Sunday, 1 April 2007

Desktop Parade!

Hah well, it's a TAG!! Quite kewl eh? Here's how my desktop looks like. I know, not the most Fuss Free desktop ever but i like it that way....


Resolution : 1280 x 800 pixels (right click/properties/setting)

Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : It's a Lappy monitor!

Been using this desktop since : since i got my happylappy?

Hit “Print Scrn” on the keyboard, then Ctrl+C, then open paint or adobe photoshop and Ctrl+V. Then save and post in your blog as usual.

So who'll be my target desktop exhibitionists??? I'll nominate 10 of u! Pls do this ok?

1. iyuan

2. prodigic

3. izfazly

4. noorazmin

5. bythestillriver

6. boneeta

7. nebride

8. badawiyah

9. kohleyes

10. raf13

Bring It!


  1. Mine...

    Resolution: 1680 * 1050

  2. iyuan, tt's kewl! how did u do those icons at the bottom, care to share?

  3. sophie... so retro!
    iyuan..urs is mac aint it? looks like my hub's.. their graphics are more powderful!

  4. dats not a mac.. dats a windows. Maybe he's using Window Blinds & Kornfabulator.

    Sophie, i'll post mine soon. its not dat spectacular though.

  5. Sweetlipz: thanks those icons are done by using this program called Stardock, u can give it a google.
    ejadam: hehe not a mac tho i have a mac this shot is off my pc...
    noorazmin: yup u are right windowblinds, but i dun use kornfabulator tho object dock mostly, widgets eats too much ram. better save those for mac..=)

  6. yeah kornfabulator eats too much RAM. its juz good coz its free. hehe.. will post mine tonite!

  7. Eh mesye i saved so many nice wallpaper for u, then u never use them... >.<

  8. ejadam: yep retro is me, bf is the one who is techno-savvy
    noorazmin: us!
    iyuan: ehh?? many? i only have the regal blue one lah which i requested. i dunno where else u store the Many ones...i can't find in my own/Guest user profile pun...
    bythestillriver: DO lah!!

  9. woooot mr bob marley eh??!! and what's that on ur desktop? learn to speak spanish program? hoho not bad!

  10. Mine will be ;

    Nothing fancy..
    Resolution : 1280 x 800 pixels
    Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : It's a Lappy monitor!

  11. Mine's this ;

    Resolution : 1280 x 800 pixels
    Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : It's a Lappy monitor!

  12. WAH LAU EH MR FYZ!!!!!!!! *swallows saliva*

  13.'s mine..

    Resolution : 1024 X 768

    Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : CRT

    Been using this desktop since : since i found me, myself n i again..

  14. woooott~~~
    sexxxayyy cuzzin!! lurve ur wallpaper!

  15. haha..thx thx..appreciatin myself.. *grins*

  16. kena tagged la dey..but i dunno how to paste ley..teehee...

  17. the instruction is on my blog entry...u paste it on ur site...org2 yg paste in reply boxes ni tak follow instructions...

  18. Hahah 1 screenie is "No woman, no cry" the other "No food, can die" ?? Hahaha

  19. ooohhh i lurve the bob marley desktop! the steak... errr if my hubby sees tat i think his fangs will appear! its like medium rare!

  20. Resolution : 1024x768
    Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : LCD Monitor
    Been using this desktop since : since I decided that hot guys are overrated...haha

  21. here is mine. Sorry for the delay

  22. i love mr fyz one.. makes me hungry.. anyway, kalau u tag me, i give u the sky and field desktop.. hehe.. pemalas nak tukar..

  23. wheeeee all very nice lahhh!!
    nebride: i luv that runway model pic..very nice!
    noorazmin: i thot ur wallpaper would be filled with lego tiles...hahah but i see lego program tetap on desktop eh!
    norhafi: hehe windows wallpaper pun tak pe lah...asal internet tu boleh pakai!!!

  24. here it is! finally!
    1280 x 800, lappy monitor
    been using this desktop since i formatted her.. =)
