Saturday, 24 June 2006

aLL that throBBings

are goin awayyyy~

oooo rejoice! rejoice! i'm smellin health comin back to me!
although i'm still plagued by partial deafness and bloody phlegm still lingers around the throat
Viva la Resistance, my foot!
Resistance is Futile when the enemy got me, no not at the gates, at home..
And tis miss here refuses to go the doctor because of her "I am a Strong girl" stance so she became a battleground for one freakin week fightin fever ->sore throat ->insomnia-> throbbin head(worst of the lot)!

i don't like me when i'm's like the demons in me are unleashed, it makes me weak. i have this magnified negative aura that make everythin else seems so wrong, superficial and irritating. i'm such a B when i'm sick, so if u want some consoling, some opinions, some attention, some niceness from me when i'm sick...i'm really sorry sweet Sophie's unavailable at the moment. i want those all for myself rather than care for others. I'm a BITCH and I'm SELFISH, when i'm sick. and i CAN'T THINK! Bummer...see now u noe why i don't like me when i'm sick? Loathsome!

to those who have been in contact with me durin tis period, who suffered my ugly, rash behaviours, whom i inflicted upon my angry lashings, rantings and whinings...i would like to apologise for all that and thank u for bearin with me esp. my dearest Mesye who tolerated all these the most!


  1. HAHAHAHAHA... everyone goes through a rough patch.. Alhamdulillah u are well and kicking~!!!

  2. welcome back my cheery, fun cuzzin!!!!

  3. hey glad you are getting better =) Do take care, dont worry a the bitchy thingy, i dont feel it at all...u are soooo sweet to go home and come to school to pass me my notes =)
    Hey, look on the bright side, im a bitch all the time cursing and critisinfg all those who come my fren matter even wants to buy me a tee that says.."You call me a bitch? Like thats such a bad thing" hahahah...Viva la sophie! See u on monday =)

  4. norhafi: tis e season to be sick...falalala lala lala...get well soon babe!!

    boneeta: heee thank u, yeah i'm feelin alot better!

    deesdaily: tt's my responsibility lah, the longer ur notes stay with me, the more guilty i get! hehe ur fren really got some attitude eh! if can find one(the bitchy tee), buy for me..i'll wear it when i'm sick again or havin PMS. hahah! btw u r sweet by default lah, Dee!

  5. dance the sickness off! shake the disease....take care of least you are better now.... :P

  6. everyone's entitled to their moments... heh... good to know u feeling better!

  7. Eh? Me ? Hahah i am work so dont get much of ur bitchiness...Heheh..

  8. eminozy: i'm well enuf to dance now!! hehehe *wiggle here, wiggle there*

    raf13: heee thank u Raf!

    iyuan: u kena the merengek most..heheh!!

  9. i think u are all better now to dance wif the monyet!!

  10. arghhhhh awak tease kita eh!!! hehehe yes yes me dah baik, dah boleh terkinja-kinja macam monyet! ahhahah
