I started my Monday mornin with a Bang, literally tis mornin! All was fine when i drove to work until the lil Benoi Road stretch when I had to stop for traffic behind a Mercedes cab. I wasn't speedin n I had my foot on that brake pedal for awhile yet...BANG! My colleague, who was my makin her first day return to work after maternity leave was in a blur. I was kinda shocked...like how the hell did i bang the cab?? Oh my heart felt like droppin for a moment. But I had to face it...my first accident.
The cabby & I came out n inspected our vehicles. NO DENTS! PHEWWWWW ALHAMDULILLAH~~
But there were scratches n the paint on our car plate was crumpled. Urghh! Taxi driver looked at me..looked at my car...asked if we can settle it right there. But I only got $50. So he took my no. and said we'll settle it after he dropped off his passenger.
I called Cuzzin Liz and asked how much would a paintjob cost on a bumper. I thought of offerin the cab driver $200 but she said "NO DON't Kak Supi. $100 should be more than enuff." Ok so i borrowed my colleague's money & managed to get it settled with that $100 & the cab driver said he didn't charge me for his cab rental etc. and simply told me to recommend ppl for his service should anyone need to use Mercedes Limo service! He smiled & went off & my colleague who was with me said he looked pretty happy.
Told another colleague abt the accident & he said that the scratches can perhaps be covered with wax. I told him, i noe no shit abt waxin man...so he tried usin his wax on my car...and sure enuff, the scratch was GONE!! Then i recalled that the cab's bumper scratches looked less serious than mine!! Wahhhh no wonder uncle was smilin away when I gave him the money!
Lesson learnt at a price.
Btw, to my Lesbo Raf...surely tis will be one of the most memorable birthday of urs tt i will remember...LoL! Enjoy the last of ur 20s! Yeah u have 6 months extra as compared to myself
hahaha now i know the whole story.. will chitchat with crina on this later on.. hehehe
ReplyDeletebut still good thing you're both safe, that matters most.. :)
Yah.. life is impt so glad tat both u and your passenger were ok. And good tat u continued on driving despite the initial shock. Drive carefully k. Keep left unless overtaking.
ReplyDeleteI agree with hafiz, im glas you and your colleague are both ok :) -hugs-
ReplyDeleteMy first accident was 200plus..lol but it involves me and the car only..haha..misjudgement.
Take care dear
wah...am glad both of you are ok. Take care Sophie!
ReplyDeletemyklcren:Michael r u gonna ban Crina from takin lifts from me? But i've safely delivered her home to u & Baby Haelina!
ReplyDeleteprodigic: i had to be on the right lane, waitin to make a right turn la...will be more careful with brakin definitely!
deesdaily: i misjudged too. thanx dear!
shuhadar: thanx Nadya, yeah i'm relieved!
I'm so happy you're ok...and there's only minor damage. Accidents are so expensive these days!
ReplyDeleteHaha wat a way to remember my bday! Hugs babe, glad u and your baby okay. Enjoy ur 6 months more. Hahaha...
ReplyDeleteonepilgrim: yeah thank God! thank u Lee for ur concern...indeed accidents are expensive, i learnt tt yesterday...hopefully no more accidents for me in future :)
ReplyDeleteraf13: hahah yeah! i live to see another day in my 29 years in life! Alhamdulillah tis mornin drive was a breeze with extra careful braking. hehe ;) hey btw, that man bitch said Nao's in SG...but he can't locate her! we hypothesize that she might have ventured into JB to get her imitation DVDs & chewin gums!
Sophie: no lah! she ride with you again today right? hehe she's happy to have a lift with you as she don't need to wake up that early to catch the shuttle bus at JE.. haha be safe always :)
ReplyDeleteHaha I'm glad I helped you Cuzzin..be safe on the road.. =P
ReplyDeleteHeh experience counts eh..
ReplyDeleteI have a lovely ass. 2 ladies and 1 men kissed it before! MuHAHAHAHAHAHA
hehehe yeah i made her & another colleague stayin in ur neighborhood happy yesterday! All home by 6 & before the downpour! yes i will be careful & improve on my judgement thru experience, glad to have the company of ur wifey again for work :)
ReplyDeleteyeah! THANK U liz!! ;D
ReplyDeletei dun wanna kiss anymore asses, especially jap/korean ones...i foresee it'll be bad for my finance!