Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Gimme Cells, Proteins & Genes Dammit, NOT Chemistry!

Ok to anyone who DO NOT wanna read the crap abt my school stuff, my advice to You: S-C-R-A-M at tis instance!

Urgghhhhh!!!! I'm trainin to be a BIOtechnologist not a freakin Mad Chemist!! Why do u have to offer modules such as Chem207 to kill my freakin retardin brain cells already, MQ???!! ARhhrhhrh!!!!!

my MDIS bachelorettes will be askin me to cool down and they'll say if they can get thru tis hell, why not i....But the fact is, tis is BullCrap!! WHY?? WHY?? I hate all the d[NO]/dt= somethin somethin....wat is the order of rxn of X? Prove tis mechanism bla bla bla....I hate tis part of Chemistry...Why do i have to put up with tis shit?? I dun need tis in Biotechnology...Gimme agar plates to grow bacteria & maybe some DNA to purify or take my blood to do some diagnostic tests...teach me those instead of tis crap integration, calculation Chemistry shit!

Gurls, i dunno how u can bear & slog through's worse than Chem204 and i think Chem341 also slightly better (well at least the Carbohydrate part)! All the latin terms to represent somethin and substitution here n there are really a MAJOR TURN OFF & needless to say it's CONFUSIN...and the worst thing is, it's not even numbers that we are dealin with....How do u gurls do it?? I'll have Mid Sem Exam for 207 on tis comin Saturday (yes another Saturday 7-10pm lesson! hubba hubba!) yet i'm so so NOT ready ok. I can't even remember how to Integrate and use log or ln anymore!! it's really frustratin!! Oh i've yet to mention dat i have not even looked at wat is required of me to write in the Kinetics lab report, that's due on the 25th...for sure i'll be goin CUCKOO tryin to plot freakin Graphs n stuff.....SHMUCKKKK!!!

honestly ppl, i feel so pathetic & PaRaNoiD rite now...even Daddy's rare heartwarmin hugs are not makin me feel much better. tis is really demoralisin.......good nite.





  1. supi.... breathe... breathe.... yes continue breathing and calm down...
    dun worry ok... InsyaAllah u'll survive thru it all!

  2. sabar eh sophie..relakz...take a breather..take it slowly sure you can pull it thru.. *hugs*

  3. Hey babe...hang on ok? Let me see....hmmm..maybe one day i can sit with u and help u with wat i can remember ok?
    I dont know how i do it...but i think i did a lot of practices from the tutorials and read a lot of the book/
    One day we study tog ok? U help me with 204 and i help u with 207.
    Breathe babe...remember yoga? Breathe...

  4. i AM takin LONG breaths alot for tis class or else i'd lose my mind already! Grappling somethin mathematically challengin is definitely not my thing lah...but i'm holdin on. U noe, i realise it's the Chemistry shit thats makin us all feel like failures but not quite the Bio bit. it's really frustratin man. Nevertheless yes, i shall resolve n slog thru. Thanx lydia for the tips, i hope we can help out each other too but we r juz so busy, with our own lil assignments n all, i juz sometime feel that i'm in tis fight alone.

    Thank u all for the encouragement. i'm goin to the Unicampus now...for more CHEM207 tonite. *LOng Breath*

  5. Thanx for the Attitude Booster, u r good man!

  6. Hey I just learnt Chemistry is fun!
    If I can.. why not u?!

  7. You must be joking... I hated Chemistry since Secondary school and I thought they only teach Biology in Biotechnology.

  8. hey, u are welcome. I'll be mostly free after raya cos dr lau finished teacing 224. we can study tog.

    hows the unicampus?

  9. Truth is, watever learnt is pretty general. Anyway, chemistry exists in bio too..

  10. campus: it was kinda BIG, i was pretty deceived by it's outlook. there's a big ampitheatre in the middle of the campus, the office for handling student welfare n affair is kinda hidden. not bad really.

    food: NO malay stall, only Indian Muslim food with Halal Pau sold at the Drink stall.

    toilet: haven't done any business there, but the ones i went to, pretty spacious and taps are AUTO operated

    classroom: kinda cosy, and a lil sexy. not bad.

    gym: hmmm humble. peeped into the gym after class, few aquipments are there, 3 sets each, i saw rower, cross-trainer, threadmill. and there's a shower room also, accordin to weiwei.

  11. Actually from the outside, it looks like my old secondary school building (the old Tanjong Katong Sec, not the new building) but they change the interior to make it look va-va-voom that you don't remember its an old school building. Exactly besides Muhajirin mosque. Bring your shawl and can buka there for free before class if you are fans of bubur masjid. Hehe.. Overall, I actually prefer there, only the foodstall. Sophie, since your parents lived around that area, get them to open one Muslim stall lah.. Hehe...

  12. Hey know wat? That sounds like a good idea. Anyway its not tiring as public food courts as sch tends to end ard 7pm rite?

  13. Sophie..why dont you a and hafi and liza will be your regular customers..hehehe

    i dont ask for much..just burger ramlee..deng deng...prawn noodles..hehhe

  14. I always say...those who cant do, make, those who cant run, walk. And those who dont like chemistry.....hmmm....i donno...alah u sure can do it lah...insya allah....And if i hate the crap i will throw worst crap on it! Muahaha

  15. emmms i've already told my mum to get the mosque to open a mini cafe even b4 the school was completely revamped so that we can get some halal munchies n coffee but i do not know if she did bring up the proposal to the committee. it's kinda beneficial for their jemaaahs too. hmmm kinda upset when i found out the mosque doesn't sell kuih-muih or food for buka tis ramadhan. but they cater free food to all...ehh but i pretty shy lah wanna step in there and eat amongst the aunties...if got a bunch of us tak pe jugak.

    i tell u Hafi, Muhajidin's bubur Power!

    people...if u r really hopin that my parents or i open up a stall anywhere near there...Can...but on one condition: u guys sponsor the capital n raw materials!

  16. If that really matarialise, then I shall drop by and eat prawn noodles and Ramly Burger!! hehe..

    To do well in the subject, u need to love the subject. Crap or not, still need to overcome it. So stroke ur books, hug ur notes to sleep and read aloud watever u reading so it'll enhance ur love and understading for chemistry! Heee.. I used to hate Principles of Accounts and I flunked it and dun really care till O levels. Lucky for me, it no longer exist in my LIFE! Weee...

  17. does fallin asleep wif textbook next to me on the bed count?? ahhahahaaa if lydia found drool spots on her book, she noes it's mine! *LoL*
