Sunday, 25 December 2005


* is the name of Mint Cream Biscuit i'm eatin today (cheap substitute for After Eight)

refreshin mint breath! hee!

* is Pussycat Dolls

got my neck sprained doin the "cobra" durin warm-up in hip hop class on Friday, achin till today. abs ache too. but had good fun dancin abit to PussyCat Dolls' "Don't Cha"...must practise, More Attitude!! All u other sexy chicas in the class too...Woot Woot!

*is Stephanie Marie Ong ( think dats her name)

my senior from Mei Chin is on the cover of Cleo for Jan 06 issue! Cool! She's Cleo Cover Girl Search winner! Always thought she looks Good (Pan-Asian look wat) but never even made contact with her back then. but discovered at 25...abit slow rite??? oh well...Congratulations to her, at least she's on the Cover of a Magazine! hehe!!

* is an ex-colleague's wedding

sparked a lil wedding talk wif bf while waitin for Nitzz at the MRT station today...asked me the silliest question...hahhah...i've made up my mind so long ago and i have not changed my mind eversince, u fool!  

* is indeed wat i need!

Countin down to my last exam day...goshhh another 2 days! kinda sufferin from burn-out here, can't get myself to fully focus on my studies, i juz want it (exam) to be over & done wif real quick but at the same time, i need to speed up my revisions and work on past year papers.

Bf is workin extra hard these next 2 days too, reluctantly replacin a certain Miss Chong as she is also preparin for the same paper as I am. Hope he'll do ok, workin super long hours, bet he misses his play time. Poor boy. Oh well, 2 days! 2 days!! We'll survive, we'll survive, we'll Survive!!!

Merry Christmas to those celebratin 


Good Luck to those takin Exams


Happy Holidays to All!!



  1. Hahaha yes i am a fool indeed...a fool for u! Oh and yes i miss Azeroth...

  2. Erh dah set date eh?
    Give 1 yr notice k. So can get bigger packet from moi :)

  3. Whahaha.. must give 1 yr notice eh.. so long seh.. kehrkehrkhekrekrhee..

  4. Whahaha.. must give 1 yr notice eh.. so long seh.. kehrkehrkhekrekrhee..

  5. fyz, i think dats ahint for u too ah. haha

    no ah firus nothin in dat sense.

  6. Me? Nolah, mine special case.. minimum 2 weeks in advance aje. We get married when we want to.. u know, the implusive kinda thingy! LoL

  7. oh i see Raf's lovin ur respond hafiz! keh keh keh!!

  8. alrite per..asalkan tak kahwin lari sudah..hehe..yang akan berkahwin tu, kalau nak jemput ke majlis awak kan, sila beritahu sebelum the 15th of the month ye..before pay day!

  9. Serious????
    Wow! Congrats to her! She really is pretty!

  10. yo...enjoy the more exams for now ")

  11. wiwi: yeps! confirm!!
    dee: oh yeah...the enjoyin bit is startin up real good!! ahahaha

  12. ni macam nak Vegas wedding jer. . . .in front of elvis and all!

  13. IDEA!!!!!!
    Hahaha.. Elvis, Bill Clinton, and erm.. Osama??
