Wednesday, 22 March 2006

By God, I am Beautiful

Inspired by Sheida's entry(, decided to find the translation in English...Very Empowerin...

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hairs.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes.
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not the facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman,
With passing years-only grows.


  1. suddenly remind me of james blunt.. haha

  2. tis is dedicated to all u ladies out there and a reminder to all the superficial guys too :b

  3. simply beautifooll~

  4. nice dey. i tink the malay translation nice.

    i doubt its from e Quran though. Even if the original entry starts with ''Allah Berfirman'', it cld be hadis qudsi.

    No matter Ma'am, as a tip next time unless u already noe from wic chapter, wic verse in e Quran, or narrated from wic imam, wic bk, dun credit sth to the Quran or Hadis. Something nice can always be shared and used as pengajaran, but when u said cited from e Quran, the onus is on u to make sure what u said (and translate) is really from there. And its a very terrible onus.


  5. yeah, i like this. and yeah, guys should memorise this. haHA

  6. I already know you are beautiful mesye...

  7. ok ok...i was havin second thots abt citin the Quran actually..heh thank u for remindin, the Miss Scatterbrain here. anyway, can't find the verses *scratch head* hmmm some poetry or hadiths eh? watever it is, nice...i thought the Malay version sounds better to me too.


  8. Aáh la. i tink e malay one nicer. hehe

    its most prob a hadith qudsi la. it just doesnt seem to be sth from e Quran.

  9. err kinda agree...the "tune" abit off. *selenge as usual*
    hope God forgive me for my mistake & rewards u for pointin out.

  10. hehehe...put it up on ur page too lah babe!

  11. thank u mesye :)

    by makin the statement (title), by postin these words, i juz want to emphasize to girls out there, who looks at themselves and feel so pathetic abt themselves juz because they dress sloppy, juz because they do not look drop dead gorgeous, juz because they are on a plump side, juz because they are little educated, doesn't make them ugly or repulsive or a nobody. look inside, that is where ur beauty shine...fill it up with passion, faith & zest...and serve it to the world with a smile.

    We Are Beautiful!

  12. Raf, read and remember it well..

  13. Bottom line is, if you like/love someone except the person as who he or she is. It is just the media that try to mess up our self-esteem.

  14. Alahai ... soo sweet nyeeeeee~

  15. Yeahh this is beautiful. Beauty of a woman is beneath the make up.. not on top of it. U go girl!
