Saturday, 5 August 2006

Ceasefire Vigil

Ok i dunno why i am this crazy but i have just emailed the Licence Officer of the SPF to check if i can get a permit by the 7th Aug to organise/carry out tis vigil. IF they respond to me promptly and the permission is granted, is there any one of u who will JOIN me in this (of course, open to my fellow Singapore contacts only...those outside Singapore, by all means please conduct one in ur area if possible)? U can PM me if keen ok, by today 6pm 5th august, if no response from police by tis time or if i fail to gather people...hmmm guess i'll juz Multiply it out.


How to organize a "Ceasefire" vigil (from Amnesty International)


Monday 7th August 2006, around sunset


  • A neutral location of symbolic or cultural importance. Examples may include main squares or plazas, major parks, places of worship or main shopping malls.
  • It is very important that vigils should not take place outside of Israeli or Lebanese embassies, or the embassies of other nations.

The message:
  • We call for a ceasefire;
  • We demand that all governments stop the supply of arms to the conflict; and
  • We stand in solidarity with the victims and survivors on both sides of the Israel/Lebanon conflict.

Staging your vigil:
  • Vigils could display the word CEASEFIRE, as largely as
    possible. You may use a banner, a formation of people or candles,
    cardboard cut-outs, light projections - be creative!
  • Ask participants to bring a candle to light at the vigil and decorate your vigil with as much candlelight as possible
  • Wear black clothes and create display items that are black and white
  • You may wish to read a suggested recital at your vigil (see below)
  • You may also conduct a 2 minutes of silence to
    reflect on the victims of both parties, and to stand in solidarity with
    those survivors trapped in the conflict on both sides
  • Take photos - and send them to us by email at dscott [at] Please write "Ceasefire vigil" in the subject line, and tell us in which country and city the vigil took place.

In past weeks we have seen the catastrophic events of the
conflict between Israel and Hizbullah unfold and magnify into a
devastating series of violent atrocities and war crimes. We hear of the
hundreds of lives lost, the homes destroyed, families torn apart and
livelihoods crushed.

This evening, Amnesty International members around the world, our
supporters, our friends and our fellow partner organizations all stand
together in solidarity with those who have suffered in this conflict.
We mourn deeply for the victims and our hearts reach out to their
families to wish them strength in this time of chaos. Our thoughts also
stay closely with those surviving the conflict in the face of extreme
danger, to whom we wish courage and immediate safety.

We call on Israel and Hizbullah to start respecting the lives and the
human rights of civilians, and we implore other governments around the
world to intervene - those who know they can help the people of Israel
and Lebanon - and join our call for an end to this senseless violence.

Today we stand together with a simple message: For all our sakes, ceasefire


  1. you kidding me right??? well if you get the go ahead, you can expect to see me there.....i can help spread the word around my contacts also..but get the permit first...
    but a word of warning: the Singapore's government stance is pro-America and pro-Israel. You can try but dont expect too much, I dont want you to be unneccesarily dissapointed.

  2. This is in reply to your email subject : Enquiry for Permit to publicise a

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thank you for writing to Police Licensing Division of the Singapore Police Force (SPF). Please be assured that your e-mail is receiving our attention and that we will reply you as soon as we can. In the event that your query requires more time for us to gather the required
    information, we appreciate your understanding if we are unable to respond as quickly as we would like to.

    If you would like to speak to any of our officer with regard to your
    query, please contact us at 6835 0000.

    Yours faithfully,



    by the looks of the response, no go lah...Project Ceasefire Vigil: FAIL!
    nevermind, i'll just put up the recital on the 7th here again and maybe do some mass e-mailing to spread awareness.
    those in favour of a ceasefire, i hope u'd put up the recital on ur site too and link it to Amnesty Organisation.

    thanx Hafiz

  3. silly their reply.... darling..u cant have high hopes for these.. they will buat bodoh..unless u go and see them and create havoc and say they arent willing to give u a licence coz a) u are a minority
    b) spore is pro ISRAELI c) they think u are some small fish with a too a big hope.....

    i know i sound damn negative , but there is no way one can get such license,..... remember the 7 singaporean that were jailed for doing a peaceful protest in front of the US embassy for no war in iraq>... these included kids..... so how now? not to bring you down.... i hope one day it will happen, not this time though..good luck on trying again..... u shud 'spit' back at their face and make them malu, then maybe they will let u have your license! :)

  4. come back here to sg...then we can do together! lemau ah! hahaha...small fish with big hope indeed, i need a school of small fishies to get things done!
