Tuesday, 19 July 2005

Terserlahnya Kemelayuan Ku Hari Ini

Today's entry will all be abt Malay stuff. Teeheehee!

Cos today i did Malay dance! *LoL* it's been a long time since i did any...was assigned last minute to assist in teachin kids somewhere in the East, Ethnic Fusion dance. Learnt basic Indian dance steps and they were taught Malay steps too...Lenggang and hmmm dunno wat the other steps are called! Hehehe...alah....nostalgic gitu, seein the lil malay girls melenggang-lenggang...so cute...but the chinese boys are horrible. One even said wat a stupid dance...Grr how i wanted to cobble his head! i think tis dance programme should be taught in the other sch i assist in town also, cos the children there doesn't seem to noe that there is a race called Malay here in Singapore! Always get asked by them if i am a maid when i'm not teachin or am i from the Phillippines. Rich kids...no malay friends only maids...*shake head*

Oh...i had dinner wif my mum in front of the TV tonite, saw 2D's lil performance...hey, wat ever happened to these guys ah? Does anyone noes? They were one good group...one of the very few malay groups i noe. Ahhh talk abt performance, Anugerah is comin up...my co-worker will be on TV, he got thru the preliminary rounds...check out Hamdan i think he's gonna be on TV on 1st Aug. I hope he can make it right to the top. All the best, man

ok...time to sleep & work starts at 8.15am tomorrow. then More revisions to do..5 days to go to my last paper!


  1. The younger generation are becoming from bad to worse. I admit I didnt make any effort in cultivating Malay cultures until when there's performance or shows.

  2. Don't feel bad. Me too actually... skali skala je pakai baju kurung. Lagu melayu semua dah tak dengar lagi. Hehe..

  3. hMmm..juZ wuNDerinG..is oUr cuLture thaT uNattraCtiVe?? *poNderZz*

  4. Hmm well maybe that school dun celebrate racial harmony day! My workplace will be celebrating tommorow, and I am wearing sari! I will look stupid in it with a couple of exams-pimples I acquire on my ugly face but well what da heck. I jus gotta try it on for the fun of it! But pity the school kids, need to pay$1 for wanting to wear cultural outfit with the funds going to the needy students (yeah rite)!

  5. Hmm u wearing a sari with ur tummy bulging out??

  6. hey, her tummy is quite flat. unlike mine. dah macam bantal..

  7. haha nonsense lah u...mcm bantal pulak!

    wah liza u better be careful wif the wanderin eyes & hormone-driven students when u wear the sari. hehe

    anyway that sch i mentioned earlier, does celebrate racial harmony day...but the children celebrate by tastin different food of the different races for a whole week. hmm true wat lydia said...these kids are pretty ignorant, can't help it lah, they are not raised in the heartland.

    and as for the malay culture thingy...some practices are juz plain crap in my point of view but somehow through the short intro of the malay dance i realised our dance moves show that we are gentle(lemah lembut) & respectful(bersopan santun), values that We hardly practise anymore. such a tragic reality.

  8. apa nak buat? our budak melayu kebanyakan sekarang terpengaruh the western punk culture...tindik segala tempat, tatu sana sini. just walk by orchard road on a weekday. you will be surprised about how un-malay our malay youths are. but not all lost lah. at least time hari raya masih nampak senonoh. keluar pakai baju melayu and pergi visiting. belum fully hilang.

  9. n u'd oSo b surprisEd 2 sEe yG thOse yaNg oBer-oBer western oR punKy r actuaLi oUr youtHs juGa...y liKe tat arH?

  10. globalisation? modernisation? and definitely less exposure to morally correct tv programmes and internet sites? parents not showin good example? hmmm

  11. LOL..stil got sum more aRh...d LisT inexHaustibLe 'coS it depeNds on several factors..sum faCtors interplaY wif each other..1 caUses d other..or 1 is an effeCt of d oTher..blah..blah..blah....

    aaaaAaahhh kaaAaannn..aKu dah staRt menGarotz memaLam buTa nie.. =P

  12. Wahaha! My tummy bulging out even if i try to flatten them. Anyway it wasnt as exposed as it should be becoz I wore a normal sleeveless top (long enuff to cover my belly) not the sari blouse (so short the sari blouse!) And dun worry Sophie about the kids as I look sux that day (and always had been anyway!) But it was fun and creative day with the different classes displaying various cultural weddings, hindi gelek-gelek (alot!), chinese funeral and not forgeting 4 hantu pocongs!! I pity their mums who need to wash the telekongs umpteen times or maybe they are going to disposed it off anyway as it was stained with red and black liquid.

    Alright need to study now for my Genetics this upcoming Saturday!

  13. wat the hell?? got pocong all?? hahahah ghostly racial harmony ke?

    anyways...All the Best for ur Genetics paper alrite! Remember to breathe and rest well!
