Monday, 14 April 2008

Like a Gentle Solace

Come, like a gentle solace
In rembrance of the Rabb
With love for the Mercy of all the Worlds

Pursue, pursue knowledge abundant and stream them out with a heart full of humility & sincerity
Observe the harsh reality yet hold back brutal critics for respect & sensitivity
In the search & redha of the Truth & Divine

Rise, rise O Ummah of Muhammad
Let the Light he bring shine on for you
To lead you out of the Dark

Leave, leave all the sorrows the world bring
And enter into the realm of God's peace

Raise your chin up, O Khalifah of Allah
Strengthen your Iman, O Inheritors of Al-Quran & Sunnah
Let us walk on tis earth steadfast as One Ummah, One United Community
Spreading & embracing none other than Rasulullah's message of Humanity

It starts with US
It starts with you & me

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