Friday, 2 March 2007

Tagged on 7s

Arrowed by the naughty mama, Eidza

7 Random Facts Abt Me

  1. i am greatly tormented by Organic Chemistry!!

  2. i am a Multiply & Internet addict

  3. i irk havin my social freedom surpressed

  4. i prefer to see goodness in life

  5. i choose wisdom over fashion

  6. i get irritated easily if i can't make stink bomb for days
  7. i have little tolerance for petty/catty behaviours

7 Things I'm Afraid of

  1. failing two modules whereby the results are dependent on my report-writing. i wanna GRAD tis year!

  2. Fresh Bird Shit droppin on me! (damn icky rite??)

  3. not gettin a proper job soon to support myself

  4. takin others for granted

  5. extreme everything (always do things in moderation)

  6. gettin raped!
  7. forgettin to be grateful to God everyday

7 Random Songs At The Moment

  1. Running- No Doubt (reminds me of walkin in the rain, hand in hand with mesye some nites back...he was singin to tis..hehe)

  2. I Hope, I Think, I Know-OASIS (best song to be blastin n singin along while cruisin the roads!)

  3. Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne (the song that keep me goin while in Aussieland)

  4. Night of My Life - Damien Leigh (lovely lovely song)

  5. Ye Qu - Jay Chou (the saddest song ever-

  6. So Nice (Summer Samba) - Bebel Gilberto/Lisa Ono/Olivia (from Singapore)

  7. Furry Animal Fury - Serenaide (wooot!)

7 Things Tat I LOVE

  1. Glorious Food!

  2. The sweetest taste of love & romance

  3. The smell of eucalyptus in the air while back in Sydney
  4. Snappin photos (cam-whorin not included)

  5. Wigglin n squirmin around

  6. Backlanes (if u dun already noticed)

  7. hoho...n of course MULTIPLY!!!

7 Things I Say The Most

  1. Allo!

  2. Yooohoo...

  3. Wtf??

  4. Shit!

  5. Sorry (cannot hear the first time)

  6. Eh??

  7. Tis one has been gettin more frequent lately...CB!!!

7 People to do Tis

must arrow the unsuspectin ones in my network...let's see

  1. princessdyanne

  2. alanutte

  3. junesum

  4. yudenish

  5. ruwaka

  6. cyclopsitz

  7. leighnaz


  1. Hahaha... Good-good! "Force" him to blog! kekeke..

  2. u forgot one more..."no worries.."

  3. yeah yea...come on, wan...bring out some goodies abt urself...

  4. i'll pray for ya success! all the best!!
    *2 thumbs up*

  5. this is a great way to learn more abt you...xoxox

  6. hurhur fancy dishin my dirt on the web...oh well, yeah those are some lil bits abt me :)

  7. wahhh your mulut damn lucah...
    hahaha...tak ada ke beristighfar?? hahaha

  8. ada, lepas a few lucahness..erks!

  9. Wahaha... Stink bomb... Drink plain water at least 2 glasses every morning before ur breakfast. if u don't take breakfast, before u go out. must force urself to drink..

  10. congrats for completing the tag!
    eh u like wigglin and squirmin ard! hmmmm....

  11. norhafi: really mujarab ah??
    ejadam: yeah i dun like to stay still, rimas. LoL
    cyclopsitz: and what is the expression on ur emoticon suppose to be?
