Sunday, 24 July 2005

LiBERatED but NuMB

i am back in the pink of health & after 2 and a half weeks of sloggin, it is finally the end of my exam period! *haaaaaaaaaahhhhh....Alhamdulillah* BUT i'm not too sure if i can score well...esp. for Organic Chemistry which i sat for, earlier in the day. It's really tough, i omitted a couple of questions, and those that i attempted...either they were not completely answered or i was not too sure if my answers were correct. i kinda felt numb after the paper, i didn't have that old sinkin feeling nor did i feel joyful and my head seemed to be fully emptied. tried to recollect so many passin thought while i was revisin, but it was in vain. hmmm seems like the exam totally sucked out my brain juice or somethin.

now it's time to "massage" my mind...Music please *think of LuSH 99.5fm*


  1. GeeZ..i suRe knOw hoW tat feeLz...iTs lIke haVing a mentaL bLock in d middLe of d exam gitU..

    chEer uP k sWitieZ? iTs oreDi oVer..Do'a for d besT..insyaAllah u'd puLL thRu' d paPer..

    nOw juZ foCus oN chiLling aiGhtz? =)

  2. Time to have fun fun fun and more fun.... before the results are out!

  3. Im sure u will pass! Now my turn to mourn for the upcoming Saturday exams! Jus freaky!
