Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Ball of a time!

Weekend went too quickly, i haven't had enuff time to recover & now i'm all sore & achy! Fun times always fly by too quickly but nevertheless the causes for such aftermaths were Worthwhile!

Started Saturday in the driver's seat, I moved a car for the first time!! heehee!!
For those who noe how resistant I was towards learning to drive...SURPRISE!! heh well i need to change along with the situation, i think it is abt time. Psst pls promise me, no one should leak/speak anythin abt my driving lessons to/in front of my Mum...cos I wanna surprise her when the day for me to take her for a ride comes! so shhh okie? PROMISE? but do pray that i'll do well & hopefully, with ur prayers...i can pass with juz 1 driving test?? hehe...oh well, we'll see how things go :)

Then headed down to The Cage at Kallang for Couples' Soccer!
I ran, tickled, tackled, teased my way to get my ball...only to form some kinda resentment from Liz's Mr Policeman who called me Mak Nenek for being all over the place!! Eh i'm like Park Ji Sung what...very hardworking player u noe! *LoL* But yes end up dead tired, i think it wasn't really the soccer that wore me out, rather, it was all the Laughing involved during the games that did it! We were such a looney bunch & boy was it FUN!! Thank u Raf & Fyz for organising & tagging us for such a healthy fun time! Liz requested for us to do tis Monthly!

A FINE dinner
Towards the end of the soccer session, we were surprised by Dee & Man's appearance at the Cage. They decided to join us & drop their Saman literally on Liz's & Mr Fyz's vehicles! Yeay!! We are Honoured to be the first to be invited to their wedding!! THANK YOU!! Catchin up over dinner & yoghurt was really lovely..it's been awhile huh since we hang out together, esp. with our partners ard...so Saturday evenin was really great to me!

and a FINER ball game!
5-2...but i managed to stay awake only till 4-2...super tired, fell asleep all the way till mornin when i juz meant to take a lil 5-seconds shut eye. heh. pls have more fighting spirit like tis for the rest of the season...pls pls?

Good mornin Darlin, it's Subuh
LoL i wish my Mum woke me up in such a nice tone...i woke up stunned & achy & the marriage prep class starts at 9am!

Boring? Oh that's Bullshit!
Impressive & Motivating! that's what I'd say abt the 2-sessions marriage prep class by Suchi Success. Session 2 was a tad mellow & more serious as compared to Session 1, which got me laughin till my tummy ache & eyes water watchin the antics of Mr Khair the trainer. I absolutely love its holistic approach of marrying secular & Islamic perspective of Life, Love & Marriage into their teaching materials, opening our eyes & minds towards marriage life as a contemporary Muslim. I especially love how the session began with Mr Khair mentioning as muslims,we are involved in Hablum minallah (relationship with God) wa(and) Hablum minnannas(relationship with fellow Man) & that Marriage is a form of Ibadat(worship to God) & Marriage is all about maintaining Relationship. i hope these words will stick to my head cos it has become such a norm for the community to focus too much on the things "for show" for the wedding rather than emphasising it as a form of worship & workin on the finer definition of Marriage. A few times i fell in the same frame as how the community moulds the whole wedding ting-a-ling and i get kinda upset by lil lil things, but Alhamdulillah, my aunt Always reminds me that i should begin a new life with the best of beginnings, one that is blessed by God rather than one that serves only our own desires! Thank u, my Assistant Mak Pengantin! The course also serves as a refresher to me & as well as a guide to prepare us*duh* to perhaps build a future together as ONE & keep that love goin on ...for the right reasons. The course also ended quite beautifully, putting more confidence & a gentle smile on my face & nothing but every praise to God for how thankful i am to be in this, together with Iyuan. I know struggles & challenges await us in future, very near future, but with God on our side, we shall overcome & struggle on Together...hand in hand, hug in hug okie Mesye? :)

Bowled Over!
Just when i thought i could get home early & lie on my cosy bed or get on Mafia Wars, Raf called & suggested to go bowling after our course. And so we did...and i scored a Turkey! HAH! I've IMPROVED!! no matter how many times Iyuan taught me how to aim or throw the ball proper, i hardly got myself more than 2 strikes back to back but VOILA, a TURKEY! I conclude it must be Bowling Buddies that improved me!! hahaha!

thought i'd juz lie in bed to rest while waitin for Iyuan to reach his home after the bowling session ended...3 seconds later...i drifted to sleep till morning AGAIN!! and it's MONDAY! hello! week end's over...GET UP & WORK!!


And now...it's bed time again & the next thing i'l realise is HELLO TUESDAY!

Oh dear...

Alrite, my blab quota's up, time to rest now....Have good week ahead everyone!


  1. haha poor cuzzin..hope u have a good rest tonite..!
    Aiyah..n bout the Mak nenek thingy, yan was just joking laa...haha..dun take it too heart hor...n can u drive me ard once u passed? Weeeeeee....

  2. hahah i noe he's jokin & it's a funny surprise his reaction!
    it was FUN!!
    hee insya Allah...if u trust me driving ur Fit! ehehehe

  3. Have a good week Madame! Wow it was really sportingly eventful for u! LoL..

  4. Glad you had a good marriage prep course...

    these words ring so true....well said Sophie...its hard enough trying not to lose one's mind in the process..its another keeping your focus and maintaining a realistic expectation of it all. Instead of focusing on pleasing others who are impossible to please either way! No matter how perfect that day turns out to be, someone will surely find some fault, somewhere. so at the end of the day, you'd rather YOU be happy right?

    And besides i'd rather have a blissful marriage than the perfect wedding....

    So yeah, troop on sista! Not much further to go =)

  5. heh... my thighs are still a bit a bit achy today.... Alhamdulillah the crampies were not horrible this time round, else i'd super faint ah... haha.... yes yes... lets go bowling again! we gerls were on a rolllll!

  6. Hmph... This is just my 2 cents worth...
    I don't think you should hide your driving thing from your mother. I think you should inform her and get her blessing. Who knows with her duas, you'd be a better driver.

  7. yeay! the car is moving!! Im very sure your mum would be pleasantly surprised once you get the license, which im sure you will! wheeee~ Promise, will keep quiet and doa for your safe driving journey to the road of passing the TP! whee~

  8. Madame Sophie very rich today hor....*hands Sophie kambing bank*....MUIS say piggy bank not halal.....LOL.

    selamat pagi sayang...dah subuh!
    i remember tat from my marriage prep course with suchi! another one was assalamualaiikum sayang......(dats for 1st nite) and the ustadz kept on asking us to repeat doa jimak all out loud like chanting mantra and the whole class kept on laughing!!!!
    suchi is really good in their marriage prep courses!
    eh sophie nak tawen eeeeeh...haha!!

  10. prodigic: heheh yeah lah...u guys made me all sporty & all sore now...but gettin sore for Happy Times, is Healthy & Good!! thank u, u have a good week ahead too!

    shuhadar: eh kambing bank for me? hehehe thank u for ur deposits...kaya kaya kaya..alhamdulillah ;) and yes i'd rather be happy for my marriage to be God blessed than paint a picture of false happiness.

    raf13: yeah summore summore pls! eheheh next skill: curl ball ah! hahaha ambitious or what!?

    norhafi: thanks for ur input, i hope with the right intention & knowing that my mum Always doa for my safety & well-being, Allah will be merciful & gracious to making my niat come true & help me along the course...it's not like my mum's blessing is not of any importance to me, juz wanna surprise her some time like how my late dad used too..tau tau, eh ada TV baru! eh ada kerusi baru! eh supi drive?? it's fun & the doa that comes after lagik power.. she'll say, like always..."ANAK BERTUAH"! ahhh itu time baru AMIN!

    iyuan: insya Allah :)

    deesdaily: I hope so! and thank u for havin me in ur prayers...hope my intention turn out good!

    pinkpesona: ehhh suka dia! i'm sure u expert already lah, dah SAH apa *LoL* yeah we also had to recite & memorise! yeaps i enjoyed the course very much too :)

  11. the course by suchi success is superb kan!
    learnt a lot. did u write a long letter to your ehem ehem future hubby?

    at that time macam nak nangis kan berlinang2 kan?

  12. hehehehe yes we wrote Love Notes to each other...and yes mcm nak nangis when i read the note from him...tapi maintain babe, maintain...LoL

  13. Ahahah... I am super slow! Not till last nite that I realised my cuzzin is taking driving lessons! =P
    Ganbatte cuzzin!

    I'm sure you'll pull of the sweet surprise for Mak Ude... Insya Allah!

    Then after that u can drive the rest of us around!! =D

  14. Banzai!!hehehe!
    thank u thank u...insya Allah..i look forward to those!

  15. Touching kan kita nye notes...

  16. u touch me deep deep la my love....heee!!
