Tuesday, 10 May 2011

GE 2011

No surprises...PAP won the overall election but this time, it got Hammered by the Workers Party in Aljunied thus losin two nice dudes, George Yeo & Zainul Abideen Rashid and now we shall have more oppositions sittin in the Parliament to ketuk kepala kerajaan in case it falls "asleep" & did not listen to the people. This election is one helluva excitin one...from bein apathetic, I actually bothered to listen to rallies (on YouTube)! Young candidates like Nicole Seah & Tin Pei Ling were sensations, be it gettin good or bad publicity for their respective parties. But i'm pretty disappointed that after all these years, i'm still denied of voting thanx to the existence of the Wise Old Man in Tanjong Pagar.Well I won't be discussin who should win or who should have gotten kicked out instead & all, enuff of tt already.

Here I would like to compile some of the best vids made by my fellow Singaporeans to mark this historic event. Some time ago it was said, Singaporeans cannot think out of the box...now when we do, we are said to be disrespectful/ungrateful of the past. Well it doesn't matter what the naysayers says, eventually we'll figure things out along the way...life as it is, is filled with changes & struggles...who says it'll be easy if we are to be a First World country? Therefore I quote Mr Chen Show Mao...MAJULAH SINGAPURA UNTUK SEMUA!!

And Mr Returning Officer...Please return to announce the results of our next election, u Hot stuff!! Ur pokerface, ur perfect hair parting, ur monotonous voice...How in the world u made us all listen? Extraordinaire indeed!! Thank u for servin the Nation so late at nite! U the Man!


  1. The Vote For Change video got me crying.. haha!

  2. Hi Sophie, thanks so much for downloading these vids. Will try to see all soon.
    Anyway, HOORAY FOR THE OPPOSITION although more seats should have been won by them!
    You're right, I used to be apathetic too but this time round I took my vote very seriously...
    Sayangnya you tak dpt vote sebab kat Tg Pagar! Takpa, next time k!

  3. All we can do now us pray for the best. Tis was an exciting GE indeed. Dah ma am Malaysia cup duly, I heard a lot of my neighbors cheering the aljunied win. Awesome...

  4. so inspiring right? i luv it so much!
    now oppositions are not out there juz to simply fight PAP, they are here to be our voice to fight for our rights & question policies!

  5. no worries at all! these are things to remember these moments by :)
    the opposition team was 35 SECONDS late, or so it's reported but i'm sure it's gotta do with not allowin anyone take on The Founding Father!
    i shall juz hope for a change in the PAP way of ruling...oh wells....

  6. yeah i agree! i hope 2016 will be more Awesome!! We Have hammers if Men in White fall asleep while drivin now!
    I want Dr V from "Star Trek" to join the bandwagon too...next election perhaps...hehehe :b

  7. u know what? i wish that nicole, vincent and chiam forms a team..i think it'd be a strong team.

  8. yeah babe! it'll be pretty ideal!! ^_^
