Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The Most Beautiful Relationship

Could it be through me that u found solace,
His message to u is "In spite of all the troubles, U r Loved"?

Could it be through u that i found realisations,
His message to me is "In spite of all the distractions, U r still Guided"?

His Signs come ever subtle
Yet they hit right there in the core of the human soul
And bring it to a humbling Awe everytime

Is there a greater Love or Guidance than that of God's?

فَبِأَيِّ آلاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that you deny?
[a verse from Surah Ar Rahman]

Look around, reflect, realise, give thanks & praise the Lord for every lil blessings for every lil goodness even in the most troubling circumstances.


  1. ah...wat u said is true..we learn thru one another n god always has his own ways to guide us..
    i hope everythin's well on ur side cuzzin..

  2. all's pretty good on my side, i feel blessed...never too far away from His light, hope to be like tis always or even better!

  3. ah..bliss~! :) the fact that we are holding on to the one and only faith is the biggest favour our Lord has given to us!

  4. this is so true.. :)
    finding solace n peace n guidance frm him..

  5. ezsraism: indeed...syukur Alhamdulillah!

    pinkpesona/syeeqeen: yeap...Allah leaves us abundant of Signs of His Love & Grace; in nature & our very own way of livin our's juz a matter of whether we realise it or not, and sometimes u get so profoundly inspired by His Signs, that u r moved to tears, that they simply humble u & u can do nothin else but to praise Him & want to do more for Him for all that He provide us with, right?
