French women see exertion as an integral part of the day. I encourage you to look at everyday movement (what you do in street clothes, not spandex) as essential to your overall wellness, and not to see exertion as something assigned to the gym. Here are a few French tips on how to stay fit without ever setting foot in la gym.
1.) Don’t save your steps, multiply them! Instead of driving your car around in circles to find a close spot, purposefully park far away and walk the couple extra feet. Do you know burning a mere 50 extra calories a day equates to five pounds a year?! Burn those calories creatively!
2.) Incorporate simple resistance movements into your daily routine. Use your own body weight as resistance wherever possible. Isometric exercises, discreet but effective, are very French. This can be done before you even leave the house in the morning. For example, while waiting in traffic or on the subway, contract your abs for 12 seconds with your back pressed against the seat (it’s better for you than road rage). When reading a magazine at home, try sitting on the floor with your legs stretched and apart in a V and your hands on each side; this is a great stretch for your inner thigh muscles.
3.) Take care of your core. I’m a firm believer that we need to attend to our abdominals as we age. These are the muscles that hold all our vital organs in place; they support good posture and a healthy spine, something we must take care of as we get older. Do a few sit-ups as part of a little stretch/exercise/yoga routine in the morning — it’s never too early or too late to start this ritual.
4.) Acquaint yourself with small to moderate free weights (3-5 lbs.), especially if you’re over 40. A bit of extremely simple resistance training is an antidote to hours spent on gym machines. Short but focused movement with small weights is a good way to preserve upper body tone and bone density and supplement the cardiovascular benefits of an active lifestyle. A little goes a long way, and that only increases the older you get, so don’t let extremism overtake you.
5.) Get en vélo. Americans tend to see bicycling as recreation, and often either as a child’s pastime or a hobby for only the most serious triathletes. But French and European women see cycling as a mode of transportation.
6.) Yoga.If there was ever a fountain of youth, it might be the practice of yoga. Not only does it reduce stress, improve your posture and help to develop longer, leaner limbs, it also speeds up your metabolism, works nearly every muscle group and promotes an overall bodily wellness that no other sport or class can compete with.
Most women can find 20-30 minutes a day to practice if they make it a priority. No equipment necessary.
7.) Vive l’escalier! Taking the stairs whenever possible. In France, walking up and down stairs is a perfunctory part of our day. We rarely spend an hour stair climbing, but you should know that climbing stairs burns a stunning 1100 calories per hour. Climbing a couple flights a day will surely go a long way. A few times a week I choose to walk up the 15 flights of stairs to my apartment for some healthy fun!
In the end, remember that those who overexert themselves inevitably burn out, but those who know how to stay fit while enjoying life come out ahead, mentally and physically.
It’s barely 11 o’clock PM, yet most of the lights are off. For one thing, the French don’t watch much television (no staying up for Conan O’Brien or Dave Letterman’s monologue). They come home from work, prepare dinner, sit down to eat (that’s entertainment!) and relax. Some may prolong the evening reading or listening to music for half an hour, but by ten or 11 o’clock most of them are au dodo. No late-night e-mailing or typing away at the computer. How different that is from New York, the city that never sleeps. From our Manhattan windows we see plenty of lights and people in buildings all around us until the wee hours. That the French spend more than two hours each day eating is another contrast with America. Eating is one of the great pleasures in life, after all. Kitchen or bedroom? For the French it’s a toss-up, according to the latest survey.
Ten tips!
1. Move, move, move during the day! Studies have proven that exercise, in addition to burning calories, makes it easier to fall and stay asleep. No need to run a marathon or spend hours sweating; a 20- to 30-minute brisk walk or yoga will do the trick. (Just be careful not to do it too close to bedtime — this will actually have the opposite effect!)
2. Stay away from stimulants, such as caffeine and nicotine and alcohol. All three substances make us jittery, interrupt our quality of sleep and our ability to fall asleep. Many people who rely on caffeine to get them through the day are shocked to learn that it can have a stimulating effect for up to 12 hours after they’ve imbibed.
3. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Our bodies crave balance and if we train our body to fall asleep at a certain time and wake up at a certain time (even if we’re still sleepy), it will eventually listen to our requests.
4. Reserve the bedroom for sleeping only. This may seem silly, but watching TV, balancing a checkbook, doing paperwork or simply lounging in bed can cause problems when it’s time to actually fall asleep.
5. Herbal teas work magic. Chamomile, anise, valerian and fennel-blend teas are known to help relax and make sleep come easier. Most health -food stores have their own specialty blends as well.
6. Turn off the lights earlier. Lights signal to our brain that it’s daytime and can interfere with our bodies’ ability to wind down for sleep.
7. Turn off the computer and TV at least a half hour, but preferably an hour, before bedtime. Both tend to keep our mind active, the last thing we want before bedtime.
8. If you can’t sleep for a full half hour, get up and read a book or listen to soothing music for a little while. Staying in bed will only make you more restless.
9. Avoid having a very large meal before bedtime. Have your dinner at least two-to-three hours before you plan on going to sleep.
10. Create an environment that is conducive to sleep with a bedroom that’s totally dark, well ventilated and cool. If you don’t have curtains that shade the light, try a sleeping mask. If you live on a busy street, try a fan or a "white noise" machine.
And remember: a bad night’s rest means a short temper, short attention span, more stress and, for women especially, a greater risk of heart disease.
Bon soir, mes amis!articles taken from:
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I MUST be more disciplined & keep on workin on these!!