mass orgy(as Dee described it aka all girls getaway) last week end is one of the rarest opportunities for us to juz hang out together & have girlie fun! Sure, it was not Bondi or the luscious greeneries of MacQuarie Uni but what made the trip most lovely was the delightful company of four other cranky & crazy gals who have bonded over the years & Batam is forever etched in my mind as a beautiful memory. Seems like it's a kewl island to juz go & have female bondin session...earlier tis year i had a great time with my Pure Indulgence Seekers & now, with the Garang Tak Sayang Mulut gurls... nice nice. came back with a bunch of soaps (liquid/bars) like i haven't bathed for ages! LoL tis is called SUPPLIES of if-u-dun-go-to-batam-u-won't-get-em(at all or cheap-in-SG!) yeaps, label me Kiasu, i dun mind at all for such goodies! somehow, i wish i could do the same with the
minah payung of SP...but now with almost everyone committed to their social/family agenda, i guess...i could only hold on to the memories of our
secret island...those were the carefree & single days...
aside from soap shoppin, i tried foot reflexology & had an intimate hot stone massage with Dee sharin the cosy spa hut with me. the foot reflexology left me with a slight pain on the left big toe & Mummy June said that it has somethin to do with my brain and true enuff, i felt giddy the whole of yesterday & upon checkin out a foot reflexology chart off the Net, the point that had the pain was connected to the cerebrum.'s freaky but Emm i think there's too much rush of blood to the head or too much wind to expel...Thank God after havin some coke last nite, after plenty of burpin...i felt much better. i think meetin Iyuan helps too...Love Therapy...hahah!
So much abt the trip, the week end was greeted with 2 bizarre news. First was that now Michael jackson is a Muslim called Mikaeel & second was the fatwa issued out by the National Fatwa Council in Malaysia statin that Yoga is HARAM. well alhamdulillah if Michael Jackson has truly embraced the beautiful religion and is a part of our brotherhood in worshippin the One God but as for the fatwa that was dished out, hmmm kinda controversial i'd say.
I am For yoga, as it has nothin but a positive effect on me when i was actively practisin...but then, i was only practisin the Physical aspect of it excludin the meditations & mantra. Still, i felt a certain calm, good focus & transitionin to different poses only challenges myself & increases my flexibility that promotes a certain peace & harmony instead of tension & stress for my inner self. I can't say that i am blatantly against the
fatwa as the syura's rationale is quite in line with the very teachings of Islam of taking a safe stance of Prevention of people from goin against their faith in One God & emulatin/practisin what non-muslims are doin but on the other hand, with knowledge & education of what should not be done/thought/chanted, i personally feel that the Physical aspect of Yoga (especially proper breathin technique) does no harm to is juz like other
Riadah such as swimming, pilates or aerobics. in fact i think it aids one to have a better sense of well-being & appreciate all creations of God in a more positive light...hmmm...
Every day is juz more complicated than yesterday...