Wednesday, 5 October 2005

Salam Ramadhan

For each Muslims, the advent of Ramadhan brings different meanings. While there are those who welcome Ramadhan with a deep passion for its benefits and blessings, there are also those who feel its “burdens and difficulties” and yet those welcoming it solely for the sake of the festive Eid celebrations that come after Ramadhan.

The diversity in response is a manifestation of the level of iman and taqwa of each individual. The fact, however, remains that Ramadhan is a holy and glorious month – the month of worship, the month of al-Qur’an and the month to multiply manifold our acts of worship and level of iman. Indeed, Ramadhan is full of wisdom and meanings.

A time of Remembrance...

A time of Devotion....

A time of Prayers....

A time of Reflection...


To all my Muslim brothers and sisters, may the goodness of Ramadhan brings Nur to ur soul & may Allah bless u with strength & patience as u remain steadfast in ur Ibadah & Amal in this glorious month. Insya Allah


Marhaban ya Ramadhan....



  1. excuse me, Sean...u welcome the month of Ramadhan too?

    that reminds me, i hope there'll be no more bombings and killings from tis holy month onwards. may Peace & Tranquility prevail. Lord have Mercy on us all..Amiin.

  2. Why not? Y'know, the Sikh's have a saying I always use: "Though ye shall call me by many names, it shall be I who answer thee".

  3. oohh ok if such is the case, may the goodness of Ramadhan enlighten ur soul too my friend!

  4. Selamat berbuka! 2 n half more hours to go... *grinz*

    Selamat berpuasa to all! Semoga kita dapat menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan sempurna.

  5. wiwi: Amiin....tho i gotta wait till end of the week to catch up on the fastin part... :(

    gothess: thank u...i lurve ur headshot btw!
