Monday's almost over too?? why does time always fly when things are goin good??
Week end was shiny, today was lovely... ahhhhh what great feelin it brings, i feel Alive!
I spent week end dancin alot! Both my home & maiden studio bellydance classes ended durin the week end. I'm really happy at how both classes turned out. And the different experience I had with both set of gurls are truly truly precious. I've got gurls sayin how their shoulders are connected to their hips and no way they can isolate their muscles (everythin will shake!!), and someone else sayin she's got two left feet while another just does not believe i have a backbone n can't stop wantin my tummy! hahaha all those cute remarks make me smile and at the end of the lessons, i saw isolations, lotsa sexy hips swayin & glowin smiles!
*clap clap clap & pat pat pat*
Thank U so much dearies, i had lotsa fun dancin & hangin out with u esp. durin the last one (such pity peanutgal can't make it)!! Keep on practisin & shimmyin alrite, let down ur hair & dance dance dance!!!
{{HuGs to aLL of U}}
two left feet is my line. gambar sexy sols. lol. thank you for your lessons. i really enjoyed myself, you are a fantastic teacher. thank you for teaching me that one of my foot is actually a RIGHT foot! i love u!
ReplyDeletehahahaa u fished out ur own quote ;b
ReplyDeletepleasure was mine dearie, totally enjoyed seein u groove & losin urself in the music & ooo i'll never forget those "Shakira moments"!
Luv Ya too!!
thank u cheecher..hehehe..i can't shimmy w/o ur guide..been doing andulation..masih lum pass..hahahaha...i look forward to more classes
ReplyDeleteundulations are tricky aye? i also took quite a long while to get it done properly. Practise is key to Perfection!
ReplyDeleteput on a drum solo and u'll be so driven to shimmy away! till i see u in 2 weeks..insya Allah!
oh..wrong spellinh huh? hehhee..its undulation..hahahaha
ReplyDeletehehe..okies...been practising..hehe
i wan i wan i wan
ReplyDeleteMY LINE!!!! wahaha.... thankies dearie for the wonderful lessons and persuading me to take it up in the 1st place. din know it'll be so much fun. and yesh i haf been practicing a bit a bit. grinz! *hUgZ*
ReplyDeleteeh... i still cant move my boobs in circles... hahaha... since last yr... :P
ReplyDeletedee: now u noe ;) i can tell u been practisin, i see improvements week by week. keep it up babe!
ReplyDeleteraf: hey gurl u bet it's'd better be, for the 3 strands of coins u drop from my hip scarf!! hehee pleasure was mine k! keep on fyz is dyin to check ur moves out, i bet!!wait long long!!! ahahahaa
jules: eh u want, u want, u want....what eh babe? wanna join my Bellydancercise: The Work-out class?
iqlima: gulp...err, if u didn't realise...there are guys readin wat u wrote..hehe discreet sikit ler *blush* hehe
ReplyDeleteSupi made u do that too???
*pulls Raf* meh kita gi nikah malam nie jugak! I wanna see u shake... EVEYRTHING ON U!
wahahaa.... iqlima dear... why did u haf to tell the whole world cheecher taught us that. now look wat happened!!!
ReplyDeleteooooopppsss.... sori huh... errr... slamat pengantin baru je lah raf...
ReplyDeleteat least he got the decency to NIKAH first!! hehe yeah, selamat pengantin baru kalau sempat jumpa tok kadi tonite! hehehe
*don't any of u guys gimme weird/pervert looks or ask me to demo eh next time u see me, i'll not resist punchin ur face if u do, i warned u!*
cheecher supi can be very garang.... so u all better listen to her! haha...
ReplyDeletetanks for the well wishes but tok kadi not available... wahahahaa....
hahaha..sue..sue..anywayz interesting lesson u got there cuzzin..
ReplyDeletehehehe..thank you cheacher *blush*
ReplyDeletemy pleasure dee :)
ReplyDeleteFarni ah you all... Anyway, lovely set of lessons, cuzzin... Worth every penni... and I get to make new Galpals as well! Kudos!
*Shimmy away~~~
Beb.. I wanna sign Raf up for the next lessons of BD.. So bila ah? Details details!!
ReplyDeleteSo u accept Mastercard, Visa or Amex? Cold hard cash??? Cheque?? Bank Transfer?? Cepat bilang..~!!!! *strangles supi*
wei dun strangle the cheecher la... then how are we gonna continue bellying.... wahahaa.... Fyz, relax relax...the next class starts next week, tis week BREAK. ooo u sponsorin Raf eh? Hehe i accept cash & fund transfer! thank u!
ReplyDeletethank u cuzzin...hope u can join us again some time :)
ReplyDeletewhen is it ah?? dat time i saw one msg, bt ur classes orning rite? i abt got prob waking up early ah... *sheepish smile*
ReplyDeleteyeah my class is late mornin. i've included u in my PM for the class details:
if u can wake up, join us lah...mornin work out :D
Ok I'll pass the cash to Raf on the 1st workout..
ReplyDeleteok no problemo mr fyz!
ReplyDeleteHere is the feedback that u ask from me----->
ReplyDeleteLiza's testimonial:
Thanks for the sessions. Its enjoyable and meaningful. Very professionally taught although we've known each other in school. This is my second bellydancing class .The first one I attended was conducted by bellydancing instructor Susanna Lawrence in CC. All I can say is that the standard of teaching is the same to that of accredited bellydancing instructor only that the time was limited, may be should increase to 1h 30mins so that it would not be rushing. In fact this class was better as the instructions to perform certain isolations were very clear and that the instructor, Sophie, was patient and lively. If comparing the progress of the students in Sophie's class to that of Susanna, I would say the students in Sophie's class could conduct the basic isolations faster, ie by session 3, most of the students had correctly perform the basic steps. Good luck with ur classes and hope to see ya ard mate!
End of Testimonial
aik...u feedback kat sini? wahhh thank u for ur input Missy Liz, appreciate it lots :)
ReplyDeletei agree that u gurls learn fast and look better n better each week! Very Proud of all of u!
thanx again, Missy...see u ard too!!
Dear CheeCher Soph,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your undying patient wit me, and I must say im loving BD more now, ma first xperience of it at ma workplace was a no no, but you make it more easy for moir..hehe tk you for saying RAI shake more hehe..soryy i need to gain weight to shake more , now i shake is all tulang2 la hehe. I love the shakira moves da best hehehe...tks for bringing out the sensualness in all of us cheecher..ngehehe.
Looking forward to more bellylicious time wit you and da bellylicious ladies ...
lalalalala...(trying to make dat sound la hehe!)
ahahahaa's called zaghareet! *LoL*
ReplyDeletewahh another testimonial kah? shukran shukran belly much!
see ya next week Rai!
Wah...cheacher receive testimonial here..heheh..well..what more can i say? she's sooo good that i am continuing with her class! woohoo...i'm not good with words hope my actions tells u a whole lot more :)
ReplyDeleteeeee dun puji2 melangit lah....malu hamba..let's juz keep on dancin! see u on sat too, babe or maybe we can have another lunch date on thu@YI hall? hehehe
ReplyDeletehehehe...i'll get back to you soon abt thursday..must see my work load..its already piling on monday..hmm...
ReplyDeleteok no problemos dee! tengok kerja, main motive is to go lunch...gini punye orang pun ada eh. hehe
ReplyDeletehahahaha.....funny lah least got a goal to set u to work :)
ReplyDeleteokies..will confirm by wednesday