I haven't been the happiest person here for the past weeks but am pretty content goin with the flow of things. Still I am sure, I am blessed & am really thankful for that!
Work's been pretty much sappin away much of my energy for the whole of Ramadhan & it is really upsettin that the company had to shift on the Friday before Eid and in the midst of all that shifting, i was a Ping Pong personnel, shuffling between production work at my old dept and packin stuff in my current dept. Since the manager wanted me to prioritise renderin my help in building the inventory for my old dept, much packin was done by my senior. Poor dude, he cleared almost everythin by himself n especially the Dirty Job portion.
Although the new location of the company, the Prison-like food, super short lunch time & no vending machine ALL suck...I am pretty much copin with the lil (not necessarily better) changes & am tryin to stay positive about work as much as possible. And the past 2 day have been pretty fun as I have started doin the Dirty Job instead of passin time idly or freezin my ass below the aircon while surfin the computer to source for lab stuff or worse, shufflin between 2 labs like in the ol site! Yeay!
And today, after months of official transfer but still stuck at the ol dept most of the time, i finally gotta don my "Spacesuit"! Finally i feel like i now Technically belong to my current dept! OK more plasma works ahead please but i might have one problem: i dunno if i can ever look at Ice Jelly Cocktail or Honey Sea Coconut in the same light ever again due to what I handled for the first time today..Heh~
hey are you still with MP Biomedicals?
ReplyDeleteso laboratory chilling...hehehe
ReplyDeletestarrysummer; Yeap i decided to go back there full-time after failed attempts of gettin employed elsewhere but i've transferred to another dept already, no more with WB...so i'm learnin new stuff now :)
ReplyDeletepinkpesona: yeah for now i getta do a lil chilling...brrr...hehe!
hehe... Alhamdulilah... Maybe that's u didn't get other jobs because this was what was planned for u...
ReplyDeleteits ok..as long as i can still eat... hehe..pe saje wi.. hehe.. all the best dear!!! exciting nyer!
ReplyDeletei thot so too...perhaps that is what God wills for me at this point of time in life (or maybe for life? hah i can nvr be oo sure kan?).
ReplyDeleteit feels like a new job with better pay anyway after much playin hard-to-get with my manager..hehehe!
hehe all the best in your new dept babe~! wah wah pakai spacesuit! LOL
ReplyDeleteheh tak tau eh...cos to stop myself feelin squirmy with the stuff i handle, i keep tellin myself...i'm juz playin with a big container of ice jelly...scoop scoop, squeeze squeeze! ice jelly, ice jelly! haha!
ReplyDeletethanx babe! am juz hopin that i can learn the ropes smoothly and not be ping pong-ed again to my ol dept while still on the apprentice mode. hee yeah must wear the suit with mask & goggles to avoid gettin biohazard ice jelly splashed/spilled on myself. eee geli!
ReplyDeleteahhhh...ok cool cuzzin~
ReplyDeleteall da best in ur new dept!
i hope i get my transfer approved..
haha...im staying off ribena and u are staying off ice jelly? lol...but really wat ice jelly looks like bacterial agar oh..have u seen fly food? it looks like peanut butter..lol
ReplyDeleteok, i tot my mask and double gloves were bad enuff, your spacesuit wins it all babe. but precautions is alway impt, no matter how uncomfy we are, its necessary. Go sophie!
boneeta: thanx liz! ouh u askin for transfer too? hope u'll get it if it's for the better!
ReplyDeletedeesdaily: lol what coincidence, i had the same thot when i read ur blog...our shiftin also durin the same period, of all times! heheh seriously bacterial agar plates are not so bad, sometimes smell like horlicks...tis one...coagulated infected human plasma...scary! precaution is a definite MUST. together we Cheong ah!
yes cuzzin..im asking for a transfer and really really hope i get it..pray for me k..thanks!
ReplyDeleteweee...spacegyrl sophie! take pics! camwhore!
yeaps i will...insya Allah!!
ReplyDeletehaha camwhore? tak pandai! i'll try to get my colleague to take a pic of me in the suit the next time i have to don it!
The other day (the day u went my plc) when i had class in Unicampus, the moment i stepped into the class, I saw "posters" at the back of the class with words like Blood Agar, Anaerobic and what ever biomedical terms that i could remember... I never thought I would say this but... "I miss being a lab rat!!!"
ReplyDeleteHahah...Ok enuff about me... I'm glad u seem more settled at ur new place cuz... I hope u have more exciting time ahead of you! =)
Cheong On Cuzzin!! =D
Good Luck Cuz Lizzie! *WinkX*
ReplyDeletenyahahaha u r still a lil science geek at heart! btw, check out my silly colleagues=silly geeks, i can't stop laughin at the 3 of them! my company's version of Bujang Lapok Cheenak! hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'm a science geek too! Only in the bedroom! LoL
ReplyDeletenyahahahha!! very goood!!
ReplyDeletespace suits? like those hazmat ones? heh... saw a bunch at SGH on sat... freaked me out... heh