Saturday, 3 December 2005


Wedding 1,2nd Dec 05:
our friendship actually bloomed from irc to keepin in touch via emails over these past few years, only to have met each other TWICE in person! kewl ain't it? hehe :)

Congratulations Fee! i'm truly delighted for u & Ali, u both look so blissful together at the weddin reception! *Beautiful*

Wedding 2, 4th Dec 05:
after a decade or so of not meetin or corresponding, she found me on Friendster!! so happy to be in touch again with the other Sop, the last time i saw her (in primary school)...we were abt the same height wih cute she has blossomed into a lovely young lady, still so friendly and someone's wife already!

Ahhh sweetness. Congratulations dear Sopianti!


  1. Hmmm..
    no offence but the groom takde baju pengantin yg sempurna ker? LoL
    Pakai tu baju every major event masih nak pakai untuk wedding? Ish Ish Ish..

  2. ish...biar le...
    btw...ali n fee(the first couple) reminds me of u n rafeeqah! spotthe similarities tak? hehe ;b

  3. i see wiwi n ehems..hehe nice wedding hehehe

  4. hmmm.. only body size aja per.. mana ade similaritiES
    dia botak, i got hair, she got hair, raf bertudung..
    ehekz~! LoL

  5. u missed out that they look so good together!
    u & raf also same same!!
    i told dee i am anticipatin u both punye wedding pulak pasal inspired by them ;b

  6. Gasp!
    Wahahaha.. Insya allah!!

  7. Just don't anticipate him wearing what the groom was wearing..

  8. grinz.... thanks.... looks like a lovely wedding! heh... no la our wedding bells not so soon okies people... Insyaallah it'll come when the time is rite...

  9. girl guides unite! it was nice to see you sophie after so long.. =)

  10. P, you look like ur going for a job interview instead.. Hehe...

  11. oh Gosh! when was this taken? hahaha

  12. hahah..our turn would be after you lah...

  13. babe..can u email me this photo and some other photos? thank you..and I LOVE you skirt and clutch bag...groovy baby

  14. aku tgh feeling secretary ala 80s lah...end up mcm nyonya amg the other glamorous arabs n all those shinin happy people!! buat muka sardin je lahhh....hehehe!!

  15. hehee...sistahood takkan ke mana..! yep it's really nice to meet n catch up wif u too, sweetie!!

  16. remember i was tryin to get a proper lighting in the toilet? somehow got tis shot of u...hehe...u've been paparazzied!

  17. Buat bodohlah, just be yourself.. If u r confident with yourself, you can carry any outfit and don't look unglamourous even in a simple tanky..
