Oooo la la la Yeay Yeay!! Exam's OVER for me!! Did i do ok?? Hur hur hur...let's juz wait for the results, i have no confidence of sayin that i will pass the papers as of now. Hell, Enjoy! Dance! Shimmy! Rock Out is wat i'll do!!! Wooohoooohoooo!!!
Yeah exam's over, so i'm still not used to sleepin early. Went to bed ard 3am but had a hard time to push myself to sleep. A number of things were runnin thru my mind...it's horrible, i had half a mind of callin up my supervisor to tell him i cannot sleep and might need a wake-up call. Darn, never mind. tossed n turned till God noes wat time, the next moment i knew, it was 7am. So i got ready and amazingly, my journey to work was good. I bumped into zombie Nitzz in the bus and reached workplace at 8.20am. Yeay great, i'm not so late nor did i over sleep today! Tot it'll be a good day at work.
Ok tis will go down in history as one of the MOST SILLY moments of my life in 2005! U r free to laugh ur @ss off!!
The rest of the lab members were all there, doin there own tasks. I feel so happy n shiny for the good start, then my supervisor went, " Saofiah, why are u here?? U work meh today?"
Me still in my shiny happy feely mood retorted, "Yeah lah!" with a huge grin.
He looked perplexed. He went up to the duty roster..."Eh, u r suppose to come on Thursday & Friday lah NOT TODAY"
I was stunned...then i remembered he sms-ed me and even called me abt the schedule. OMG, WTF??!!! BODOHHHH NYEEEEEE (sounds familiar Jez?)!!!!!!! WAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I was really so dead sure i had to work tis mornin i even told my cuzzin Sitz & Weiwei! Am i so amazingly adorably SELENGE or wat??? LMAO!!
Oh nvr mind, at least i getta collect my X'mas goodies....guess wat i did i get??? CHOCLITS!! lots em CHOCLITS!!! WooOOoooo!!! The best one is from my Manager...a WHOLE GOLD BOX of GODIVA Choclits with $30 Tangs Voucher!!! *jiggy jiggy* ALL MINE! MINE!! Muahahahaha!!
As u can see, the effect of choclits are really gettin on to me. i've been eatin everythin with choclit lately (rite mesye?
). Hmmm u noe i have been pretty stressed up with the exams, and nothin beats havin a lil choclit to comfort me BUT Choclit kills memory!! i better stop eatin them so much after eatin tis whole bunch! Goshh...prolly dats y i'm such a scatter-brain...it's all the Choclit's fault...they r juz tooo Wonderful to resist!!