicucuri Rahmat...
ReplyDeleteazeanz: oh yeah, i'll join u in the "nenek sneakers" gang when i'm old insya Allah! hehehe!
iyuan: hahaha tak tgk pulak the hubby wear what shoes...selipar jepun agak nye.
Mashallah Sophie, thanks for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteBut remember , death does not only happen at old age, we should try to do our best always , making our iman grow stronger till we receive the call of Allah.
Ramadhan Mubarak to you and your family.
Yeah death could be upon us anytime.
ReplyDeleteShukran Layla :)